April 1, 2004, Introduced by Rep. Palsrok and referred to the Committee on Commerce.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding sections 20514, 20515, and             




                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 20514.  (1) A person shall not knowingly do any of the                 


2   following:                                                                  


3       (a) Make a false statement or misrepresentation of a material               


4   fact pertinent to receiving or maintaining accreditation.                   


5       (b) Destroy, alter, or conceal any record, report, or                       


6   document required to be maintained under this part.                         


7       (c) Represent that the person is accredited under this part                 


8   in an area in which the person is not accredited.                           


9       (d) Violate section 20502(1).                                               


10      (2) A person who violates subsection (1) is guilty of a                     



1   felony punishable as follows for each violation:                            


2       (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), by imprisonment                  


3   for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $25,000.00,            


4   or both; or by imprisonment for not more than 7 years or a fine             


5   of not more than $1,025,000.00, or both, upon a finding that the            


6   defendant acted in such a manner as to cause a substantial danger           


7   of death or serious bodily injury to a human being and that                 


8   either of the following applies:                                            


9                                                                                (i) The defendant had an actual awareness, belief, or                               


10  understanding that his or her conduct would cause a substantial             


11  danger of death or serious bodily injury.                                   


12      (ii) The defendant acted in gross disregard of the standard                  


13  of care that a reasonable person would observe in similar                   


14  circumstances.                                                              


15      (b) If a conviction under subsection (1) is a second or                     


16  subsequent conviction, by imprisonment for not more than 5 years            


17  or a fine of not more than $50,000.00, or both; or by                       


18  imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a fine of not more               


19  than $1,050,000.00, or both, upon a finding that the defendant              


20  acted in such a manner as to cause a substantial danger of death            


21  or serious bodily injury to a human being and that either of the            


22  following applies:                                                          


23                                                                               (i) The defendant had an actual awareness, belief, or                               


24  understanding that his or her conduct would cause a substantial             


25  danger of death or serious bodily injury.                                   


26      (ii) The defendant acted in gross disregard of the standard                  


27  of care that a reasonable person would observe in similar                   


1   circumstances.                                                              


2       Sec. 20515.  (1) A person who violates section 20502(1) is                  


3   subject to a civil fine of not more than $10,000.00 for a first             


4   violation or not more than $25,000.00 for a second or subsequent            


5   violation.  Failure to pay the fine is sufficient cause for the             


6   director of the department to suspend the person's permit with              


7   respect to which the analytical data referred to in section 20502           


8   was required.                                                               


9       (2) The attorney general may commence an action for                         


10  injunctive relief against a person who violates section                     


11  20502(1).                                                                   


12      Sec. 20516.  (1) Within 2 years after the effective date of                 


13  this part, the department shall submit to the standing committees           


14  of the senate and house of representatives that are primarily               


15  responsible for environmental protection legislation a written              


16  report on consolidating the accreditation program under this part           


17  and the certification program under the safe drinking water act,            


18  1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1001 to 325.1023.                                      


19      (2) The department shall annually submit to the senate and                  


20  house of representatives appropriations committees and the                  


21  committees of the senate and the house of representatives that              


22  are primarily responsible for environmental protection                      


23  legislation a written report on the expense of administering this           


24  part and the fees collected under this part.                                


25      (3) During January of 2006 and every even numbered year                     


26  thereafter, the department shall submit to the standing                     


27  committees of the senate and house of representatives that are              


1   primarily responsible for environmental protection legislation a            


2   written report on both of the following:                                    


3       (a) Whether this part is consistent with the standards of                   


4   NELAC in effect at the time of the report.                                  


5       (b) Recommendations as to whether this part should be                       


6   amended or repealed.                                                        


7       Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


8   effect unless all of the following bills of the 92nd Legislature            


9   are enacted into law:                                                       


10      (a) Senate Bill No. 1135     or House Bill No.                              


11  (request no. 06495'04 **).                                                  


12      (b) Senate Bill No. ________ or House Bill No. 5742                         


13  (request no. 06496'04 **).                                                  


14      (c) Senate Bill No. ________ or House Bill No. 5743                         


15  (request no. 06497'04 **).