Senate Bill 240 (S-1 as passed by the Senate)
Committee: Appropriations

Changes from FY 2006-07 Year-to-Date:
  1. Debt Service. Gov. increased funding for scheduled debt service payments. 15,992,200
2. Grants to Other Departments. Gov. adjusted funding for grants to other departments - an additional $1,298,400 to the State Police and adjustments to other departments totaling a reduction of $70,800. 1,227,600
3. Administrative Reductions. Gov. reduced funding for administrative functions. (1,500,000)
4. Equated Lane Mile Adjustment. Gov. added funding for maintenance of additional lane miles. 1,191,600
5. Safe Routes to School. Gov. increased federal funding for this program. 3,000,000
6. Federal Aid Road Construction. Gov. increased funding for federal aid road construction. 28,716,700
7. State Restricted Revenue. Gov. reduced funding for road and bridge programs to adjust expenditures with anticipated revenue. The reductions are: State Trunkline Roads - $61,735,500; County Road Commissions - $26,051,100; and Cities and Villages - $14,524,600. (102,311,200)
8. Comprehensive Transportation Fund. Gov. adjusted expenditures from the CTF to more closely align them with anticipated revenue. (14,047,700)
9. Other Revenue-based Adjustments. Gov. adjusted expenditures due to anticipated revenue. (8,019,700)
10. Transportation Economic Development Fund. Gov. recommended the redirection of $13.0 million from the TEDF to the General Fund. Senate restored the funding. 0
11. Intercity Bus Service. Gov. increased federal funding for this program. 1,000,000
12. Comprehensive Transportation Fund Adjustments. Senate shifted funding from various line items to provide additional funding for local public transit bus capital grants: van pooling ($75,000); freight property management ($100,000); intercity bus equipment ($100,000); intercity bus services ($100,000); rail passenger service ($100,000); freight preservation ($100,000); terminal development ($100,000); the rail infrastructure loan program ($100,000); and marine passenger service ($100). 0
13. Ann Arbor & NW Michigan Railroad. Senate shifted $100,000 in CTF funding for a grant. 0
14. Structurally Deficient Bridges. Senate shifted funds for placeholder to repair/ replace bridges. 0
15. Airport Safety. Senate added placeholder for infrastructure, safety, protection, and operations. 100
16. Line Item Roll-up. Gov. combined several line items. Senate restored the distinct line items. 0
17. Agency Realignment. Gov. transferred a total of $6,042,700 and 55.6 FTE between agency programs. 0
18. Economic Adjustments. Gov. included standard economic increases. 8,998,000
19. Other Changes. Gov. recommended other adjustments: an additional $400,000 for a software pilot project; an additional $1,935,300 for building occupancy charges; the reduction of $33,800 for the DIT rate; and the reduction of $158,700 and 1.0 FTE related to the HR consolidation. 2,142,800
20. One-time Reduction Adjustments. Adjustments made to account for one-time FY 2006-07 reductions in EO 2007-3 (CTF reductions - $26,584,900; retirement adjustments - $8,386,800) as well as additional funding in 2007 PA 41 ($1,298,400). 33,673,300
Total Changes ($29,936,300)
  FY 2007-08 Senate Gross Appropriation $3,378,255,700

Changes from FY 2006-07 Year to Date:
  1. Contingency Funds. Gov. added contingency fund language. Senate removed the language.
2. Legislative Reports. Gov. removed and Senate retained a number of reports: privatization (Sec 207); report retention (Sec 211); amounts received by cities and counties in a district (Sec 303); internal auditor activities (Sec 314); women- and minority-owned businesses (Sec 334); Multi-modal Transportation Services Bureau activities (Sec 361); status of deferred projects (Sec 376); state aircraft usage (Sec 383); warranties (Sec 601); rail line abandonment (Sec 703); rail passenger (Sec. 711); demand-response service. (Sec 714)
3. Restrictions on Dept'l Operations. Gov. removed/Senate retained restrictions on dept'l operations: disciplinary action for speaking to the Legislature (Sec 261); administrative costs reduction (Sec 309); contractor payment (Sec 353); local Fed. Aid-project review (Sec 357); complaint process for transit agencies (Sec 370); electronic newsletters (Sec 374); CTF expenditures for planning activities for transit agencies (Sec 379); Multi-Modal Trans Svcs Bureau approps (Sec 380); dept'l television program (Sec 381); dead animal removal (Sec 610); contract incentives/disincentives (Sec 612); MBA mission (Sec 654); approps to Rail Infrastructure Loan program (Sec 705); grants to DTC (Sec 707); match funds for reverse commute grants (Sec 722); sale of state-owned intercity bus equip. (Sec 730); intermodal facility lease charges (Sec 731); high quality public transit (Sec 734); coordination of intercity passenger transp. (Sec 736); and construction of a Birmingham/Troy intermodal facility. (Sec 737)
4. Other Restrictions on Departmental Operations. Gov. removed and Senate concurred: separate deputy directors (Sec 391); pilot project on wet reflective pavement markers (Sec. 611), limitation on bus size (Sec 739), and rehabilitation of rail track between Hillsdale and Quincy. (Sec 738)
5. Highway Signs. Gov. removed and Senate retained: signs regarding rest area maintenance responsibility (Sec 319); informing motorists to drive on the right-hand side of the road (Sec 639); and informing motorists to yield to emergency vehicles. (Sec 640)
6. Detroit River Crossing. Gov. removed prohibition against design or right-of-way expenditures. Senate expanded the language to prohibit all expenditures for the DRIC study until hearings are held on the department's involvement and expenditures and a resolution is passed stating that the expenditures are justified. (Sec 384)
7. Distribution of Federal Funds. Gov. removed and Senate retained approval of federal fund distribution requirement. (Sec 401)
8. Unsafe Pedestrian Crossings. Gov. removed and Senate retained language requiring local match funds. (Sec 607)
9. Appropriation Earmarks. Gov. removed and Senate retained earmarks: $40,000 for forest road turnouts (Sec 608); $32,000 for a Safe Routes to School project in Eaton Rapids (Sec 655); and $100,000 for intercity bus service development. (Sec 729)
10. Specified Projects. Gov. removed and Senate retained language requiring an upgrade of a section of M-49 (Sec 656) and a congestion mitigation corridor study of US 23 in Washtenaw and Livingston counties (Sec 657). Senate also added language directing the department to proceed with reconstruction of the interchange at I-196 and Phoenix Road in South Haven (Sec. 658), allowing use of historical data from other states (Sec. 659), and requiring a demonstration inventory project with the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council utilizing a mobile pavement management data collection system. (Sec. 660)
11. Essential Bus Route Corridors. Gov. removed and Senate retained a listing of the essential bus route corridors in Michigan. (Sec 709)
12. Rail Passenger Service. Gov. removed and Senate retained language requiring that: the subsidy be equal to revenue; future state support be dependent upon increased ridership/route revenue; and the subsidy will be stopped if Amtrak discontinues service. (Sec 711)
13. Operational Lift Status. Gov. removed language concerning local transit agencies' operational lift status. The Senate retained the language, but exempted authorities which had been certified for three years unless a complaint had been filed. (Sec 732)
14. Legal Services. Senate prohibited hiring of an individual to provide legal services which are the responsibility of the A.G. (Sec. 262)
15. Comprehensive Transportation Fund Balance Report. The Senate added language requiring a report on the encumbered and unencumbered balance of the Comprehensive Transportation Fund. (Sec. 740)
16. Ann Arbor & NW Michigan Railroad. Senate added a report on upgrading the infrastructure to achieve speeds of 59 mph. (Sec. 741)
17. Reporting Requirement. The Senate added language requiring a report to the JCAR. (Sec. 263)
18. Structurally Deficient Bridges. Senate added language requiring line item funding to be used for repair or replacement of bridges rated as structurally deficient under the National Bridge Inventory Ratings scale. (Sec. 505)

Date Completed: 8-23-07 Fiscal Analyst: Debra Hollon This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations.