SB-1161, As Passed House, April 23, 2008



























     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending section 20173a (MCL 333.20173a), as added by 2006 PA






     Sec. 20173a. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection


(2), a health facility or agency that is a nursing home, county


medical care facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing bed


services, home for the aged, or home health agency shall not


employ, independently contract with, or grant clinical privileges


to an individual who regularly has direct access to or provides


direct services to patients or residents in the health facility or


agency after the effective date of this section April 1, 2006 if


the individual satisfies 1 or more of the following:


     (a) Has been convicted of a relevant crime described under 42


USC 1320a-7.


     (b) Has been convicted of any of the following felonies, an


attempt or conspiracy to commit any of those felonies, or any other


state or federal crime that is similar to the felonies described in


this subdivision, other than a felony for a relevant crime


described under 42 USC 1320a-7, unless 15 years have lapsed since


the individual completed all of the terms and conditions of his or


her sentencing, parole, and probation for that conviction prior to


the date of application for employment or clinical privileges or


the date of the execution of the independent contract:


     (i) A felony that involves the intent to cause death or serious


impairment of a body function, that results in death or serious


impairment of a body function, that involves the use of force or


violence, or that involves the threat of the use of force or




     (ii) A felony involving cruelty or torture.


     (iii) A felony under chapter XXA of the Michigan penal code,


1931 PA 328, MCL 750.145m to 750.145r.


     (iv) A felony involving criminal sexual conduct.


     (v) A felony involving abuse or neglect.


     (vi) A felony involving the use of a firearm or dangerous




     (vii) A felony involving the diversion or adulteration of a


prescription drug or other medications.


     (c) Has been convicted of a felony or an attempt or conspiracy


to commit a felony, other than a felony for a relevant crime


described under 42 USC 1320a-7 or a felony described under


subdivision (b), unless 10 years have lapsed since the individual


completed all of the terms and conditions of his or her sentencing,


parole, and probation for that conviction prior to the date of


application for employment or clinical privileges or the date of


the execution of the independent contract.


     (d) Has been convicted of any of the following misdemeanors,


other than a misdemeanor for a relevant crime described under 42


USC 1320a-7, or a state or federal crime that is substantially


similar to the misdemeanors described in this subdivision, within


the 10 years immediately preceding the date of application for


employment or clinical privileges or the date of the execution of


the independent contract:


     (i) A misdemeanor involving the use of a firearm or dangerous


weapon with the intent to injure, the use of a firearm or dangerous


weapon that results in a personal injury, or a misdemeanor


involving the use of force or violence or the threat of the use of


force or violence.


     (ii) A misdemeanor under chapter XXA of the Michigan penal


code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.145m to 750.145r.


     (iii) A misdemeanor involving criminal sexual conduct.


     (iv) A misdemeanor involving cruelty or torture unless


otherwise provided under subdivision (e).


     (v) A misdemeanor involving abuse or neglect.


     (e) Has been convicted of any of the following misdemeanors,


other than a misdemeanor for a relevant crime described under 42


USC 1320a-7, or a state or federal crime that is substantially


similar to the misdemeanors described in this subdivision, within


the 5 years immediately preceding the date of application for


employment or clinical privileges or the date of the execution of


the independent contract:


     (i) A misdemeanor involving cruelty if committed by an


individual who is less than 16 years of age.


     (ii) A misdemeanor involving home invasion.


     (iii) A misdemeanor involving embezzlement.


     (iv) A misdemeanor involving negligent homicide.


     (v) A misdemeanor involving larceny unless otherwise provided


under subdivision (g).


     (vi) A misdemeanor of retail fraud in the second degree unless


otherwise provided under subdivision (g).


     (vii) Any other misdemeanor involving assault, fraud, theft, or


the possession or delivery of a controlled substance unless


otherwise provided under subdivision (d), (f), or (g).


     (f) Has been convicted of any of the following misdemeanors,


other than a misdemeanor for a relevant crime described under 42


USC 1320a-7, or a state or federal crime that is substantially


similar to the misdemeanors described in this subdivision, within


the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application for


employment or clinical privileges or the date of the execution of


the independent contract:


     (i) A misdemeanor for assault if there was no use of a firearm


or dangerous weapon and no intent to commit murder or inflict great


bodily injury.


     (ii) A misdemeanor of retail fraud in the third degree unless


otherwise provided under subdivision (g).


     (iii) A misdemeanor under part 74 unless otherwise provided


under subdivision (g).


     (g) Has been convicted of any of the following misdemeanors,


other than a misdemeanor for a relevant crime described under 42


USC 1320a-7, or a state or federal crime that is substantially


similar to the misdemeanors described in this subdivision, within


the year immediately preceding the date of application for


employment or clinical privileges or the date of the execution of


the independent contract:


     (i) A misdemeanor under part 74 if the individual, at the time


of conviction, is under the age of 18.


     (ii) A misdemeanor for larceny or retail fraud in the second or


third degree if the individual, at the time of conviction, is under


the age of 16.


     (h) Is the subject of an order or disposition under section


16b of chapter IX of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175,


MCL 769.16b.


     (i) Has been the subject of a substantiated finding of


neglect, abuse, or misappropriation of property by a state or


federal agency pursuant to an investigation conducted in accordance


with 42 USC 1395i-3 or 1396r.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (5), a health


facility or agency that is a nursing home, county medical care


facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing bed services, home


for the aged, or home health agency shall not employ, independently


contract with, or grant privileges to an individual who regularly


has direct access to or provides direct services to patients or


residents in the health facility or agency after the effective date


of this section April 1, 2006 until the health facility or agency


conducts a criminal history check in compliance with subsection


(4). This subsection and subsection (1) do not apply to any of the




     (a) An individual who is employed by, under independent


contract to, or granted clinical privileges in a health facility or


agency before the effective date of this section April 1, 2006.


Within 24 months after the effective date of this section Beginning


April 1, 2009, an individual who is exempt under this subdivision


shall provide the department of state police with a set of


fingerprints and the department of state police shall input those


fingerprints into the automated fingerprint identification system


database established under subsection (12). An individual who is


exempt under this subdivision is not limited to working within the


health facility or agency with which he or she is employed by,


under independent contract to, or granted clinical privileges on


the effective date of this section April 1, 2006. That individual


may transfer to another health facility or agency that is under the


same ownership with which he or she was employed, under contract,


or granted privileges. If that individual wishes to transfer to


another health facility or agency that is not under the same


ownership, he or she may do so provided that a criminal history


check is conducted by the new health facility or agency in


accordance with subsection (4). If an individual who is exempt


under this subdivision is subsequently convicted of a crime


described under subsection (1)(a) through to (g) or found to be the


subject of a substantiated finding described under subsection


(1)(i) or an order or disposition described under subsection


(1)(h), or is found to have been convicted of a relevant crime


described under subsection (1)(a), then he or she is no longer


exempt and shall be terminated from employment or denied




     (b) An individual who is an independent contractor with a


health facility or agency that is a nursing home, county medical


care facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing bed services,


home for the aged, or home health agency if the services for which


he or she is contracted is not directly related to the provision of


services to a patient or resident or if the services for which he


or she is contracted allows for direct access to the patients or


residents but is not performed on an ongoing basis. This exception


includes, but is not limited to, an individual who independently


contracts with the health facility or agency to provide utility,


maintenance, construction, or communications services.


     (3) An individual who applies for employment either as an


employee or as an independent contractor or for clinical privileges


with a health facility or agency that is a nursing home, county


medical care facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing bed


services, home for the aged, or home health agency and has received


a good faith offer of employment, an independent contract, or


clinical privileges from the health facility or agency shall give


written consent at the time of application for the department of


state police to conduct an initial criminal history check under


this section, along with identification acceptable to the


department of state police.


     (4) Upon receipt of the written consent and identification


required under subsection (3), a health facility or agency that is


a nursing home, county medical care facility, hospice, hospital


that provides swing bed services, home for the aged, or home health


agency that has made a good faith offer of employment or an


independent contract or clinical privileges to the applicant shall


make a request to the department of state police to conduct a


criminal history check on the applicant, to input the applicant's


fingerprints into the automated fingerprint identification system


database, and to forward the applicant's fingerprints to the


federal bureau of investigation. The department of state police


shall request the federal bureau of investigation to make a


determination of the existence of any national criminal history


pertaining to the applicant. The applicant shall provide the


department of state police with a set of fingerprints. The request


shall be made in a manner prescribed by the department of state


police. The health facility or agency shall make the written


consent and identification available to the department of state


police. The health facility or agency shall make a request to the


relevant licensing or regulatory department to conduct a check of


all relevant registries established pursuant to federal and state


law and regulations for any substantiated findings of abuse,


neglect, or misappropriation of property. If the department of


state police or the federal bureau of investigation charges a fee


for conducting the initial criminal history check, the charge shall


be paid by or reimbursed by the department with federal funds as


provided to implement a pilot program for national and state


background checks on direct patient access employees of long-term


care facilities or providers in accordance with section 307 of the


medicare prescription drug, improvement, and modernization act of


2003, Public Law 108-173. The health facility or agency shall not


seek reimbursement for a charge imposed by the department of state


police or the federal bureau of investigation from the individual


who is the subject of the initial criminal history check. A health


facility or agency, a prospective employee, or a prospective


independent contractor covered under this section may not be


charged for the cost of an initial criminal history check required


under this section. The department of state police shall conduct a


criminal history check on the applicant named in the request. The


department of state police shall provide the department with a


written report of the criminal history check conducted under this


subsection if the criminal history check contains any criminal


history record information. The report shall contain any criminal


history record information on the applicant maintained by the


department of state police. The department of state police shall


provide the results of the federal bureau of investigation


determination to the department within 30 days after the request is


made. If the requesting health facility or agency is not a state


department or agency and if a criminal conviction is disclosed on


the written report of the criminal history check or the federal


bureau of investigation determination, the department shall notify


the health facility or agency and the applicant in writing of the


type of crime disclosed on the written report of the criminal


history check or the federal bureau of investigation determination


without disclosing the details of the crime. Any charges imposed by


the department of state police or the federal bureau of


investigation for conducting an initial criminal history check or


making a determination under this subsection shall be paid in the


manner required under this subsection. The notice shall include a


statement that the applicant has a right to appeal a decision made


by the health facility or agency regarding his or her employment


eligibility based on the criminal background check. The notice


shall also include information regarding where to file and


describing the appellate procedures established under section




     (5) If a health facility or agency that is a nursing home,


county medical care facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing


bed services, home for the aged, or home health agency determines


it necessary to employ or grant clinical privileges to an applicant


before receiving the results of the applicant's criminal history


check under this section, the health facility or agency may


conditionally employ or grant conditional clinical privileges to


the individual if all of the following apply:


     (a) The health facility or agency requests the criminal


history check under this section upon conditionally employing or


conditionally granting clinical privileges to the individual.


     (b) The individual signs a statement in writing that indicates


all of the following:


     (i) That he or she has not been convicted of 1 or more of the


crimes that are described in subsection (1)(a) through to (g)


within the applicable time period prescribed by each subdivision




     (ii) That he or she is not the subject of an order or


disposition described in subsection (1)(h).


     (iii) That he or she has not been the subject of a substantiated


finding as described in subsection (1)(i).


     (iv) The individual agrees that, if the information in the


criminal history check conducted under this section does not


confirm the individual's statements under subparagraphs (i) through


to (iii), his or her employment or clinical privileges will be


terminated by the health facility or agency as required under


subsection (1) unless and until the individual appeals and can


prove that the information is incorrect.


     (v) That he or she understands the conditions described in


subparagraphs (i) through to (iv) that result in the termination of


his or her employment or clinical privileges and that those


conditions are good cause for termination.


     (6) The department shall develop and distribute a model form


for the statement required under subsection (5)(b). The department


shall make the model form available to health facilities or


agencies subject to this section upon request at no charge.


     (7) If an individual is employed as a conditional employee or


is granted conditional clinical privileges under subsection (5),


and the report described in subsection (4) does not confirm the


individual's statement under subsection (5)(b)(i) through to (iii),


the health facility or agency shall terminate the individual's


employment or clinical privileges as required by subsection (1).


     (8) An individual who knowingly provides false information


regarding his or her identity, criminal convictions, or


substantiated findings on a statement described in subsection


(5)(b)(i) through to (iii) is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by


imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than


$500.00, or both.


     (9) A health facility or agency that is a nursing home, county


medical care facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing bed


services, home for the aged, or home health agency shall use


criminal history record information obtained under subsection (4)


only for the purpose of evaluating an applicant's qualifications


for employment, an independent contract, or clinical privileges in


the position for which he or she has applied and for the purposes


of subsections (5) and (7). A health facility or agency or an


employee of the health facility or agency shall not disclose


criminal history record information obtained under subsection (4)


to a person who is not directly involved in evaluating the


applicant's qualifications for employment, an independent contract,


or clinical privileges. An individual who knowingly uses or


disseminates the criminal history record information obtained under


subsection (4) in violation of this subsection is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or


a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both. Upon written request


from another health facility or agency, psychiatric facility or


intermediate care facility for people with mental retardation, or


adult foster care facility that is considering employing,


independently contracting with, or granting clinical privileges to


an individual, a health facility or agency that has obtained


criminal history record information under this section on that


individual shall, with the consent of the applicant, share the


information with the requesting health facility or agency,


psychiatric facility or intermediate care facility for people with


mental retardation, or adult foster care facility. Except for a


knowing or intentional release of false information, a health


facility or agency has no liability in connection with a criminal


background check conducted under this section or the release of


criminal history record information under this subsection.


     (10) As a condition of continued employment, each employee,


independent contractor, or individual granted clinical privileges


shall do each of the following:


     (a) Agree in writing to report to the health facility or


agency immediately upon being arraigned for 1 or more of the


criminal offenses listed in subsection (1)(a) through to (g), upon


being convicted of 1 or more of the criminal offenses listed in


subsection (1)(a) through to (g), upon becoming the subject of an


order or disposition described under subsection (1)(h), and upon


being the subject of a substantiated finding of neglect, abuse, or


misappropriation of property as described in subsection (1)(i).


Reporting of an arraignment under this subdivision is not cause for


termination or denial of employment.


     (b) If a set of fingerprints is not already on file with the


department of state police, provide the department of state police


with a set of fingerprints.


     (11) In addition to sanctions set forth in section 20165, a


licensee, owner, administrator, or operator of a nursing home,


county medical care facility, hospice, hospital that provides swing


bed services, home for the aged, or home health agency who


knowingly and willfully fails to conduct the criminal history


checks as required under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor


punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of


not more than $5,000.00, or both.


     (12) In collaboration with the department of state police, the


department of information technology shall establish an automated


fingerprint identification system database that would allow the


department of state police to store and maintain all fingerprints


submitted under this section and would provide for an automatic


notification if and when a subsequent criminal arrest fingerprint


card submitted into the system matches a set of fingerprints


previously submitted in accordance with this section. Upon such


notification, the department of state police shall immediately


notify the department and the department shall immediately contact


the respective health facility or agency with which that individual


is associated. Information in the database established under this


subsection is confidential, is not subject to disclosure under the


freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246, and


shall not be disclosed to any person except for purposes of this


act or for law enforcement purposes.


     (13) Within 1 year after the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this section, the department shall submit a written


report to the legislature regarding each of the following:


     (a) The impact and effectiveness of this amendatory act.


     (b) The feasibility of implementing criminal history checks on


volunteers who work in those health facilities or agencies and on


state agency employees who are involved in the licensing of those


health facilities or agencies and regulation of those employees.


     (c) The amount of federal funds provided to implement a pilot


program for national and state background checks on direct access


employees of long-term care facilities or providers, the amount of


those funds expended to date, and the amount of those funds




     (13) (14) Within 3 years after the effective date of this


section On or before April 1, 2009, the department shall submit a


written report to the legislature outlining a plan to cover the


costs of the criminal history checks required under this section if


federal funding is no longer available or is inadequate to cover


those costs.


     (14) (15) By March 1, 2007, the The department and the


department of state police shall develop and implement maintain an


electronic web-based system to assist those health facilities and


agencies required to check relevant registries and conduct criminal


history checks of its employees and independent contractors and to


provide for an automated notice to those health facilities or


agencies for those individuals inputted in the system who, since


the initial check, have been convicted of a disqualifying offense


or have been the subject of a substantiated finding of abuse,


neglect, or misappropriation of property.


     (15) (16) As used in this section:


     (a) "Adult foster care facility" means an adult foster care


facility licensed under the adult foster care facility licensing


act, 1979 PA 218, MCL 400.701 to 400.737.


     (b) "Direct access" means access to a patient or resident or


to a patient's or resident's property, financial information,


medical records, treatment information, or any other identifying




     (c) "Home health agency" means a person certified by medicare


whose business is to provide to individuals in their places of


residence other than in a hospital, nursing home, or county medical


care facility 1 or more of the following services: nursing


services, therapeutic services, social work services, homemaker


services, home health aide services, or other related services.


     (d) "Independent contract" means a contract entered into by a


health facility or agency with an individual who provides the


contracted services independently or a contract entered into by a


health facility or agency with an organization or agency that


employs or contracts with an individual after complying with the


requirements of this section to provide the contracted services to


the health facility or agency on behalf of the organization or




     (e) "Medicare" means benefits under the federal medicare


program established under title XVIII of the social security act,


42 USC 1395 to 1395ggg 1395hhh.