Senate Bill 279 (as introduced 2-27-07)
Sponsor: Senator Patricia L. Birkholz
Committee: Health Policy
Date Completed: 3-5-07
The bill would amend Part 701 (Recreation and Cultural Arts) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to require the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), in conjunction with the Department of Community Health (DCH), to create a "Michigan Outdoor Fitness Award" and a program to provide for the granting of the Award.
The DNR also would have to seek one or more conservation or recreation organizations to partner in the administration of the Award program.
The Award would have to be given to individuals who completed a variety of outdoor activities identified by the DNR, such as:
-- Camping in a State forest campground.
-- Completing a successful hunt of one or more designated game species.
-- Catching one or more designated species of fish.
-- Hiking one or more designated trails.
-- Completing one or more designated biking trips.
-- Riding one or more designated snowmobile trails.
-- Canoeing or kayaking one or more designated water trails.
-- Undertaking other outdoor recreational activities designated by the DNR.
In administering the Award program, the DNR would have to do all of the following:
-- Establish a point system for completion of the designated activities.
-- Establish a process for making awards to individuals who accumulated a predetermined point total.
-- Creating a certificate and other recognition for individuals receiving the award.
The DNR and the DCH would have to publicize the Award and Award program broadly.
Proposed MCL 324.70107 Legislative Analyst: Julie Cassidy
The bill would cost the State a small amount for administrative expenses related to establishing and publicizing the award program. The costs would be paid from existing resources.
Fiscal Analyst: David Fosdick
Jessica RunnelsAnalysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb279/0708