October 31, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Sak, Bieda and Dean and referred to the Committee on Transportation.
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled
"Michigan vehicle code,"
(MCL 257.1 to 257.923) by adding section 602b.
Sec. 602b. (1) A person shall not read, write, or send a text
message on a wireless 2-way communication device, including a radio
telephone used in cellular telephone service or personal
communication service, while operating a motor vehicle on a highway
or street in this state.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an individual who is
using a device described in subsection (1) to do any of the
(a) Report a traffic accident, medical emergency, or serious
road hazard.
(b) Report a situation in which the person believes his or her
personal safety is in jeopardy.
(c) Report or avert the perpetration or potential perpetration
of a criminal act against the individual or another person.
(d) Carry out official duties as a police officer, law
enforcement official, member of a paid or volunteer fire
department, or operator of an emergency vehicle.
(3) Enforcement of this section by state or local law
enforcement agencies shall be accomplished only as a secondary
action when a driver of a motor vehicle has been detained for a
suspected violation of another section of this act.
(4) An individual who violates this section is responsible for
a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $500.00.