September 25, 2003, Introduced by Reps. Spade, Sheltrown, Law, Bieda, Wojno, Farrah, Plakas, Clack, Sak, Condino and Brown and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
by amending section 2811 (MCL 333.2811), as amended by 1998 PA
1 Sec. 2811. (1) The department shall prescribe the form and
2 content of vital records and certificates, which shall conform as
3 nearly as possible to recognized national standardized forms
4 including, as required to comply with federal law, requirements
5 for the entry of social security numbers.
6 (2) Within 45 days after the effective date of the amendatory
7 act that added this subsection, the department shall revise the
8 certificate of death form to include each of the following
9 questions:
10 (a) Did the deceased have diabetes?
1 (b) If yes, was diabetes an immediate, underlying, or
2 contributing cause of or contributing factor to the cause of
3 death?
4 (3) A certificate of death that is filed without answers to
5 the questions described in subsection (2) is incomplete or
6 unsatisfactory.