HB-5586, As Passed Senate, May 26, 2004                                     












                          SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR                                 


                           HOUSE BILL NO. 5586                                  










                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    by amending sections 3101 and 51107 (MCL 324.3101 and 324.51107),           


    section 3101 as amended by 2004 PA 90 and section 51107 as added            


    by 1995 PA 57, and by adding section 3111b.                                 


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 3101.  As used in this part:                                           


2       (a) "Aquatic nuisance species" means a nonindigenous species                


3   that threatens the diversity or abundance of native species or              


4   the ecological stability of infested waters, or commercial,                 


5   agricultural, aquacultural, or recreational activities dependent            


6   on such waters.                                                             


7       (b) "Ballast water" means water and associated solids taken                 


8   on board a vessel to control or maintain trim, draft, stability,            


9   or stresses on the vessel, without regard to the manner in which            



1   it is carried.                                                              


2       (c) "Ballast water treatment method" means a method of                      


3   treating ballast water and sediments to remove or destroy living            


4   biological organisms through 1 or more of the following:                    


5                                                                                (i) Filtration.                                                                     


6       (ii) The application of biocides or ultraviolet light.                       


7       (iii) Thermal methods.                                                       


8       (iv) Other treatment techniques approved by the department.                  


9       (d) "Department" means the department of environmental                      


10  quality.                                                                    


11      (e) "Detroit consumer price index" means the most                           


12  comprehensive index of consumer prices available for the Detroit            


13  area from the United States department of labor, bureau of labor            


14  statistics.                                                                 


15      (f) "Emergency management coordinator" means that term as                   


16  defined in section 2 of the emergency management act, 1976 PA               


17  390, MCL 30.402.                                                            


18      (g)  (f)  "Great Lakes" means the Great Lakes and their                     


19  connecting waters, including Lake St. Clair.                                


20      (h)  (g)  "Group 1 facility" means a facility whose discharge               


21  is described by R 323.2218 of the Michigan administrative code.             


22      (i)  (h)  "Group 2 facility" means a facility whose discharge               


23  is described by R 323.2210(y), R 323.2215, or R 323.2216 of the             


24  Michigan administrative code.                                               


25      (j)  (i)  "Group 3 facility" means a facility whose discharge               


26  is described by R 323.2211 or R 323.2213 of the Michigan                    


27  administrative code.                                                        


1       (k) "Local health department" means that term as defined in                 


2   section 1105 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL                    


3   333.1105.                                                                   


4                                                                                (l)  (j)  "Local unit" means a county, city, village, or                             


5   township or an agency or instrumentality of any of these                    


6   entities.                                                                   


7       (m)  (k)  "Municipality" means this state, a county, city,                  


8   village, or township, or an agency or instrumentality of any of             


9   these entities.                                                             


10      (n) "National response center" means the national                           


11  communications center established under the clean water act, 33             


12  USC 1251 to 1387, located in Washington, DC, that receives and              


13  relays notice of oil discharge or releases of hazardous                     


14  substances to appropriate federal officials.                                


15      (o)  (l)  "Nonoceangoing vessel" means a vessel that is not                 


16  an oceangoing vessel.                                                       


17      (p)  (m)  "Oceangoing vessel" means a vessel that operates on               


18  the Great Lakes or the St. Lawrence waterway after operating in             


19  waters outside of the Great Lakes or the St. Lawrence waterway.             


20      (q) "Primary public safety answering point" means that term                 


21  as defined in section 102 of the emergency telephone service                


22  enabling act, 1986 PA 32, MCL 484.1102.                                     


23      (r)  (n)  "Sediments" means any matter settled out of ballast               


24  water within a vessel.                                                      


25      (s)  (o)  "Sewage sludge" means sewage sludge generated in                  


26  the treatment of domestic sewage, other than only septage or                


27  industrial waste.                                                           


1       (t)  (p)  "Sewage sludge derivative" means a product for land               


2   application derived from sewage sludge that does not include                


3   solid waste or other waste regulated under this act.                        


4       (u)  (q)  "Sewage sludge generator" means a person who                      


5   generates sewage sludge that is applied to land.                            


6       (v)  (r)  "Sewage sludge distributor" means a person who                    


7   applies, markets, or distributes, except at retail, a sewage                


8   sludge derivative.                                                          


9       (w)  (s)  "St. Lawrence waterway" means the St. Lawrence                    


10  river, the St. Lawrence seaway, and the gulf of St. Lawrence.               


11      (x) "Threshold reporting quantity" means that term as defined               


12  in R 324.2002 of the Michigan administrative code.                          


13      (y)  (t)  "Waters of the state" means groundwaters, lakes,                  


14  rivers, and streams and all other watercourses and waters,                  


15  including the Great Lakes, within the jurisdiction of this                  


16  state.                                                                      


17      Sec. 3111b.  (1) If a person is required to report a release                


18  to the department under part 5 of the water resources protection            


19  rules, R 324.2001 to R 324.2009 of the Michigan administrative              


20  code, the person, via a 9-1-1 call, shall at the same time report           


21  the release to the primary public safety answering point serving            


22  the jurisdiction where the release occurred.                                


23      (2) If a person described in subsection (1) is required to                  


24  subsequently submit to the department a written report on the               


25  release under part 5 of the water resources protection rules,               


26  R 324.2001 to R 324.2009 of the Michigan administrative code, the           


27  person shall at the same time submit a copy of the report to the            


1   local health department serving the jurisdiction where the                  


2   release occurred.                                                           


3       (3) If the department of state police or other state agency                 


4   receives notification, pursuant to an agreement with or the laws            


5   of another state, Canada, or the province of Ontario, of the                


6   release in that other jurisdiction of a polluting material in               


7   excess of the threshold reporting quantity and if the polluting             


8   material has entered or may enter surface waters or groundwaters            


9   of this state, the department of state police or other state                


10  agency shall contact the primary public safety answering point              


11  serving each county that may be affected by the release.                    


12      (4) The emergency management coordinator of each county shall               


13  develop and oversee the implementation of a plan to provide                 


14  timely notification of a release required to be reported under              


15  subsection (1) or (3) to appropriate local, state, and federal              


16  agencies.  In developing and overseeing the implementation of the           


17  plan, the emergency management coordinator shall consult with               


18  both of the following:                                                      


19      (a) The directors of the primary public safety answering                    


20  points with jurisdiction within the county.                                 


21      (b) Any emergency management coordinator appointed for a                    


22  city, village, or township located in that county.                          


23      (5) If rules promulgated under this part require a person to                


24  maintain a pollution incident prevention plan, the person shall             


25  update the plan to include the requirements of subsections (1)              


26  and (2) when conducting any evaluation of the plan required by              


27  rule.                                                                       


1       (6) If a person reports to the department a release pursuant                


2   to subsection (1), the department shall do both of the                      


3   following:                                                                  


4       (a) Notify the person of the requirements imposed under                     


5   subsections (1) and (2).                                                    


6       (b) Request that the person, even if not responsible for the                


7   release, report the release, via a 9-1-1 call, to the primary               


8   public safety answering point serving 1 of the following, as                


9   applicable:                                                                 


10                                                                               (i) The jurisdiction where the release occurred, if known.                          


11      (ii) The jurisdiction where the release was discovered, if                   


12  the jurisdiction where the release occurred is not known.                   


13      (7) The department shall notify the public and interested                   


14  parties, by posting on its website within 30 days after the                 


15  effective date of the amendatory act that added this section and            


16  by other appropriate means, of all of the following:                        


17      (a) The requirements of subsections (1) and (2).                            


18      (b) The relevant voice, and, if applicable, facsimile                       


19  telephone numbers of the department and the national response               


20  center.                                                                     


21      (c) The criminal and civil sanctions under section 3115                     


22  applicable to violations of subsections (1) and (2).                        


23      (8) Failure of the department to provide a person with the                  


24  notification required under subsection (6) or (7) does not                  


25  relieve the person of any obligation to report a release or other           


26  legal obligation.                                                           


27      (9) The department shall biennially do both of the                          


1   following:                                                                  


2       (a) Evaluate the state and local reporting system established               


3   under this section.                                                         


4       (b) Submit to the standing committees of the senate and house               


5   of representatives with primary responsibility for environmental            


6   protection issues a written report on any changes recommended to            


7   the reporting system.                                                       


8       Sec. 51107.  The annual specific tax and state payment                      


9   described in section 51106  ,  shall be adjusted in  2004  2006             


10  and every tenth year after  2004  2006 to the nearest cent by the           


11  use of a ratio computed by the revenue division of the department           


12  of treasury.  The ratio shall be computed by using the state                


13  equalized value per acre of the timber cutover lands within the             


14  state in 1990 as the denominator and using the state equalized              


15  value per acre for timber cutover lands in 2004 and every tenth             


16  year after 2004 as the numerator.                                           


17      Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


18  effect unless Senate Bill No. 977 of the 92nd Legislature is                


19  enacted into law.