May 15, 2007, Introduced by Rep. Robertson and referred to the Committee on Transportation.


     A bill to amend 1993 PA 354, entitled


"Railroad code of 1993,"


by amending section 307 (MCL 462.307).




     Sec. 307. (1) A new public street, highway, or a new


nonmotorized trail shall not be constructed across the tracks of


any railroad, or the new tracks of any railroad shall not be


constructed across a public street, highway, or nonmotorized trail


until approval is granted by the department. Upon application, the


department shall investigate the location of the proposed crossing.


     (2) The department, when it determines necessary for the


safety of the public, may change the location of or abolish any


existing public grade crossing after not less than 30 days' notice


in the area affected by the crossing. A public hearing shall be


held by the department if requested by any affected party. Within


30 days after the date of the hearing, the department may issue an


order to close the existing grade crossing. Any person, local unit


of government, or road authority having an interest in the


abolishment of an existing grade crossing, within 30 days after the


closure order of the department, may commence an action in the


circuit court for the county of Ingham against the department as


defendant to vacate or set aside the order.


     (3) Commencing with the date of the federal designation of a


high-speed rail corridor, a public or private at-grade street or


highway or a farm, bicycle, or pedestrian crossing shall not be


constructed across the railroad tracks of that corridor except for


a crossing consolidation or relocation approved by the department.


     (4) If the location of a proposed crossing is found to be


necessary, feasible, and may be made reasonably safe for a crossing


at grade, the department shall grant permission for the crossing.


The department shall require installation of such traffic control


devices as that in its judgment may be appropriate. When a crossing


necessitated by a new roadway across an existing track is


permitted, the department shall, simultaneously, after


investigation, and hearing, order the abolishment of 1 or more


existing grade crossings having less fewer than 100 500 vehicles a


day within the same road authority jurisdiction. , if the involved


road authority and railroad may waive hearing thereon. The


department shall not order the abolishment of an existing grade


crossing under this subsection if the crossing provides the sole


access to any property or the department, in consultation with the


affected road authority and the local unit of government


responsible for police, fire, and emergency services, finds that


the crossing is necessary to provide emergency services or the


abolishment of the crossing would cause significant economic


hardship to any aspect of commerce.


     (5) If the department determines that the proposed location


may not be made reasonably safe for a grade crossing, it shall deny


permission for the crossing and require the crossing to be


redesigned, if constructed at that location, or to be made other


than at grade in accordance with section 319. If the department


determines that it is impractical to secure a safe crossing at the


point in question, either at grade or otherwise, it shall deny the


grade crossing.


     (6) The full cost of constructing a new street or highway


across an existing railroad, or of a new railroad track or tracks


across an existing street or highway, shall be borne by the party


requesting the crossing. The following shall apply to a new or


relocated grade crossing:


     (a) The plans for the grade crossing shall be approved by both


railroad and road authority. If there is a failure to agree, the


department shall settle the points of disagreement by the terms of


its order.


     (b) The relocation of an existing grade crossing or the


establishment of a new grade crossing at which the existing public


highway grade crossing is completely abandoned, shall be


constructed and the cost borne in the same manner as in the case of


a new grade crossing. The maintenance responsibility of the


relocated crossing shall be the same as the removed crossing unless


otherwise agreed to by the parties.


     (c) Temporary grade crossings shall be constructed,


maintained, and removed at the sole expense of the parties


requesting the same.


     (d) The cost of construction shall include the direct


construction cost of the roadbed, track structure, grade crossing


surface, pavement, traffic control devices and drainage, including


all material, labor, and services and other costs of construction.


     (e) After construction, the grade crossing and traffic control


devices shall be maintained as provided in this act.


     (7) Upon approval of any new grade crossing project requested


by a road authority, the road authority shall notify the railroad,


in writing, to furnish a competent inspector and other necessary


persons to inspect the construction of the grade crossing which


shall be constructed according to the order of the department. The


road authority shall pay to the railroad the actual costs incurred


by the railroad for the time actually and necessarily spent in


inspecting construction. Upon approval of any new grade crossing


project requested by a railroad, the railroad shall notify the road


authority, in writing, to furnish a competent inspector and other


necessary persons to inspect the construction of the grade crossing


which shall be constructed according to the order of the


department. The railroad shall pay to the road authority the actual


costs incurred by the road authority for the time actually and


necessarily spent in inspecting construction.


     (8) A road authority may request a railroad or a railroad may


request a road authority, in writing, to reconstruct, change,


widen, or alter that portion of an existing grade crossing with a


public street or highway for which they are responsible to


accommodate the requesting party's plans for reconstruction,


change, widening, or alteration of their crossing related facility.


The requesting party shall notify the other party to conform to the


change simultaneously with the requesting party's work. However, if


the party requested to make changes refuses, the requesting party


may make application to the department for a determination. The


department, after due hearing on the issue, shall determine the


matters in dispute by order. The full cost of the reconstructing,


change, widening, or alteration shall be borne by the party


requesting it, unless otherwise agreed to.


     (9) If a track through any grade crossing is abandoned through


legal proceedings, the railroad, at its cost as part of routine


maintenance, shall remove the tracks and any active traffic control


devices and then shall restore the street or highway surface in a


manner satisfactory to the road authority. The road authority, at


its cost as part of routine maintenance, shall remove all passive


traffic control devices. The track and all traffic control devices


shall be removed within 1 year of the abandonment. Until such


removal is complete, the railroad and road authority shall maintain


it in accordance with this act.


     (10) If a track through any grade crossing becomes unnecessary


for the conduct of railroad services, the railroad, at its cost as


part of routine maintenance, shall remove the track and any active


traffic control devices and then shall restore the street or


highway surface in a manner satisfactory to the road authority. The


road authority, at its cost as part of routine maintenance, shall


remove all passive traffic control devices. The department may


order the railroad to remove the track and any traffic control


devices if there is not a likelihood of continued use. Until the


track and all traffic control devices are removed, the railroad and


road authority shall maintain it in accordance with this act.