October 25, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Amos, Booher, Nitz, Garfield, Emmons, David Law, Hansen, Gaffney, Nofs, Hune, Meltzer, Hildenbrand, Shaffer, Moss, Ward, DeRoche, Pastor, Angerer, Accavitti, Condino, Vagnozzi, Constan, Clack, Alma Smith, Bauer, Leland, Valentine, Sheltrown, Casperson, Stahl and Stakoe and referred to the Committee on Transportation.
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled
"Michigan vehicle code,"
by amending section 811e (MCL 257.811e), as amended by 2006 PA 562,
and by adding section 811r.
811e. (1) Beginning January
1, 2007, the The secretary
state may develop a fund-raising plate as provided in this section.
(2) A start-up fee of $15,000.00 shall be paid for any new
fund-raising plate authorized under this section, which fee shall
be deposited in the transportation administration collection fund
to be used for the cost of creating, producing, and issuing fund-
raising plates. If the fee described in this subsection is not paid
18 months of after the effective date of the public act that
authorizes the development and issuance of a fund-raising plate,
the related fund-raising plate
shall not be created, produced,
or issued. A start-up fee paid under this subsection is
(3) Not less than 3 years after the secretary of state first
issues 1 of the fund-raising plates as described in subsection (1)
and upon payment of $2,000.00, the Michigan university or other
person sponsoring that fund-raising plate may redesign it as
approved by the secretary of state. The payment required under this
subsection shall be deposited in the transportation administration
collection fund to be used for the cost of creating, producing, and
issuing fund-raising plates. A payment under this subsection is
(4) The secretary of state may develop 1 or more limited term
registration plates to recognize a Michigan university or an
accomplishment or occasion of a Michigan university.
The secretary of state may , at any 1 time, develop not
than 8 different state sponsored
fund-raising registration
plates as described in this section, and matching state-sponsored
collector plates as described in section 811g.
(6) The secretary of state shall not develop or issue a fund-
raising plate unless a public act authorizing the fund-raising
plate, at a minimum, does all of the following:
(a) Identifies the purpose of the fund-raising plate.
(b) Creates a nonprofit fund or designates an existing
nonprofit fund to receive the money raised through the sale of
fund-raising plates and matching collector plates.
(c) If a fund is created, names the person or entity
responsible for administering the fund.
Sec. 811r. (1) The secretary of state shall develop under
section 811e and issue under section 811f a fund-raising plate
recognizing the Michigan council for arts and cultural affairs. The
secretary of state in conjunction with the Michigan council for
arts and cultural affairs shall design the fund-raising plates
authorized in this section.
(2) The Michigan council for arts and cultural affairs fund is
created within the state treasury. The state treasurer may receive
money or other assets from any source for deposit into the fund.
The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the fund. The
state treasurer shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from
fund investments. Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year
shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.
(3) The secretary of state shall transfer the donation money
from the sale of fund-raising plates recognizing the Michigan
council for arts and cultural affairs to the state treasurer, who
shall credit the donation money to the Michigan council for arts
and cultural affairs fund established under subsection (2).
(4) The state treasurer shall disburse money in the fund
established under subsection (2) on a quarterly basis to Michigan
council for arts and cultural affairs. Beginning not later than
February 1, 2009, the Michigan council for arts and cultural
affairs shall submit to the state treasurer a summary of the
expenditures during the preceding year of the money received under
this section.
(5) The secretary of state shall be the administrator of the
fund for auditing purposes.