June 12, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Wojno, Accavitti, Miller and Polidori and referred to the Committee on Insurance.


     A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


(MCL 500.100 to 500.8302) by adding section 3406s.




     Sec. 3406s. (1) An expense-incurred hospital, medical, or


surgical policy or certificate delivered, issued for delivery, or


renewed in this state and a health maintenance organization group


or individual contract shall include coverage for prosthetics and


orthotics that, at a minimum, equals the prosthetics and orthotics


coverage provided for under 42 USC 1395k, 1395l, and 1395n and 42


CFR 410.100, 414.202, 414.210, and 414.228. Coverage shall include


replacement for the prosthetic or orthotic if required because of a


change in the member's physical condition and for repair or


replacement if determined appropriate by the member's treating


physician. Coverage may be limited to the most appropriate model


that adequately meets the medical needs of the member as determined


by the member's treating physician.


     (2) An insurer and a health maintenance organization may


require prior authorization for prosthetics and orthotics in the


same manner that prior authorization is required for any other


covered benefit. An insurer and a health maintenance organization


may impose copayments and coinsurance amounts on prosthetics and


orthotics not to exceed the copayment and coinsurance amounts


imposed for prosthetics and orthotics under part B of medicare, 42


USC 1395j to 1395w-4. An insurer and a health maintenance


organization shall reimburse for prosthetics and orthotics at no


less than the fee schedule for prosthetics and orthotics under the


medical reimbursement fee schedule established by the centers for


medicare and medicaid services based on the health care common


procedure coding system. An insurer and a health maintenance


organization shall not impose any annual or lifetime dollar maximum


on prosthetics and orthotics coverage other than an annual or


lifetime dollar maximum that applies in the aggregate to all terms


and services covered under the policy, certificate, or contract.


     (3) As used in this section:


     (a) "Orthotics" means all services requiring custom orthoses.


     (b) "Prosthetics" means external extremity prosthetics for the


appendicular skeleton.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 180 days


after the date it is enacted.