July 16, 2003, Introduced by Reps. Kolb, Tobocman, Rivet, Minore, Jamnick, Bieda, Gieleghem and Lipsey and referred to the Committee on Land Use and Environment.
A bill to amend 1943 PA 184, entitled
"Township zoning act,"
by amending section 1 (MCL 125.271), as amended by 1996 PA 47.
1 Sec. 1. (1) The
township board of an organized township in
2 this state may provide
by zoning ordinance for the regulation of
3 land development and
the establishment of districts in the
4 portions of the
township outside the limits of cities and
5 villages which
regulate a township may adopt a
zoning ordinance
6 regulating the use of
land and structures ; to for 1 or more of
7 the following purposes:
8 (a) To meet the needs of the state's citizens for food,
9 fiber, energy, and other natural resources, places of residence,
10 recreation, industry,
trade, service, and other uses of land. ;
11 to insure that use of
the land shall be
1 (b) To ensure that uses of the land are situated in
2 appropriate locations and
relationships. ; to
3 (c) To limit the inappropriate overcrowding of land and
4 congestion of population, transportation systems, and other
5 public facilities.
; to
6 (d) To
facilitate adequate and efficient provision for
7 transportation systems, sewage disposal, water, energy,
8 education, recreation,
and other public service and facility
9 requirements; and to services and facilities.
10 (e) To promote public
health, safety, and welfare. For
11 these purposes, the
township board may divide the township into
12 districts of such
number, shape, and area as it considers best
13 suited to carry out
this act.
14 (2) The
township board of an organized township may use
15 this act to may also provide by a zoning ordinance
for the
16 regulation of land development and the establishment of districts
17 which that apply only to land areas and activities which
18 involved in a special program to achieve specific land management
19 objectives and avert or solve specific land use problems,
20 including the
regulation of land development and the
21 establishment of
districts in areas subject to damage
22 flooding or beach erosion.
, and for that purpose
23 (3) A zoning ordinance may divide the township into
24 districts of a number, shape, and area considered by the township
25 board to be best suited
to accomplish those objectives the
26 purposes set forth in subsection (1) or (2). Ordinances
27 regulating land
development may also be adopted designating or
1 limiting A zoning ordinance may also designate or limit
2 location, the height, number of stories, and size of dwellings,
3 buildings, and other structures that may be erected or altered,
4 including tents and trailer coaches, and the specific uses for
5 which dwellings, buildings, and other structures, including tents
6 and trailer coaches, may be erected or altered; the area of
7 yards, courts, and other open spaces, and the sanitary, safety,
8 and protective measures that shall be required for the dwellings,
9 buildings, and other structures, including tents and trailer
10 coaches; and the maximum number of families which may be housed
11 in buildings, dwellings, and other structures, including tents
12 and trailer coaches, erected or altered. The provisions shall be
13 uniform for each class of land or buildings, dwellings, and other
14 structures, including tents and trailer coaches, throughout each
15 district, but the
provisions in applicable to 1 district may
16 differ from those in applicable
to other districts. The zoning
17 ordinance may provide for a mix of land uses and activities in a
18 district or may provide for the separation of different land uses
19 and activities in different districts, or both.
20 (4) A township board shall not regulate or control the
21 drilling, completion, or operation of oil or gas wells, or other
22 wells drilled for oil or gas exploration purposes and shall not
23 have jurisdiction with
reference to over the issuance of
24 permits for the location, drilling, completion, operation, or
25 abandonment of those
wells. The jurisdiction relative to
26 Jurisdiction over those wells shall be vested exclusively in the
27 supervisor of wells of this state, as provided in part 615
1 (supervisor of wells)
of the natural resources and
2 environmental protection
act, Act No. 451 of the Public Acts of
3 1994, being sections
324.61501 to 324.61527 of the Michigan
4 Compiled Laws 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.61501 to 324.61527.
5 (5) (2) An
ordinance adopted pursuant to this act is
6 subject to the electric transmission line certification act, 1995
7 PA 30, MCL 460.561 to 460.575.