April 21, 2004, Introduced by Senator THOMAS and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled                                             


    "The code of criminal procedure,"                                           


    by amending sections 65, 66, and 67 of chapter XVII (MCL 777.65,            


    777.66, and 777.67), as added by 1998 PA 317, and by adding                 


    sections 20, 65a, 66a, and 67a to chapter XVII; and to repeal               


    acts and parts of acts.                                                     


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1                              CHAPTER XVII                                     


2       Sec. 20.  If an offender is found by the court to be                        


3   responsible for violating probation granted for an offense to be            


4   scored under this chapter, the upper minimum sentence range of              


5   each variable level for the violation to be scored shall, if                


6   probation is revoked and the offender sentenced as provided in              


7   this chapter, be increased by 25% for each instance in which the            


8   individual has been adjudicated by the court to have committed a            



1   probation violation.                                                        


2       Sec. 65.  The following are the minimum sentence ranges for                 


3   class D for individuals sentenced on or after October 1, 2004 but           


4   before October 1, 2006:                                                     


5                        PRIOR RECORD VARIABLE LEVEL                            


6                A         B         C         D          E        F            


7                0        1-9      10-24     25-49      50-74     75+           

8              points    points    points    points    points    points         

9   Offense                                                                    

10  Variable                                                                    

11    Level                                                                     


12      I                                                                       

13     0-9    0-6 0-3   0-9 0-6   0-11 0-9 0-17 0-11  5-23 3-17  10-23          

14  points                                                                     


15     II                                                                       

16    10-24   0-9 0-6   0-11 0-9 0-17 0-11 5-23 3-17    10-23    19-38          

17  points                                                                     


18     III                                                                      

19    25-34   0-11 0-9 0-17 0-11 5-23 3-17   10-23      19-38    29-57          

20  points                                                                     


21     IV                                                                       

22    35-49  0-17 0-11 5-23 3-17   10-23     19-38      29-57    34-67          

23  points                                                                     


24      V                                                                       

25    50-74  5-23 3-17   10-23     19-38     29-57      34-67    38-76          

26  points                                                                     


27     VI                                                                       

28     75+     10-23     19-38     29-57     34-67      38-76    43-76          

29  points                                                                     


30      Sec. 65a.  The following are the minimum sentence ranges for                


31  class D for individuals sentenced on or after October 1, 2006:              


32                       PRIOR RECORD VARIABLE LEVEL                            


33               A         B         C         D         E         F            


34               0        1-9      10-24     25-49     50-74      75+           

35             points    points    points    points    points    points         

36  Offense                                                                    


1   Variable                                                                    

2     Level                                                                     


3       I                                                                       

4      0-9      0-6       0-9       0-11      0-17      5-23     10-23          

5   points                                                                     


6      II                                                                       

7     10-24     0-9       0-11      0-17      5-23     10-23     19-38          

8   points                                                                     


9      III                                                                      

10    25-34     0-11      0-17      5-23     10-23     19-38     29-57          

11  points                                                                     


12     IV                                                                       

13    35-49     0-17      5-23     10-23     19-38     29-57     34-67          

14  points                                                                     


15      V                                                                       

16    50-74     5-23     10-23     19-38     29-57     34-67     38-76          

17  points                                                                     


18     VI                                                                       

19     75+     10-23     19-38     29-57     34-67     38-76     43-76          

20  points                                                                     


21      Sec. 66.  The following are the minimum sentence ranges for                 


22  class E for individuals sentenced on or after October 1, 2004 but           


23  before October 1, 2006:                                                     


24                       PRIOR RECORD VARIABLE LEVEL                            


25               A         B         C         D          E        F            


26               0        1-9      10-24     25-49      50-74     75+           

27             points    points    points    points    points    points         

28  Offense                                                                    

29  Variable                                                                    

30    Level                                                                     


31      I                                                                       

32     0-9    0-3 0-2   0-6 0-3   1-9 0-6   5-23 1-9  7-23 3-17   9-23          

33  points                                                                     


34     II                                                                       

35    10-24   0-6 0-3   0-9 0-6   0-11 0-9 7-23 2-11 10-23 5-17  12-24          

36  points                                                                     


37     III                                                                      


1     25-34   0-9 0-6   0-11 0-9 0-17 0-11 10-23 3-1712-24 9-23  14-29          

2   points                                                                     


3      IV                                                                       

4     35-49   0-11 0-9 0-17 0-11 5-23 3-17 12-24 7-23   14-29    19-38          

5   points                                                                     


6       V                                                                       

7     50-74  0-14 0-11 5-23 3-17    7-23     14-29      19-38    22-38          

8   points                                                                     


9     VI                                                                       

10     75+      0-17   7-23 5-23   12-24     19-38      22-38    24-38          

11  points                                                                     


12      Sec. 66a.  The following are the minimum sentence ranges for                


13  class E for individuals sentenced on or after October 1, 2006:              


14                       PRIOR RECORD VARIABLE LEVEL                            


15               A         B         C         D         E         F            


16               0        1-9      10-24     25-49     50-74      75+           

17             points    points    points    points    points    points         

18  Offense                                                                    

19  Variable                                                                    

20    Level                                                                     


21      I                                                                       

22     0-9      0-3       0-6       0-9       5-23      7-23      9-23          

23  points                                                                     


24     II                                                                       

25    10-24     0-6       0-9       0-11      7-23     10-23     12-24          

26  points                                                                     


27     III                                                                      

28    25-34     0-9       0-11      0-17     10-23     12-24     14-29          

29  points                                                                     


30     IV                                                                       

31    35-49     0-11      0-17      5-23     12-24     14-29     19-38          

32  points                                                                     


33      V                                                                       

34    50-74     0-14      5-23      7-23     14-29     19-38     22-38          

35  points                                                                     


36     VI                                                                       

37     75+      0-17      7-23     12-24     19-38     22-38     24-38          

38  points                                                                     


1       Sec. 67.  The following are the minimum sentence ranges for                 


2   class F for individuals sentenced on or after October 1, 2004 but           


3   before October 1, 2006:                                                     


4                        PRIOR RECORD VARIABLE LEVEL                            


5                A         B         C         D          E        F            


6                0        1-9      10-24     25-49      50-74     75+           

7              points    points    points    points    points    points         

8   Offense                                                                    

9   Variable                                                                    

10    Level                                                                     


11      I                                                                       

12     0-9    0-3 0-1     0-6       0-9    2-17 1-11  5-23 3-17  10-23          

13  points                                                                     


14     II                                                                       

15    10-34     0-6       0-9    0-17 0-11 5-23 3-17    10-23    12-24          

16  points                                                                     


17     III                                                                      

18    35-74     0-9    0-17 0-11    2-17     10-23      12-24    14-29          

19  points                                                                     


20     IV                                                                       

21     75+   0-17 0-11    2-17      5-23     12-24      14-29    17-30          

22  points                                                                     


23      Sec. 67a.  The following are the minimum sentence ranges for                


24  class F for individuals sentenced on or after October 1, 2006:              


25                       PRIOR RECORD VARIABLE LEVEL                            


26               A         B         C         D         E         F            


27               0        1-9      10-24     25-49     50-74      75+           

28             points    points    points    points    points    points         

29  Offense                                                                    

30  Variable                                                                    

31    Level                                                                     


32      I                                                                       

33     0-9      0-3       0-6       0-9       2-17      5-23     10-23          

34  points                                                                     


35     II                                                                       

36    10-34     0-6       0-9       0-17      5-23     10-23     12-24          

37  points                                                                     


1      III                                                                      

2     35-74     0-9       0-17      2-17     10-23     12-24     14-29          

3   points                                                                     


4      IV                                                                       

5      75+      0-17      2-17      5-23     12-24     14-29     17-30          

6   points                                                                     


7       Enacting section 1.  Sections 20, 65, 66, and 67 of chapter                 


8   XVII of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 777.20,            


9   777.65, 777.66, and 777.67, are repealed effective September 30,            


10  2006.