January 29, 2003, Introduced by Rep. Jamnick and referred to the Committee on Commerce.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1987 PA 96, entitled                                              


    "The mobile home commission act,"                                           


    by amending section 45 (MCL 125.2345).                                      


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 45.  (1) This act shall not be construed to prohibit                   


2   the prosecution or punishment of a person for conduct  which                


3   that constitutes a crime by statute or at common law.                       


4       (2)  This act shall not be construed to prohibit a                          


5   municipality from enforcing its local ordinances or from taking             


6   any other appropriate action to protect the public health,                  


7   safety, or welfare as authorized by law or its charter.  This act           


8   does not prohibit a municipality from enforcing a local health or           


9   safety ordinance within a mobile home park or seasonal mobile               


10  home park if that ordinance is not in conflict with the                     


11  provisions of this act or rules promulgated by the commission.