March 22, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Gleason, Vander Veen, Plakas and Cushingberry and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
by amending sections 16901, 16903, and 16905 (MCL 333.16901,
333.16903, and 333.16905), as added by 1995 PA 126.
Sec. 16901. (1) As used in this part:
(a) "Advertise" means issuing or ordering the printing or
distribution of a card, sign, or device or causing, permitting, or
allowing a sign or marking on or in a building or structure, or
placing material in a newspaper, magazine, or directory, or on
radio or television. Advertise does not include unpaid public
awareness campaigns or educational or promotional materials by
individuals exempted from this part by section 16905.
(b) "Marriage and family therapist" means an individual
licensed under this article to engage in the practice of marriage
and family therapy.
(c) "Practice of marriage and family therapy" means the
providing of guidance, testing, discussions, therapy, instruction,
or advice that is intended to avoid, eliminate, relieve, manage, or
resolve individual, marital, or family conflict or discord, to
create, improve, or restore individual, marital, or family harmony,
or to prepare couples for marriage. Practice of marriage and family
therapy does not include the administration and interpretation of
psychological tests except for those tests that are consistent with
the individual's education and training and with the code of ethics
for licensed marriage and family therapists.
(2) In addition to the definitions of this part, article 1
contains general definitions and principles of construction
applicable to all articles in this code and part 161 contains
definitions applicable to this part.
Sec. 16903. (1) An individual licensed under this part as a
marriage and family therapist shall use only the title "licensed
marriage and family therapist" or "licensed marriage counselor" or
the abbreviation "l.m.f.t." in representing his or her services in
the practice of marriage and family therapy to the public.
Unless exempt under section 16905(3) 16905(4), only an
individual licensed under this part may advertise that he or she
offers marriage and family therapy; marriage or family counseling
service or advice; marriage or family guidance service or advice;
marriage or family relations service or advice; marriage or family
problems service or advice; marriage or family relations advice or
assistance; service in the alleviation of a marital or family
problem; or service of similar import or effect that is included in
the practice of marriage and family therapy. This part does not
prohibit an individual exempted by section 16905 from issuing
unpaid public awareness campaigns or educational or promotional
(3) The board may grant a limited license to an individual who
met the requirements of section 16909(a) and (b) 16909(1)(a)
and (b) in order to permit that individual to obtain the experience
under section 16909(c) 16909(1)(c). The board shall not
renew a limited license for more than 6 years. A limited licensee
shall do all of the following:
(a) Use only the title "limited licensed marriage and family
therapist" or "limited licensed marriage counselor".
(b) Not represent that he or she is engaged in the independent
practice of marriage and family therapy.
(c) Practice only under the supervision of a fully licensed
marriage and family therapist.
(d) Confine his or her practice to an organized health care
setting or other arrangement approved by the board.
(4) An individual engaged in obtaining experience required
section 16909(b) 16909(1)(b) may use the title "marriage
and family therapist intern" or "marriage and family therapist
trainee" during the training period. The board shall not require an
obtaining experience required under section 16909(b)
16909(1)(b) to hold a limited license.
Sec. 16905. (1) This part does not apply to an individual
in the practice of social work as defined described in
1601 of the occupational code, Act No. 299 of the Public
of 1980, being section 339.1601 of the Michigan Compiled Laws
18501, in the course of employment with a governmental agency or a
reputable social service agency regularly providing social work
services as an agency.
(2) This part does not apply to an ordained cleric or other
practitioner who is employed by or working under the
of an organization exempt from taxation under section
of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. 501, if
advice or counsel given by the cleric or other religious
is incidental to his or her duties as a cleric or
religious practitioner, and provides advice, guidance, or
teaching based on his or her religious beliefs, creeds, or
doctrines if the cleric or other religious practitioner does not
hold himself or herself out to the public as a marriage and family
therapist licensed under this article or use 1 or more of the
listed in section 16263(1)(p) 16263(1)(q) and if no fee or
donation is exacted for the service. This part does not prohibit an
ordained cleric or other religious practitioner from accepting a
voluntary contribution.
(3) This part does not apply to an ordained cleric or other
religious practitioner who has been authorized by law to officiate
at a marriage if that person provides, in writing, an affidavit
clearly stating that he or she is a member of the clergy or a
religious practitioner, is not a marriage and family therapist
licensed under this article, and does not use 1 or more of the
titles listed in section 16263(1)(q), and that the advice,
guidance, or teaching is based on that individual's religious
beliefs, creeds, or doctrines.
(4) (3)
This part does not apply to a
physician licensed
under this article who has completed an accredited psychiatric
residency program approved by the Michigan board of medicine or to
a psychologist fully licensed under this article, if both of the
following circumstances exist:
(a) The individual is practicing his or her profession in a
manner consistent with his or her education and training and is
practicing in a manner consistent with the code of ethics of that
(b) The individual does not hold himself or herself out to the
public as a marriage and family therapist licensed under this
or use any of the titles listed in section 16263(1)(p)
16263(1)(q) for advertising purposes. However, this This
subdivision does not prohibit the individual from advertising under
a telephone or other business directory listing that uses those
titles if the individual discloses in the listing, in an
unabbreviated fashion, the profession in which he or she is
(5) (4)
This part does not limit an
individual in, or
prevent an individual from, the practice of a statutorily regulated
profession or occupation if services to families, couples, or
subsystems of families are part of the services provided by that
profession or occupation, and if the individual does not hold
himself or herself out to the public as a marriage and family
therapist licensed under this article or use 1 or more of the
listed in section 16263(1)(p) 16263(1)(q). As used in this
subsection, "statutorily regulated profession or occupation" means
an occupation or profession regulated by statute that includes, but
is not limited to, all of the following: a physician, attorney,
social worker, certified social worker, social work technician,
fully licensed psychologist, limited licensed psychologist,
temporary limited licensed psychologist, licensed professional
counselor, limited licensed counselor, or school counselor.