SB-0099, As Passed Senate, July 16, 2003
A bill to authorize the administration of an organ donor
leave time program for certain persons employed by this state; to
provide for implementation and operation; and to prescribe powers
and duties of certain state officers and agencies.
1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the
2 "organ donor leave act".
3 Sec. 2. As used in this act:
4 (a) "Department" means the department of management and
5 budget.
6 (b) "Organ" means human organ as that term is defined in
7 section 10204 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL
8 333.10204.
9 (c) "Organ donor leave time program" means a program that
10 authorizes organ donor leave time under this act for the donation
1 of an organ.
2 (d) "Persons employed by this state" means all persons
3 employed by this state except those persons in the state
4 classified civil service.
5 Sec. 3. The department shall implement and administer an
6 organ donor leave time program for persons employed by this
7 state.
8 Sec. 4. A person employed by this state shall be allowed
9 leave time to permit him or her to serve as an organ donor under
10 the organ donor leave time program. Participation in the organ
11 donor leave time program shall not result in a loss or reduction
12 in pay and does not affect any of the following:
13 (a) Leave time to which the organ donor is otherwise
14 entitled.
15 (b) Credit for time or service.
16 (c) Performance or efficiency rating.
17 Sec. 5. In any calendar year, a person employed by the
18 state may use up to 30 days of leave under this act to serve as
19 an organ donor.
20 Sec. 6. The civil service commission is encouraged to
21 approve an organ donor leave time program for persons employed in
22 the state classified civil service.