HB-5396, As Passed House, December 4, 2008




























      A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled


"Michigan vehicle code,"


by amending section 320a (MCL 257.320a), as amended by 2004 PA






 1        Sec. 320a. (1) Until October 1, 2005, within 10 days after


 2  the receipt of a properly prepared abstract from this state or


 3  another state, or, beginning October 1, 2005, within 5 days after


 4  the receipt of a properly prepared abstract from this state or


 5  another state, the secretary of state shall record the date of


 6  conviction, civil infraction determination, or probate court


 7  disposition, and the number of points for each, based on the


 8  following formula, except as otherwise provided in this section


 1  and section 629c:



     (a) Manslaughter, negligent homicide, or a

felony resulting from the operation of a motor

vehicle, ORV, or snowmobile............................6 points

     (b) A violation of section 601b(2) or (3),

601c(1) or (2), or 653a(3) or (4)......................6 points

     (c) A violation of section 625(1), (4), (5),

(7), or (8), section 81134 or 82127(1) of the

natural resources and environmental protection act,

10 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.81134 and 324.82127, or a law or

11 ordinance substantially corresponding to section

12 625(1), (4), (5), (7), or (8) or section 81134

13 or 82127(1) of the natural resources and

14 environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,

15 MCL 324.81134 and 324.82127............................6 points

16      (d) Failing to stop and disclose identity

17 at the scene of an accident when required by law.......6 points

18      (e) Operating a motor vehicle in violation

19 of section 626.........................................6 points

20      (f) Fleeing or eluding an officer.................6 points

21      (g) A violation of section 627(9) pertaining

22 to speed in a work zone described in that section

23 by exceeding the lawful maximum by more than

24 15 miles per hour......................................5 points

25      (h) A violation of any law other than the

26 law described in subdivision (g) or ordinance

27 pertaining to speed by exceeding the lawful

28 maximum by more than 15 miles per hour.................4 points

29      (i) A violation of section 625(3) or (6),

30 section 81135 or 82127(3) of the natural

resources and environmental protection act,

1994 PA 451, MCL 324.81135 and 324.82127,

or a law or ordinance substantially corresponding

to section 625(3) or (6) or section 81135

or 82127(3) of the natural resources and

environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,

MCL 324.81135 and 324.82127............................4 points

     (j) A violation of section 626a or a law

or ordinance substantially corresponding to

10 section 626a...........................................4 points

11      (k) A violation of section 653a(2)................4 points

12      (l) A violation of section 627(9) pertaining

13 to speed in a work zone described in that section

14 by exceeding the lawful maximum by more than 10

15 but not more than 15 miles per hour....................4 points

16      (m) A violation of any law other than the

17 law described in subdivision (l) or ordinance

18 pertaining to speed by exceeding the lawful

19 maximum by more than 10 but not more than 15

20 miles per hour or careless driving in violation

21 of section 626b or a law or ordinance substantially

22 corresponding to section 626b..........................3 points

23      (n) A violation of section 627(9) pertaining

24 to speed in a work zone described in that section

25 by exceeding the lawful maximum by 10 miles per

26 hour or less...........................................3 points

27      (o) A violation of any law other than the law

28 described in subdivision (n) or ordinance pertaining

29 to speed by exceeding the lawful maximum

30 by 10 miles per hour or less...........................2 points

31      (p) Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign,

or improper passing....................................3 points

     (q) A violation of section 624a, 624b, or a law

or ordinance substantially corresponding to

section 624a or 624b...................................2 points

     (r) A violation of section 310e(4) or (6) or

a law or ordinance substantially corresponding to

section 310e(4) or (6).................................2 points

     (s) All other moving violations pertaining to

the operation of motor vehicles reported under

10 this section...........................................2 points

11      (t) A refusal by a person less than 21 years of

12 age to submit to a preliminary breath test required

13 by a peace officer under section 625a..................2 points



14        (2) Points shall not be entered for a violation of section


15  310e(14), 311, 602b, 625m, 658, 717, 719, 719a, or 723.


16        (3) Points shall not be entered for bond forfeitures.


17        (4) Points shall not be entered for overweight loads or for


18  defective equipment.


19        (5) If more than 1 conviction, civil infraction


20  determination, or probate court disposition results from the same


21  incident, points shall be entered only for the violation that


22  receives the highest number of points under this section.


23        (6) If a person has accumulated 9 points as provided in this


24  section, the secretary of state may call the person in for an


25  interview as to the person's driving ability and record after due


26  notice as to time and place of the interview. If the person fails


27  to appear as provided in this subsection, the secretary of state


28  shall add 3 points to the person's record.


 1        (7) If a person violates a speed restriction established by


 2  an executive order issued during a state of energy emergency as


 3  provided by 1982 PA 191, MCL 10.81 to 10.89, the secretary of


 4  state shall enter points for the violation pursuant to subsection


 5  (1).


 6        (8) The secretary of state shall enter 6 points upon the


 7  record of a person whose license is suspended or denied pursuant


 8  to section 625f. However, if a conviction, civil infraction


 9  determination, or probate court disposition results from the same


10  incident, additional points for that offense shall not be


11  entered.


12        (9) If a Michigan driver commits a violation in another


13  state that would be a civil infraction if committed in Michigan,


14  and a conviction results solely because of the failure of the


15  Michigan driver to appear in that state to contest the violation,


16  upon receipt of the abstract of conviction by the secretary of


17  state, the violation shall be noted on the driver's record, but


18  no points shall be assessed against his or her driver's license.


19        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


20  unless House Bill No. 5117 of the 94th Legislature is enacted


21  into law.