SB-0279, As Passed Senate, March 15, 2007

















(As amended, March 15, 2007)











     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


(MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding section 70107.




     Sec. 70107. (1) <<Within 1 year after the effective date of the

amendatory act that added this section,>> The department, in conjunction with the


department of community health, shall create a "Michigan get-


outdoors fitness award program". The program shall be designed to


encourage youth and adults to participate in outdoor, resource-


based activities that are physical in nature in order to become


more physically fit and to discover Michigan's unique and diverse


natural resources. The department shall be the lead agency for the


development and implementation of the program.


     (2) In creating the program, the department and the department


Senate Bill No. 279 as amended March 15, 2007


of community health shall do all of the following:


     (a) Establish a system to recognize individuals who


participate in outdoor, resource-based activities, attain physical


fitness goals while performing these activities, and excel in the


performance of these activities.


     (b) Seek conservation, fitness, and recreation organizations,


local units of government, and other interested persons to partner


with in the administration of the program. The department may


contract for implementation of the program with 1 or more of these




     (c) Seek private-sector sponsors to fund the implementation of


the program and provide recognition to these sponsors commensurate


with their level of participation.


     (3) The department and the department of community health


shall not incur costs in implementing the program in excess of


revenues received from sponsorships and partnerships under this




     (4) The department and the department of community health


shall broadly publicize the program.

<<(5) The department and the department of community health shall annually submit a joint report on the program to the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives with primary responsibility for natural resource issues and public health issues.>>


     <<(6)>> As used in this section, "program" means the Michigan get-


outdoors fitness award program created in this section.