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Senate Bill 943 (as enacted) PUBLIC ACT 292 of 2008
Sponsor: Senator Tony Stamas
Senate Committee: Transportation
House Committee: Transportation
Date Completed: 1-15-09
The bill amended the Michigan Memorial Highway Act to designate Highway M-72 in Alcona County as the "Hazen Shirley 'Kiki' Cuyler Memorial Highway".
The bill also designated Highway US-10 in the City of Evart in Osceola County beginning at the intersection of US-10 and River Street and continuing west to the intersection of US-10 and 95th Street as the "George Edward (Ted) Seman Memorial Highway".
The bill took effect October 6, 2008.
MCL 250.1088
Hazen Shirley Cuyler was a right fielder from Harrisville, Michigan, who played major league baseball from 1921 to 1938. He began playing for the Pittsburg Pirates, but also played for the Chicago Cubs, the Cincinnati Reds, and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Over the course of his career, he held several records for stolen bases, triples, and runs scored. He also drove in the winning run in the 1925 World Series. He is ranked number 44 among the best right fielders of all time, and was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1968. He died in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1950.
George Edward Seman was the Chief of Police in the City of Evert, Michigan. On June 13, 1966, he was killed on duty while responding to a family dispute. Chief Seman arrested one individual, who then assaulted the officer in his patrol car, shooting him with his own weapon and stabbing him several times. Chief Seman was 36 years old, married with three children.
Legislative Analyst: Curtis Walker
The bill will have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
Fiscal Analyst: Debra Hollon
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb943/0708