March 30, 2004, Introduced by Senator HAMMERSTROM and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding sections 20505, 20506,                 


    20507, 20508, and 20509.                                                    


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 20505.  (1) The department shall enter into reciprocity                


2   agreements with an agency of another state or with another third            


3   party entity, such as NELAC, for the purpose of recognizing                 


4   out-of-state accreditation of out-of-state laboratories if the              


5   department determines that accreditation standards of the third             


6   party program are equivalent to or exceed the accreditation                 


7   standards of this part.                                                     


8       (2) Fees required for initial accreditation or renewal or                   


9   augmentation of accreditation through a reciprocity agreement               


10  under this section are governed by section 20508.                           



1       Sec. 20506.  (1) The department shall do all of the                         


2   following:                                                                  


3       (a) Develop an accreditation manual detailing the regulations               


4   and procedures and providing guidance for accreditation under               


5   this part.                                                                  


6       (b) Define the categories, parameters, analytes, and                        


7   acceptable analytical methods for which a laboratory may become             


8   accredited.                                                                 


9       (c) Compile and maintain a list of accredited laboratories                  


10  that includes the name of each laboratory, the name of the                  


11  laboratory director, the mailing address and telephone number of            


12  the laboratory, and the categories for which the laboratory is              


13  accredited.  The department shall revise the list at least                  


14  annually and shall provide a copy of the list on request without            


15  charge.                                                                     


16      (2) The department may do 1 or more of the following:                       


17      (a) Approve the use of performance-based measurement systems                


18  that are approved by the United States environmental protection             


19  agency for a similar use.                                                   


20      (b) Allow other analytical methods on a case-by-case basis.                 


21  A request to use an alternate analytical method shall be in                 


22  writing and include valid scientific reasons for proposing the              


23  analytical method and a description of its potential scope of               


24  use.  The department shall provisionally approve or deny the                


25  request within 90 days based on a demonstrated need for the                 


26  alternate analytical method.  If the request is provisionally               


27  approved, the department shall establish criteria for validating            


1   the analytical method.  If the analytical method validation                 


2   satisfies the validation criteria, the department shall allow the           


3   use of the analytical method.                                               


4       (c) Approve an analytical method if there is no other                       


5   department-approved analytical method.                                      


6       (d) Undertake double blind PT studies of accredited                         


7   laboratories through the use of samples from a PT program or                


8   samples from other qualified sources.  The department may use the           


9   results of such PT samples to select laboratories for further               


10  inspection or as a basis for requiring analysis of additional PT            


11  samples, requiring corrective action, revoking accreditation                


12  subject to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA               


13  306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, or requesting the attorney general to            


14  commence a civil action as described in section 20512.                      


15      (e) Enter into agreements with other agencies of this state,                


16  agencies of other states, federal agencies, interstate agencies,            


17  political subdivisions, educational institutions, local health              


18  departments, or other public or private organizations, or                   


19  individuals for the administration of this part.                            


20      Sec. 20507.  (1) A laboratory shall participate in PT for                   


21  all categories, parameters, analytes, and methods for which the             


22  laboratory is accredited or seeks accreditation and for which a             


23  PT program exists.                                                          


24      (2) The department or a department representative shall                     


25  conduct an on-site evaluation of laboratories applying for                  


26  accreditation to confirm compliance with the requirements of this           


27  part, unless the department waives the requirement for on-site              


1   evaluation.  Beginning 5 years after the effective date of this             


2   part, the department shall schedule the on-site assessment of a             


3   laboratory within 90 days after the laboratory applies, in                  


4   writing, for accreditation, unless a later date is agreed upon by           


5   the laboratory and the department.  The laboratory shall respond            


6   to and correct the deficiencies cited in the assessment report              


7   prior to receiving accreditation.                                           


8       (3) The department shall issue the requested accreditation                  


9   within 20 business days after the laboratory successfully                   


10  completes the on-site assessment or the department waives the               


11  on-site assessment.                                                         


12      Sec. 20508.  (1) The department shall charge the following                  


13  fees for initial accreditation or to renew or augment                       


14  accreditation:                                                              


15  Fee item                                                   Fee              


16  Accreditation base fee                                    $800.00           


17  Reciprocity fee                                           $800.00           


18  Initial application fee                                   $300.00           


19  Revised/renewal application fee                           $150.00           


20  Category 1 - Oxygen utilization                           $100.00           


21  Category 2 - Nitrogen                                     $100.00           


22  Category 3 - Phosphorus                                   $100.00           


23  Category 4 - Physical                                     $100.00           


24  Category 5 - General I                                    $200.00           


25  Category 6 - General II                                   $200.00           


26  Category 7 - General III                                  $200.00           


27  Category 8 - Metals I                                     $200.00           


1   Category 9 - Metals II                                    $200.00           


2   Category 10 - Organics:  Purgeables                       $200.00           


3   Category 11 - Organics:  Semivolatiles by GC              $200.00           


4   Category 12 - Organics:  Semivolatiles by GC/MS           $200.00           


5   Category 13 - Organics:  Liquid chromatography            $200.00           


6   Category 14 - Organics:  Pesticides                       $200.00           


7   Category 15 - Organics:  Petroleum hydrocarbons           $200.00           


8   Category 16 - Organics:  Organochlorine compounds         $200.00           


9   Category 17 - Organics:  Dioxins                          $600.00           


10  Category 18a - Nitrate/Nitrite only                       $100.00           


11  Category 18b - Nitrate/Nitrite and fluoride only          $200.00           


12  Category 19 - Any single analyte                          $200.00           


13  Category 20 - Whole effluent toxicity                   $1,400.00           


14  Category 21 - Immunoassay                                 $200.00           


15  Minimum annual fee                                      $1,200.00           


16      (2) A fee charged under subsection (1) is nonrefundable                     


17  except to the extent of an overpayment.                                     


18      (3) In addition to the fees assessed by the department, a                   


19  laboratory applying for accreditation shall pay the fees required           


20  for the on-site assessment as established by the department, and            


21  any fees associated with PT.                                                


22      (4) Fees collected under this part shall be deposited in the                


23  fund.                                                                       


24      Sec. 20509.  (1) The laboratory accreditation fund is                       


25  created within the state treasury.                                          


26      (2) Fees received under this part shall be deposited in the                 


27  fund.  The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from           


1   any source for deposit in the fund.                                         


2       (3) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the                  


3   fund.  The state treasurer shall credit to the fund interest and            


4   earnings from fund investments.                                             


5       (4) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


6   remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.                 


7       (5) The department shall expend money from the fund, upon                   


8   appropriation, only for the purpose of administering this part.             


9       Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


10  effect unless all of the following bills of the 92nd Legislature            


11  are enacted into law:                                                       


12      (a) Senate Bill No. 1134.                                                   




14      (b) Senate Bill No. 1135.                                                   




16      (c) Senate Bill No. 1133.