House Bill 5061 (Substitute S-1 as reported)
Sponsor: Representative Kevin Green
House Committee: Employment Relations, Training, and Safety
Senate Committee: Commerce and Labor

The bill would amend the Emergency Management Act to allow a State employee who was not in the classified civil service and who was skilled in emergency relief assistance and certified as a disaster services volunteer by the American Red Cross (ARC) to be granted an unpaid leave of absence to provide disaster or emergency relief assistance in Michigan. An employee in the classified civil service who met those requirements could be granted leave for that purpose, as authorized by the Civil Service Commission.

In addition, a State employee who met the skill and ARC certification requirements could be granted paid leave for not more than 10 days in any 12-month period, to participate in specialized disaster relief services within or outside of Michigan, if all of the following were met: The Governor or the U.S. President had declared a disaster; the ARC had requested the State employee's services; the employee's department head approved the leave; the Governor approved the leave, if the services were rendered outside of Michigan by an executive branch employee; and the Civil Service Commission approved the leave, if the person were in the State classified civil service.

Not more than 50 employees could be granted paid leave during a fiscal year, but the Governor could increase that limit by executive order. The State could not penalize or otherwise take adverse employment action against a State employee because he or she took a leave of absence authorized by the bill. The State would have to recover payment for paid disaster leave from an employee who was granted paid leave under the bill, however, if the employee did not use the leave time for the approved purpose.

Proposed MCL 30.411a Legislative Analyst: Patrick Affholter

The bill would have a minimal impact on State government. Actual costs would depend on the number of employees who were granted paid leave and the extent to which they would have to be replaced.

Date Completed: 6-8-06 Fiscal Analyst: Bill Bowerman

floor\hb5061 Analysis available @
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. 5061/0506