March 14, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Gillard, Sheltrown, Ball, Ward, Mayes, Farrah and Steil and referred to the Committee on Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources.


     A bill to amend 1967 PA 288, entitled


"Land division act,"


by amending section 253 (MCL 560.253).




     Sec. 253. (1) When a plat is certified, signed, acknowledged


and recorded as prescribed in this act, every dedication, gift, or


grant to the public or to any person, society, or corporation


marked or noted as such on the plat shall be deemed considered to


be sufficient conveyance to vest the fee simple of all parcels of


land so marked and noted as a dedication, gift, or grant, and shall


be considered a general warranty against the donors, their heirs,


and assigns to the donees for their use for the purposes therein


expressed in the dedication, gift, or grant and no other.


     (2) The purposes of a dedication, gift, or grant under


subsection (1) of a road, street, or alley terminating at a lake or


stream, or terminating at a common area, a right-of-way, or a


public park that is contiguous to the shoreline of a lake or


stream, shall be presumed to include the seasonal mooring of boats,


sunbathing, and lounging as otherwise authorized by law. This


presumption is conclusive unless rebutted by competent evidence


before the circuit court in the county in which the land is


located, showing that the plat proprietor intended not to authorize


the seasonal mooring of boats, sunbathing, and lounging at the end


of the road, street, or alley.


     (3) (2) The land intended for the streets, alleys, commons,


parks or other public uses as designated on the plat shall be held


by the municipality in which the plat is situated in trust to and


for such those uses and purposes.


     (4) (3) A reservation or an ownership interest in mineral


rights or underground gas storage rights in land shall does not


constitute the holding of title for the purpose of signing the


proprietor's certificate.