September 15, 2004, Introduced by Reps. Ehardt, Farhat, Sak, Lipsey and Nitz and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.
A bill to amend 1967 PA 281, entitled
"Income tax act of 1967,"
by amending section 506 (MCL 206.506), as amended by 1996 PA
1 Sec. 506. "Eligible serviceperson", "eligible veteran", and
2 "eligible widow or widower" means a serviceperson, veteran, or
3 widow or widower, whose income as defined in this chapter is not
4 more than $7,500.00 per year unless the serviceperson, veteran,
5 or widow or widower receives compensation or a pension paid by
6 the veterans administration or the armed forces of the United
7 States for service incurred disabilities and who meets the
8 requirements of the following schedule:
1 Taxable
2 Value
3 War Person Service in War Disability % Allowance
4 Indian Veteran or 3 months, or 1 No $3,500.00
5 Civil veteran's day with dis- requirement
6 Spanish- widow or charge for serv-
7 American widower ice-connected
8 Mexican disability
9 World War I Widow or 3 months, or 1 No $2,500.00
10 World War II widower of day with dis- requirement
11 Korean nondisabled charge for serv-
12 or nonpen- ice-connected
13 sioned disability
14 veteran
15 All wars or Pensioned Any No $3,500.00
16 presidential veteran or requirement
17 executive veteran's
18 order or widow or
19 presidential widower
20 proclamation
21 All wars or Veteran with Any 10-50 $3,500.00
22 presidential service-con-
23 executive nected dis-
24 order or ability or
25 presidential veteran's
26 proclamation widow or
27 widower
28 All wars or Veteran with Any 60-70-80 $4,000.00
29 presidential service-con-
30 executive nected dis-
31 order or ability or
32 presidential veteran's
33 proclamation widow or
34 widower
35 All wars or Veteran with Any 90-100 $4,500.00
36 presidential service-con-
37 executive nected dis-
38 order or ability or
39 presidential veteran's
40 proclamation widow or
41 widower
42 All wars or Widow or Any No $4,500.00
43 presidential widower of requirement
44 executive veteran dying
1 order or in service
2 presidential
3 proclamation
4 Current Serviceperson Any No $3,500.00
5 service or requirement
6 serviceperson's
7 widow or
8 widower