October 6, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Bieda, Tobocman, Condino, Gleason, Alma Smith, Espinoza, McDowell, Miller, Vagnozzi, Cushingberry, Anderson and Wenke and referred to the Committee on House Oversight, Elections, and Ethics.


     A bill to require elected public officials to file reports


concerning receipt of certain contributions or subsidies; to


prescribe certain powers and duties of certain state and local


agencies and officials; and to provide for fees and civil fines.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"elected officials reporting act".


     Sec. 3. As used in this act:


     (a) "Elected official" means an individual who holds an


elective office as that term is defined in section 5 of the


Michigan campaign finance act, 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.205.


     (b) "Immediate family" means a child residing in the elected


official's household, the elected official's spouse, or an


individual that the elected official or the elected official's


spouse claims as a dependent for federal income tax purposes.


     (c) "Report" means the travel contribution and subsidy report


required under section 5.


     (d) "Reporting period" means the 6 months immediately


preceding January 1 or July 1 of each year.


     (e) "Travel" means transportation, lodging, or any expense


related to transportation or lodging.


     Sec. 5. (1) If an individual holds elective office at any time


within a reporting period, the individual shall file a travel


contribution and subsidy report not later than 30 days after the


end of that reporting period. Except as provided in subsection (2),


the report shall include each contribution or subsidy with an


estimated value of not less than $50.00 that the elected official


or a member of his or her immediate family accepts for travel


during the reporting period. The duty to file a report under this


act survives vacation of an elective office before the required


filing date for the report.


     (2) An individual is not required to include the following in


a report required under this act:


     (a) A contribution or subsidy that the elected official


receives from the unit of government of which he or she is an


elected official.


     (b) A contribution or subsidy that an immediate family member


receives from his or her employer for business travel.


     (3) A report for a state elected official shall be filed with


the secretary of state.


     (4) A report for an elected official of a unit of local


government shall be filed with the county clerk.


     Sec. 7. The report shall contain all of the following




     (a) The name and address of the elected official.


     (b) The elective office that the individual held during the


reporting period.


     (c) The dates identifying the reporting period that the report




     (d) The elected official's campaign committee identification




     (e) A description of any travel for which the elected official


or a member of his or her immediate family received a contribution


or subsidy with an estimated value of not less than $50.00,


including all of the following:


     (i) The date, location, and nature of the travel.


     (ii) The purpose of the travel.


     (iii) The identity, street address, and telephone number for


each nongovernmental source of a contribution or subsidy and the


estimated value of the contribution or subsidy.


     (iv) The name of each governmental source of a contribution or


subsidy and the estimated value of the contribution or subsidy.


     (f) If the elected official and his or her immediate family


received no reportable contribution or subsidy for travel, a


statement that the elected official received no contribution or


subsidy for travel during the reporting period.


     Sec. 9. (1) If a report is filed after the filing date


indicated in section 5, the individual is responsible for a late


filing fee of $25.00 for each business day or part of a business


day that the report is late, not to exceed $500.00.


     (2) An individual who knowingly files an incomplete or


inaccurate report is responsible for a civil fine of not more than




     Sec. 11. (1) The secretary of state shall make a report that


he or she receives available to the public through the electronic


filing and internet disclosure system as described in the Michigan


campaign finance act, 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.201 to 169.282.


     (2) A county clerk shall make a report that he or she receives


available for public inspection and reproduction during regular


business hours. The county clerk shall make a report available as


soon as practicable, but not later than 3 business days after


receipt of the report.


     Sec. 13. (1) An individual responsible for a late filing fee


shall pay the fee to the secretary of state or county clerk with


whom the report is required to be filed.


     (2) The secretary of state or county clerk may retain the late


filing fee to cover the expenses of administering this act. The


secretary of state may collect an unpaid late filing fee in the


manner provided for collecting a late filing fee under section 17


of the Michigan campaign finance act, 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.217.  A


county clerk may refer an unpaid filing fee for collection in the


manner provided for collecting debts owed to the county.


     Sec. 15. A civil fine collected under this act shall be


forwarded to the state treasurer for deposit in the general fund.