April 22, 2003, Introduced by Senator BIRKHOLZ and referred to the Committee on Local, Urban and State Affairs.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1909 PA 279, entitled                                             


    "The home rule city act,"                                                   


    by amending sections 9 and 9b (MCL 117.9 and 117.9b), section 9             


    as amended by 1984 PA 352 and section 9b as added by 1982 PA 465,           


    and by adding sections 9c, 9d, and 9e.                                      


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 9.  (1)  In the event of a conflict between  If the                    


2   provisions of this act and  Act No. 191 of the Public Acts of               


3   1968, being sections 123.1001 to 123.1020 of the Michigan                   


4   Compiled Laws  1968 PA 191, MCL 123.1001 to 123.1020, regarding             


5   an incorporation or consolidation conflict, the provisions of               


6   Act No. 191 of the Public Acts of 1968  1968 PA 191,                       


7   MCL 123.1001 to 123.1020, shall govern.  The district to be                 


8   affected by  every such  a proposed incorporation, consolidation,           


9   or change of boundaries shall be deemed to include the whole of             



1   each city, village, or township from which territory is to be               


2   taken or to which territory is to be annexed.  However,  when  if           


3   a territory is proposed to be incorporated as a city only the               


4   residents of the territory to be incorporated shall vote on the             


5   question of incorporation.   When                                           


6       (2) If a petition signed  by the  on behalf of this state by                


7   the appropriate agency designated by the state administrative               


8   board  which  that holds the record legal title to the entire               


9   area of the land in the territory adjacent to the city to be                


10  annexed  ,  is filed with the governing body of the city and with           


11  the township board of the township in which  such  the territory            


12  is situated,  such  the annexation may be accomplished by the               


13  affirmative majority vote of the governing body of  such  the               


14  city and the approval of the township board of  such  the                   


15  township.                                                                   


16      (3)  (2)  Except as provided in subsections  (1)  (2) and                   


17  (8)  (9), a petition or resolution for annexation of territory             


18  shall be filed in the Lansing office of the state boundary                  


19  commission.  The commission, after determining the validity of              


20  the petition or resolution, shall hold a public hearing in or               


21  reasonably near the area proposed for annexation.  The commission           


22  in processing and approving, denying, or revising a petition or             


23  resolution for annexation shall have the same powers and duties             


24  and shall be in accordance with and subject to the provisions of            


25  Act No. 191 of the Public Acts of 1968, relating to petitions              


26  which propose incorporations  1968 PA 191, MCL 123.1001 to                  


27  123.1020Except as otherwise provided in subsection (8), a                


1   commission order concerning the annexation of territory in which            


2   100 or fewer persons resided on the date the petition or                    


3   resolution for annexation was filed is subject to the provisions            


4   of section 9c.                                                              


5       (4)  (3)  If an annexation is denied by the commission, the                 


6   commission shall send a certified copy of its order to the clerk            


7   of each county, city, village, and township affected.                       


8       (4) If an annexation is approved, and if on the date the                    


9   petition or resolution was filed 100 persons or less resided in             


10  the area approved for annexation, the commission's order shall              


11  not be subject to a referendum.  The commission shall send a                


12  certified copy of its order to the clerk of each county, city,              


13  village, and township affected and to the secretary of state.               


14  The annexation shall be effective on a date set forth in the                


15  commission's order.                                                         


16      (5) If an annexation is approved, and if on the date the                    


17  petition or resolution was filed more than 100 persons resided in           


18  the area approved for annexation, the commission shall send a               


19  certified copy of its order to the clerk of each county, city,              


20  village, and township affected and to the secretary of state.               


21  The  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (10), the                  


22  commission's order shall become final 30 days after the date of             


23  the order unless within that 30 days a petition is filed with the           


24  commission  which  that contains the signatures of at least 25%             


25  of the registered electors residing in the portion of the                   


26  territory approved for annexation, in the annexing city, or in              


27  the balance of the township.   The commission after  After                  


1   verifying the validity of any referendum petition, the commission           


2   shall order that a referendum on the question of annexation be              


3   held in each area from which a valid petition was filed.  If a              


4   valid petition is not filed within the 30 days or if the majority           


5   of the electorate voting on the question in each area in which a            


6   referendum was held, voting separately, approve the annexation,             


7   except as otherwise provided in subsection (10), the annexation             


8   shall be effective on a date set by order of the commission,                


9   otherwise the annexation shall not take effect.                             


10      (6) The commission shall  reject  process petitions or                      


11  resolutions for annexation as follows:                                      


12      (a) Reject a petition or resolution for annexation of                       


13  territory  which  that includes all or any part of the territory            


14  which  that was described in any petition or resolution for                


15  annexation filed within the preceding 2 years and  which  that              


16  was denied by the commission or was defeated in an election                 


17  pursuant to subsection (5) or (10) or section 9c.                           


18      (b) If a notice of intent to petition the commission for                    


19  annexation has been provided by a city, a property owner, or                


20  qualified electors under section 9c(2), finally dispose of an               


21  annexation petition of the city, property owner, or qualified               


22  electors that has been so noticed before processing any other               


23  petitions that deal with all or any part of the same territory.             


24      (7) In addition to the methods for initiating annexation as                 


25  provided in this act, a petition or resolution  as follows  may             


26  be submitted to the state boundary commission in a form and                 


27  manner prescribed by  it  the state boundary commission as                  


1   follows:                                                                    


2       (a) By resolution of the legislative body of the city to                    


3   which the area is proposed to be annexed.                                   


4       (b) By petition by the persons, firms, corporations, the                    


5   United States government, or  the  this state or any  of its                


6   subdivisions  political subdivision of this state who                       


7   collectively hold equitable title as a vendee under a recorded              


8   land contract or memorandum of land contract, or record title as            


9   recorded fee owner to 75% or more of the area of the land,                  


10  exclusive of streets, in the territory proposed for annexation at           


11  the time  of filing  the petition is filed.                                 


12      (c) By petition by 20% of the registered electors who reside                


13  in the area proposed for annexation.                                        


14      (8)  Where the territory proposed to be annexed to any city                 


15  is adjacent to the city and consists of a park or vacant property           


16  located in a township and owned by the city annexing the same,              


17  and there is no one residing thereon, such territory may be                 


18  annexed to the city solely by resolution of the city council of             


19  the city or in any case where  Notwithstanding the provisions of            


20  section 9c, if the territory proposed to be annexed to a city is            


21  located in a township, has no residents, and is adjacent to and             


22  owned by the city proposing to annex the territory, the territory           


23  may be annexed under 1 of the following methods:                            


24      (a) If a resolution to annex the territory is adopted by the                


25  city council before the effective date of the amendatory act that           


26  added section 9c, and the territory consists of park or vacant              


27  property, the territory may be annexed solely by that resolution            


1   of the city council.                                                        


2       (b) If a resolution to annex the territory is adopted by the                


3   city council on or after the effective date of the amendatory act           


4   that added section 9c, and the territory will be used for a                 


5   public purpose for a period that begins with the adoption of the            


6   resolution and lasts not less than 8 years, the territory is                


7   annexed by that resolution of the city council.  For the purpose            


8   of this subdivision, territory is used for a public purpose if it           


9   is exempt from the collection of taxes under the general property           


10  tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157.  The township from              


11  which property is annexed under this subdivision may file a                 


12  petition with the commission at any time within the 8-year period           


13  beginning with the adoption of the resolution, alleging that the            


14  property annexed is not being used for a public purpose.  If the            


15  commission finds after a hearing on the petition that the                   


16  property is not being used for a public purpose, the commission             


17  shall issue and enter in its records an order that the property             


18  be reattached to the township from which it was annexed.                    


19      (c) By the affirmative majority votes of both the city                      


20  council and the township board.                                             


21      (9) If the territory proposed to be annexed is adjacent to                  


22  the  a city and consists of property owned by the city or                  


23  consists of fractional parts of platted subdivision lots, located           


24  in an adjoining city, village, or township,  such  the annexation           


25  may  also  be accomplished by the affirmative majority vote of              


26  the legislative body of  such  the city and the approval of the             


27  legislative body of  such  the adjoining city, village, or                  


1   township.  As an alternate method,  where  if there are no                  


2   qualified electors residing in the territory proposed to be                 


3   annexed to the city  ,  other than the person or persons                    


4   petitioning, a petition signed by a person or persons, firms,               


5   corporations, the United States government, or  the  this state             


6   or any  of its subdivisions  political subdivision of this state            


7   who collectively hold the equitable title as a vendee under a               


8   recorded land contract or memorandum of land contract  ,  or                


9   record legal title as recorded fee owner to more than 1/2 of the            


10  area of the land in the territory to be annexed is filed with the           


11  city council of the city and with the township board of the                 


12  township in which  such  that territory is situated,  such  the             


13  annexation may be accomplished by the affirmative majority vote             


14  of the city council of  such  the city and the approval of the              


15  township board of  such  the township.  At least 10 days prior to           


16  the approval by the township board, the township treasurer shall            


17  notify, personally or by registered mail with return receipt                


18  demanded  requested, the owners of all real property in the                


19  territory to be annexed as shown on the assessment rolls of the             


20  township at the last known address on file with the township                


21  treasurer.   This section shall not be construed so as to give              


22  any city the authority to                                                   


23      (10) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (9), a city                 


24  shall not proceed  hereunder  under this section to attach                  


25  territory from any other city unless the question  relative                 


26  thereto  of the annexation has been  voted upon  approved by the            


27  voters of the entire cities affected.  , except as hereinbefore             


1   specifically provided, where the territory proposed to be annexed           


2   is adjacent to a city and consists of property owned by the city            


3   or consists of fractional parts of platted subdivision lots,                


4   located in an adjoining city.                                               


5       (11)  (9)  The provisions of section 14  shall  are not  be                 


6   applicable to an annexation approved  by the commission  under              


7   this section of part of a township or village to a city except in           


8   the event of outstanding bonds or other evidences of indebtedness           


9   of the township or village.  In  such  that event, the state                


10  boundary commission shall determine and order an equitable                  


11  division of assets and liabilities  which  that relate to the               


12  bonds or other indebtedness.                                                


13      (12)  (10)  The provisions of sections 8 and 8a  shall  are                 


14  not  be  applicable to petitions or resolutions filed with the              


15  state boundary commission.                                                  


16      (13)  (11) After March 31, 1971, and so long as Act No. 191                 


17  of the Public Acts of 1968 is in effect, annexation  Annexation             


18  of territory from a village, or of territory with more than 100             


19  residents from a township,  or village  to a home rule city shall           


20  be as provided in this section and no other means of annexation             


21  shall be  is effective.                                                    


22      (14) Territory may be annexed to a city from a township only                


23  if the territory to be annexed does not contain any real property           


24  owned by the township, except for utilities and other facilities            


25  that are located within a public right-of-way.                              


26      (15) The incorporation as a city by a village is not an                     


27  annexation under this act.                                                  


1       Sec. 9b.  (1)  In addition to the detachment procedures                     


2   otherwise authorized by this act, territory  Territory may be               


3   detached from a city to another city or village only if all of              


4   the following conditions are met:                                           


5       (a) The territory to be detached was annexed to the city                    


6   after the city was incorporated.                                            


7       (b) The territory to be detached is to be reattached to the                 


8   municipality from which that territory was annexed.                         


9       (c) The city does not provide water or sewer service in the                 


10  territory to be detached.                                                   


11      (d) The council of the city from which the territory is being               


12  detached approves a resolution authorizing the detachment of the            


13  territory and confirming an agreement relating to the                       


14  detachment.                                                                 


15      (e) The legislative body of the municipality from which the                 


16  territory to be detached was annexed approves a resolution                  


17  authorizing detachment of the territory and confirming an                   


18  agreement related to the detachment.                                        


19      (2) The city and municipality involved in a detachment under                


20  this section  subsection (1) may enter into an intergovernmental           


21  agreement  which  that imposes conditions on the detachment.  The           


22  conditions may include, but need not be limited to, building                


23  restrictions and zoning within the territory to be detached.                


24      (3) Territory detached under  this section  subsection (1) is               


25  immediately reannexed to the detaching city if any of the                   


26  following occurs:                                                           


27      (a) The city can and agrees to provide water and sewer                      


1   services, the city certifies these facts to the state boundary              


2   commission, and the state boundary commission finds that the city           


3   can provide water and sewer services to this territory.                     


4       (b) The municipality to which the territory was reattached                  


5   fails to comply with the intergovernmental agreement, the city              


6   certifies that fact to the state boundary commission, and the               


7   state boundary commission finds that the municipality is not in             


8   compliance.                                                                 


9       (4) Reannexation pursuant to subsection (3)  shall  is not                  


10  be  subject to the annexation requirements and restrictions of             


11  this act  ; Act No. 191 of the Public Acts of 1968, being                   


12  sections 123.1001 to 123.1020 of the Michigan Compiled Laws; or             


13  Act No. 359 of the Public Acts of 1947, being sections 42.1 to              


14  42.34 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  or any of the following:               


15      (a) 1968 PA 191, MCL 123.1001 to 123.1020.                                  


16      (b) The charter township act, 1947 PA 359, MCL 42.1 to 42.34.               


17      (5) All or part of territory detached under  this section                   


18  subsection (1) shall not be subject to annexation.                          


19      Sec. 9c.  (1) The annexation of any territory with 100 or                   


20  fewer residents to a city from a township for which a petition is           


21  filed with the commission on or after the effective date of the             


22  amendatory act that added this section is subject to the                    


23  procedures and conditions set forth in this section, except as              


24  provided in section 9d.                                                     


25      (2) A city, property owner, or registered electors that                     


26  intend to petition the state boundary commission for annexation             


27  of territory with 100 or fewer residents to a city from a                   


1   township shall provide written notice of that intent by certified           


2   mail, return receipt requested, to the clerk of any city or                 


3   township that is affected by the proposal and to the state                  


4   boundary commission.                                                        


5       (3) The city and township may negotiate an agreement                        


6   concerning the annexation of the territory that includes, but is            


7   not limited to, an agreement not to contest the annexation                  


8   petition before the commission, the sharing of tax revenues, the            


9   future land use of the territory, and any other factors or terms            


10  that may be considered or provided for in a contract negotiated             


11  under 1984 PA 425, MCL 124.21 to 124.30, or an interlocal                   


12  agreement negotiated under the urban cooperation act of 1967,               


13  1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512.                                


14      (4) Forty-five days after receipt of the notice under                       


15  subsection (2), if no agreement has been reached under subsection           


16  (3) between the city and the township concerning the proposed               


17  annexation, a petition for annexation of territory may be filed             


18  in the Lansing office of the state boundary commission.  On the             


19  same day that the petition is filed, the petitioner shall send a            


20  copy of the petition by certified mail, return receipt requested,           


21  to the clerks of both the city and the township in which the                


22  territory is located.                                                       


23      (5) If no agreement is reached within 45 days after receipt                 


24  of the notice under subsection (2), the city or the township may            


25  file a claim not later than 10 days after the expiration of that            


26  period in the circuit court asserting that the other party did              


27  not participate in negotiations in good faith.  If the court                


1   finds that the city or township did not participate in                      


2   negotiations in good faith, it may provide appropriate equitable            


3   relief, including, but not limited to, prohibiting the annexation           


4   for a period of not more than 2 years or prohibiting the                    


5   referendum provided for in subsection (6).                                  


6       (6) If, within 30 days after receipt by the clerk of the                    


7   township of the petition for annexation, a petition for a                   


8   referendum on the question of annexation is filed with the county           


9   election commission that contains the signatures of at least 25%            


10  of the registered electors in the affected township, based on the           


11  most recent certification of the number of registered electors              


12  made by the township clerk to the county clerk, the county                  


13  election commission shall certify that the referendum petition              


14  meets the requirements for petitions under the Michigan election            


15  law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.1 to 168.992, and call a special                  


16  election for the referendum to be held in the township within               


17  which the territory proposed for annexation is located.  If a               


18  township referendum petition is certified, the governing body of            


19  the city may also schedule a referendum on the annexation to be             


20  held in the city on the same day as the township referendum.  Up            


21  to 30 days after the referendum petition is filed, the governing            


22  body of the city or township may adopt a resolution to delay the            


23  scheduling of the referendum to allow time for the city and                 


24  township to continue negotiations concerning the annexation.                


25  Upon adoption of a resolution by the governing body of the city             


26  or township, the scheduling of the referendum shall be delayed              


27  until 90 days after the date on which the referendum petition is            


1   certified.  The county election commission shall not meet to                


2   schedule the referendum until 30 days after the petition is                 


3   filed.  The special election shall be held not less than 60 days            


4   or more than 90 days after the county election commission meets             


5   to schedule the election under this subsection, unless a primary            


6   or regular election, or a special election called for another               


7   purpose, occurs not less than 60 days or more than 90 days after            


8   the referendum petition is filed.  In that event, the referendum            


9   shall be submitted at that primary, regular, or special election            


10  and an additional special election shall not be called.                     


11      (7) If a petition containing sufficient valid signatures for                


12  a referendum on the question of annexation is not filed with the            


13  county election commission under subsection (6), the state                  


14  boundary commission shall proceed to process the annexation                 


15  petition under section 9.                                                   


16      (8) If an agreement under subsection (3) is reached 30 days                 


17  before the date of an election scheduled under subsection (6),              


18  the referendum shall not be held.  If no agreement is reached,              


19  the referendum shall be held as ordered by the county election              


20  commission.  The annexation shall be allowed to occur only if a             


21  majority of the electors voting on the issue in the township                


22  within which the territory proposed for annexation is located,              


23  and in the city if it holds an election under subsection (6),               


24  counted separately, vote for the annexation.                                


25      (9) If a majority of the electors voting on the issue in the                


26  township within which the territory proposed for annexation is              


27  located, and in the city if it holds an election under                      


1   subsection (6), vote for the annexation, and the commission                 


2   approves the annexation under section 9(3), the commission shall            


3   send a certified copy of its order to the clerk of each county,             


4   city, and township affected and to the secretary of state.  The             


5   annexation shall be effective on a date set forth in the                    


6   commission's order.                                                         


7       (10) As used in this section, "commission" means the state                  


8   boundary commission established under 1968 PA 191, MCL 123.1001             


9   to 123.1020.                                                                


10      Sec. 9d.  If the governing bodies of a city and township                    


11  approve by resolution an agreement to annex, or not to contest              


12  the annexation of, territory in the township with 100 or fewer              


13  residents before a petition for annexation is filed with the                


14  commission, the provisions of section 9c do not apply and a                 


15  petition for annexation may be filed at any time.  If the                   


16  territory meets the requirements of section 9(9), the annexation            


17  may proceed under section 9(9).                                             


18      Sec. 9e.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act,                 


19  territory may be detached from a city to a township only if all             


20  of the following conditions are met:                                        


21      (a) The territory to be detached does not contain any real                  


22  property owned by the city, except for utilities and other                  


23  facilities that are located within a public right-of-way.                   


24      (b) The territory to be detached was not annexed within the                 


25  previous 2 years, calculated from the date that the most recent             


26  annexation of that territory, if any, was completed.                        


27      (c) The detachment is approved by a majority vote of the                    


1   qualified electors residing in each of the following, counted               


2   separately:                                                                 


3                                                                                (i) The territory proposed to be detached from the city.                            


4       (ii) The remaining portion of the city.                                      


5       (iii) The township to which the territory will be attached.                  


6       Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


7   effect unless all of the following bills of the 92nd Legislature            


8   are enacted into law:                                                       


9       (a) Senate Bill No. 383                                                     


10               .                                                              


11      (b) Senate Bill No. 380                                                     


12               .                                                              


13      (c) Senate Bill No. 384                                                     


14               .                                                              


15      (d) Senate Bill No. 382                                                     


16               .                                                              


17      (e) Senate Bill No. 381                                                     


18               .