April 1, 2003, Introduced by Reps. Sak, Spade, Milosch, Clack, Garfield, Minore, Byrum, Tobocman, O'Neil, Vagnozzi, Rivet, Murphy, Bieda, Gillard, Farrah, Dennis, Gieleghem, Woodward, Gleason, Accavitti, Law, Wojno, Condino, Stallworth, Elkins, Meisner, Hunter, Zelenko, Sheltrown, Anderson, Plakas, Kooiman and Brown and referred to the Committee on Insurance.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled                                             


    "The insurance code of 1956,"                                               


    by amending section 3104 (MCL 500.3104), as amended by 2002 PA              




                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 3104.  (1) An unincorporated, nonprofit association to                 


2   be known as the catastrophic claims association, hereinafter                


3   referred to as the association, is created.  Each insurer engaged           


4   in writing insurance coverages that provide the security required           


5   by section 3101(1) within this state, as a condition of its                 


6   authority to transact insurance in this state, shall be a member            


7   of the association and shall be bound by the plan of operation of           


8   the association.  Each insurer engaged in writing insurance                 


9   coverages that provide the security required by section 3103(1)             


10  within this state, as a condition of its authority to transact              



1   insurance in this state, shall be considered a member of the                


2   association, but only for purposes of premiums under subsection             


3   (7)(d).  Except as expressly provided in this section, the                  


4   association is not subject to any laws of this state with respect           


5   to insurers, but in all other respects the association is subject           


6   to the laws of this state to the extent that the association                


7   would be if it were an insurer organized and subsisting under               


8   chapter 50.                                                                 


9       (2) The association shall provide and each member shall                     


10  accept indemnification for 100% of the amount of ultimate loss              


11  sustained under personal protection insurance coverages in excess           


12  of the following amounts in each loss occurrence:                           


13      (a) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


14  before July 1, 2002, $250,000.00.                                           


15      (b) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


16  during the period July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003, $300,000.00.               


17      (c) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


18  during the period July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004, $325,000.00.               


19      (d) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


20  during the period July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005, $350,000.00.               


21      (e) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


22  during the period July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006, $375,000.00.               


23      (f) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


24  during the period July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, $400,000.00.               


25      (g) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


26  during the period July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, $420,000.00.               


27      (h) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


1   during the period July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, $440,000.00.               


2       (i) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


3   during the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, $460,000.00.               


4       (j) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


5   during the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, $480,000.00.               


6       (k) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed                   


7   during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013, $500,000.00.               


8   Beginning July 1, 2013, this $500,000.00 amount shall be                    


9   increased biennially on July 1 of each odd-numbered year, for               


10  policies issued or renewed before July 1 of the following                   


11  odd-numbered year, by the lesser of 6% or the consumer price                


12  index, and rounded to the nearest $5,000.00.  This biennial                 


13  adjustment shall be calculated by the association by January 1 of           


14  the year of its July 1 effective date.                                      


15      (3) An insurer may withdraw from the association only upon                  


16  ceasing to write insurance that provides the security required by           


17  section 3101(1) in this state.                                              


18      (4) An insurer whose membership in the association has been                 


19  terminated by withdrawal shall continue to be bound by the plan             


20  of operation, and upon withdrawal, all unpaid premiums that have            


21  been charged to the withdrawing member are payable as of the                


22  effective date of the withdrawal.                                           


23      (5) An unsatisfied net liability to the association of an                   


24  insolvent member shall be assumed by and apportioned among the              


25  remaining members of the association as provided in the plan of             


26  operation.  The association has all rights allowed by law on                


27  behalf of the remaining members against the estate or funds of              


1   the insolvent member for sums due the association.                          


2       (6) If a member has been merged or consolidated into another                


3   insurer or another insurer has reinsured a member's entire                  


4   business that provides the security required by section 3101(1)             


5   in this state, the member and successors in interest of the                 


6   member remain liable for the member's obligations.                          


7       (7) The association shall do all of the following on behalf                 


8   of the members of the association:                                          


9       (a) Assume 100% of all liability as provided in subsection                  


10  (2).                                                                        


11      (b) Establish procedures by which members shall promptly                    


12  report to the association each claim that, on the basis of the              


13  injuries or damages sustained, may reasonably be anticipated to             


14  involve the association if the member is ultimately held legally            


15  liable for the injuries or damages.  Solely for the purpose of              


16  reporting claims, the member shall in all instances consider                


17  itself legally liable for the injuries or damages.  The member              


18  shall also advise the association of subsequent developments                


19  likely to materially affect the interest of the association in              


20  the claim.                                                                  


21      (c) Maintain relevant loss and expense data relative to all                 


22  liabilities of the association and require each member to furnish           


23  statistics, in connection with liabilities of the association, at           


24  the times and in the form and detail as may be required by the              


25  plan of operation.                                                          


26      (d) In a manner provided for in the plan of operation,                      


27  calculate and charge to members of the association a total                  


1   premium sufficient to cover the expected losses and expenses of             


2   the association that the association will likely incur during the           


3   period for which the premium is applicable.  The premium shall              


4   include an amount to cover incurred but not reported losses for             


5   the period and may be adjusted for any excess or deficient                  


6   premiums from previous periods.  Excesses or deficiencies from              


7   previous periods may be fully adjusted in a single period or may            


8   be adjusted over several periods in a manner provided for in the            


9   plan of operation.  Each member shall be charged an amount equal            


10  to that member's total written car years of insurance providing             


11  the security required by section 3101(1) or 3103(1), or both,               


12  written in this state during the period to which the premium                


13  applies, multiplied by the average premium per car.  The average            


14  premium per car shall be the total premium calculated divided by            


15  the total written car years of insurance providing the security             


16  required by section 3101(1) or 3103(1) written in this state of             


17  all members during the period to which the premium applies.  A              


18  member shall be charged a premium for a historic vehicle that is            


19  insured with the member of 20% of the premium charged for a car             


20  insured with the member.  As used in this subdivision:                      


21                                                                               (i) "Car" includes a motorcycle but does not include a                              


22  historic vehicle.                                                           


23      (ii) "Historic vehicle" means a vehicle that is a registered                 


24  historic vehicle under section 803a or 803p of the Michigan                 


25  vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.803a and 257.803p.                       


26      (e) Require and accept the payment of premiums from members                 


27  of the association as provided for in the plan of operation.  The           


1   association shall do either of the following:                               


2                                                                                (i) Require payment of the premium in full within 45 days                           


3   after the premium charge.                                                   


4       (ii) Require payment of the premiums to be made periodically                 


5   to cover the actual cash obligations of the association.                    


6       (f) Receive and distribute all sums required by the operation               


7   of the association.                                                         


8       (g) Establish procedures for reviewing claims procedures and                


9   practices of members of the association.  If the claims                     


10  procedures or practices of a member are considered inadequate to            


11  properly service the liabilities of the association, the                    


12  association may undertake or may contract with another person,              


13  including another member, to adjust or assist in the adjustment             


14  of claims for the member on claims that create a potential                  


15  liability to the association and may charge the cost of the                 


16  adjustment to the member.                                                   


17      (8) In addition to other powers granted to it by this                       


18  section, the association may do all of the following:                       


19      (a) Sue and be sued in the name of the association.  A                      


20  judgment against the association shall not create any direct                


21  liability against the individual members of the association.  The           


22  association may provide for the indemnification of its members,             


23  members of the board of directors of the association, and                   


24  officers, employees, and other persons lawfully acting on behalf            


25  of the association.                                                         


26      (b) Reinsure all or any portion of its potential liability                  


27  with reinsurers licensed to transact insurance in this state or             


1   approved by the commissioner.                                               


2       (c) Provide for appropriate housing, equipment, and personnel               


3   as may be necessary to assure the efficient operation of the                


4   association.                                                                


5       (d) Pursuant to the plan of operation, adopt reasonable rules               


6   for the administration of the association, enforce those rules,             


7   and delegate authority, as the board considers necessary to                 


8   assure the proper administration and operation of the association           


9   consistent with the plan of operation.                                      


10      (e) Contract for goods and services, including independent                  


11  claims management, actuarial, investment, and legal services,               


12  from others within or without this state to assure the efficient            


13  operation of the association.                                               


14      (f) Hear and determine complaints of a company or other                     


15  interested party concerning the operation of the association.               


16      (g) Perform other acts not specifically enumerated in this                  


17  section that are necessary or proper to accomplish the purposes             


18  of the association and that are not inconsistent with this                  


19  section or the plan of operation.                                           


20      (9) A board of directors is created, hereinafter referred to                


21  as the board, which shall be responsible for the operation of the           


22  association consistent with the plan of operation and this                  


23  section.                                                                    


24      (10) The plan of operation shall provide for all of the                     


25  following:                                                                  


26      (a) The establishment of necessary facilities.                              


27      (b) The management and operation of the association.                        


1       (c) Procedures to be utilized in charging premiums, including               


2   adjustments from excess or deficient premiums from prior                    


3   periods.                                                                    


4       (d) Procedures governing the actual payment of premiums to                  


5   the association.                                                            


6       (e) Reimbursement of each member of the board by the                        


7   association for actual and necessary expenses incurred on                   


8   association business.                                                       


9       (f) The investment policy of the association.                               


10      (g) Any other matters required by or necessary to effectively               


11  implement this section.                                                     


12      (11) Each board shall include members that would contribute a               


13  total of not less than 40% of the total premium calculated                  


14  pursuant to subsection (7)(d).  Each director shall be entitled             


15  to 1 vote.  The initial term of office of a director shall be 2             


16  years.                                                                      


17      (12) As part of the plan of operation, the board shall adopt                


18  rules providing for the composition and term of successor boards            


19  to the initial board, consistent with the membership composition            


20  requirements in subsections (11) and (13).  Terms of the                    


21  directors shall be staggered so that the terms of all the                   


22  directors do not expire at the same time and so that a director             


23  does not serve a term of more than 4 years.                                 


24      (13) The board shall consist of 5 directors, and the                        


25  commissioner shall be an ex officio member of the board without             


26  vote.                                                                       


27      (14) Each director shall be appointed by the commissioner and               


1   shall serve until that member's successor is selected and                   


2   qualified.  The chairperson of the board shall be elected by the            


3   board.  A vacancy on the board shall be filled by the                       


4   commissioner consistent with the plan of operation.                         


5       (15) After the board is appointed, the board shall meet as                  


6   often as the chairperson, the commissioner, or the plan of                  


7   operation shall require, or at the request of any 3 members of              


8   the board.  The chairperson shall retain the right to vote on all           


9   issues.  Four members of the board constitute a quorum.                     


10      (16) An annual report of the operations of the association in               


11  a form and detail as may be determined by the board shall be                


12  furnished to each member.                                                   


13      (17) Not more than 60 days after the initial organizational                 


14  meeting of the board, the board shall submit to the commissioner            


15  for approval a proposed plan of operation consistent with the               


16  objectives and provisions of this section, which shall provide              


17  for the economical, fair, and nondiscriminatory administration of           


18  the association and for the prompt and efficient provision of               


19  indemnity.  If a plan is not submitted within this 60-day period,           


20  then the commissioner, after consultation with the board, shall             


21  formulate and place into effect a plan consistent with this                 


22  section.                                                                    


23      (18) The plan of operation, unless approved sooner in                       


24  writing, shall be considered to meet the requirements of this               


25  section if it is not disapproved by written order of the                    


26  commissioner within 30 days after the date of its submission.               


27  Before disapproval of all or any part of the proposed plan of               


1   operation, the commissioner shall notify the board in what                  


2   respect the plan of operation fails to meet the requirements and            


3   objectives of this section.  If the board fails to submit a                 


4   revised plan of operation that meets the requirements and                   


5   objectives of this section within the 30-day period, the                    


6   commissioner shall enter an order accordingly and shall                     


7   immediately formulate and place into effect a plan consistent               


8   with the requirements and objectives of this section.                       


9       (19) The proposed plan of operation or amendments to the plan               


10  of operation are subject to majority approval by the board,                 


11  ratified by a majority of the membership having a vote, with                


12  voting rights being apportioned according to the premiums charged           


13  in subsection (7)(d) and are subject to approval by the                     


14  commissioner.                                                               


15      (20) Upon approval by the commissioner and ratification by                  


16  the members of the plan submitted, or upon the promulgation of a            


17  plan by the commissioner, each insurer authorized to write                  


18  insurance providing the security required by section 3101(1) in             


19  this state, as provided in this section, is bound by and shall              


20  formally subscribe to and participate in the plan approved as a             


21  condition of maintaining its authority to transact insurance in             


22  this state.                                                                 


23      (21) The association is subject to all the reporting, loss                  


24  reserve, and investment requirements of the commissioner to the             


25  same extent as would a member of the association.                           


26      (22) Premiums charged members by the association shall be                   


27  recognized in the rate-making procedures for insurance rates in             


1   the same manner that expenses and premium taxes are recognized.             


2       (23) The commissioner or an authorized representative of the                


3   commissioner may visit the association at any time and examine              


4   any and all the association's affairs.                                      


5       (24) The association does not have liability for losses                     


6   occurring before July 1, 1978.                                              


7       (25) The auditor general or a certified public accountant                   


8   appointed by the auditor general shall annually conduct and                 


9   deliver to the senate and house of representatives standing                 


10  committees on insurance issues an audit of the association.  In             


11  conducting the audit, the auditor general or appointed certified            


12  public accountant shall have access to all records of the                   


13  association.  Each audit required by this subsection shall                  


14  include a determination of whether the association is likely to             


15  be able to continue to meet its obligations.                                


16      (26)  (25)  As used in this section:                                        


17      (a) "Consumer price index" means the percentage of change in                


18  the consumer price index for all urban consumers in the United              


19  States city average for all items for the 24 months prior to                


20  October 1 of the year prior to the July 1 effective date of the             


21  biennial adjustment under subsection (2)(k) as reported by the              


22  United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics,              


23  and as certified by the commissioner.                                       


24      (b) "Motor vehicle accident policy" means a policy providing                


25  the coverages required under section 3101(1).                               


26      (c) "Ultimate loss" means the actual loss amounts that a                    


27  member is obligated to pay and that are paid or payable by the              


1   member, and do not include claim expenses.  An ultimate loss is             


2   incurred by the association on the date that the loss occurs.