HB-4483, As Passed Senate, December 16, 2003                                












                          SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR                                 


                           HOUSE BILL NO. 4483                                  










                                                                                 A bill to provide for the creation of land bank fast track                        


    authorities to assist governmental entities in the assembly and             


    clearance of title to property in a coordinated manner; to                  


    facilitate the use and development of certain property; to                  


    promote economic growth; to prescribe the powers and duties of              


    certain authorities; to provide for the creation and appointment            


    of boards to govern land bank fast track authorities and to                 


    prescribe their powers and duties; to authorize the acquisition,            


    maintenance, and disposal of interests in real and personal                 


    property; to authorize the conveyance of certain properties to a            


    land bank fast track authority; to authorize the enforcement of             


    tax liens and the clearing or quieting of title by a land bank              


    fast track authority; to provide for the distribution and use of            


    revenues collected or received by a land bank fast track                    


    authority; to prescribe powers and duties of certain public                 



    entities and state and local officers and agencies; to authorize            


    the transfer and acceptance of property in lieu of taxes and the            


    release of tax liens; to exempt property, income, and operations            


    of a land bank fast track authority from tax; to extend                     


    protections against certain liabilities to a land bank fast track           


    authority; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.                            


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1                               CHAPTER 1                                       


2                           GENERAL PROVISIONS                                  


3       Sec. 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the                    


4   "land bank fast track act".                                                 


5       Sec. 2.  The legislature finds that there exists in this                    


6   state a continuing need to strengthen and revitalize the economy            


7   of this state and local units of government in this state and               


8   that it is in the best interests of this state and local units of           


9   government in this state to assemble or dispose of public                   


10  property, including tax reverted property, in a coordinated                 


11  manner to foster the development of that property and to promote            


12  economic growth in this state and local units of government in              


13  this state.  It is declared to be a valid public purpose for a              


14  land bank fast track authority created under this act to acquire,           


15  assemble, dispose of, and quiet title to property under this                


16  act.  It is further declared to be a valid public purpose for a             


17  land bank fast track authority created under this act to provide            


18  for the financing of the acquisition, assembly, disposition, and            


19  quieting of title to property, and for a land bank fast track               


20  authority to exercise other powers granted to a land bank fast              


1   track authority under this act.  The legislature finds that a               


2   land bank fast track authority created under this act and powers            


3   conferred by this act constitute a necessary program and serve a            


4   necessary public purpose.                                                   


5       Sec. 3.  As used in this act:                                               


6       (a) "Authority" means a land bank fast track authority                      


7   created under section 15, section 23(4), or section 23(5).                  


8       (b) "Authority board" means the board of directors of the                   


9   state authority appointed under section 16.                                 


10      (c) "Casino" means a casino regulated by this state under the               


11  Michigan gaming control and revenue act, the Initiated Law of               


12  1996, MCL 432.201 to 432.226, or a casino at which gaming is                


13  conducted under the Indian gaming regulatory act, Public Law                


14  100-497, 102 Stat. 2467, and all property associated or                     


15  affiliated with the operation of the casino, including, but not             


16  limited to, a parking lot, hotel, motel, or retail store.                   


17      (d) "County authority" means a county land bank fast track                  


18  authority created by a county foreclosing governmental unit under           


19  section 23(4).                                                              


20      (e) "Department" means the department of labor and economic                 


21  growth, a principal department of state government created by               


22  section 225 of the executive organization act of 1965, 1965 PA              


23  380, MCL 16.325, and renamed by Executive Order No. 1996-2, MCL             


24  445.2001, and by Executive Order No. 2003-18.                               


25      (f) "Foreclosing governmental unit" means that term as                      


26  defined in section 78 of the general property tax act, 1893 PA              


27  206, MCL 211.78.                                                            


1       (g) "Fund" means the land bank fast track fund created in                   


2   section 18.                                                                 


3       (h) "Intergovernmental agreement" means a contractual                       


4   agreement between 1 or more governmental agencies, including, but           


5   not limited to, an interlocal agreement to jointly exercise any             


6   power, privilege, or authority that the agencies share in common            


7   and that each might exercise separately under the urban                     


8   cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to                


9   124.512.                                                                    


10      (i) "Local authority" means a local land bank fast track                    


11  authority created by a qualified city under section 23(5).                  


12      (j) "Local unit of government" means a city, village,                       


13  township, county, or any intergovernmental, metropolitan, or                


14  local department, agency, or authority, or other local political            


15  subdivision.                                                                


16      (k) "Michigan economic development corporation" means the                   


17  public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of            


18  the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of             


19  1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a                     


20  contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999, as                


21  amended, between local participating economic development                   


22  corporations formed under the economic development corporations             


23  act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan                


24  strategic fund.  If the Michigan economic development corporation           


25  is unable for any reason to perform its duties under this act,              


26  those duties may be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.               


27                                                                               (l) "Michigan state housing development authority" means the                        


1   authority created under the state housing development authority             


2   act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1401 to 125.1499c.                        


3       (m) "Michigan strategic fund" means the Michigan strategic                  


4   fund as described in the Michigan strategic fund act, 1984 PA               


5   270, MCL 125.2001 to 125.2093.                                              


6       (n) "Qualified city" means a city that contains a first class               


7   school district and includes any department or agency of the                


8   city.                                                                       


9       (o) "State administrative board" means the board created                    


10  under 1921 PA 2, MCL 17.1 to 17.3, that exercises general                   


11  supervisory control over the functions and activities of all                


12  administrative departments, boards, commissioners, and officers             


13  of the state and of all state institutions.                                 


14      (p) "State authority" means the land bank fast track                        


15  authority created under section 15.                                         


16      (q) "Tax reverted property" means property that meets 1 or                  


17  more of the following criteria:                                             


18                                                                               (i) The property was conveyed to this state under section 67a                       


19  of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.67a, and              


20  subsequently was not sold at a public auction under section 131             


21  of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.131, except           


22  property described in section 131 of the general property tax               


23  act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.131, that is withheld from sale by the            


24  director of the department of natural resources as authorized in            


25  that section.                                                               


26      (ii) The property was conveyed to this state under section                   


27  67a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.67a,              


1   and subsequently was either redeemed by a local unit of                     


2   government or transferred to a local unit of government under               


3   section 2101 or 2102 of the natural resources and environmental             


4   protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.2101 and 324.2102, or under            


5   former section 461 of 1909 PA 223 except property transferred to            


6   a local unit of government that is subject to a reverter clause             


7   under which the property reverts to this state upon transfer by             


8   the local unit of government.                                               


9       (iii) The property was subject to forfeiture, foreclosure,                   


10  and sale for the collection of delinquent taxes as provided in              


11  sections 78 to 79a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206,            


12  MCL 211.78 to 211.79a, and both of the following apply:                     


13      (A) Title to the property vested in a foreclosing                           


14  governmental unit under section 78k of the general property tax             


15  act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78k.                                              


16      (B) The property was offered for sale at an auction but not                 


17  sold under section 78m of the general property tax act, 1893                


18  PA 206, MCL 211.78m.                                                        


19      (iv) The property was obtained by or transferred to a local                  


20  unit of government under section 78m of the general property tax            


21  act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78m.                                              


22      (v) Pursuant to the requirements of a city charter, the                     


23  property was deeded to or foreclosed by the city or a department            


24  or agency of the city for unpaid delinquent real property taxes.            


25      Sec. 4.  (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act, an                   


26  authority may do all things necessary or convenient to implement            


27  the purposes, objectives, and provisions of this act, and the               


1   purposes, objectives, and powers delegated to the board of                  


2   directors of an authority by other laws or executive orders,                


3   including, but not limited to, all of the following:                        


4       (a) Adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws for the regulation of its               


5   affairs and the conduct of its business.                                    


6       (b) Sue and be sued in its own name and plead and be                        


7   impleaded, including, but not limited to, defending the authority           


8   in an action to clear title to property conveyed by the                     


9   authority.                                                                  


10      (c) Borrow money and issue bonds and notes according to the                 


11  provisions of this act.                                                     


12      (d) Enter into contracts and other instruments necessary,                   


13  incidental, or convenient to the performance of its duties and              


14  the exercise of its powers, including, but not limited to,                  


15  interlocal agreements under the urban cooperation act of 1967,              


16  1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, for the joint                  


17  exercise of powers under this act.                                          


18      (e) Solicit and accept gifts, grants, labor, loans, and other               


19  aid from any person, or the federal government, this state, or a            


20  political subdivision of this state or any agency of the federal            


21  government, this state, a political subdivision of this state, or           


22  an intergovernmental entity created under the laws of this state            


23  or participate in any other way in a program of the federal                 


24  government, this state, a political subdivision of this state, or           


25  an intergovernmental entity created under the laws of this                  


26  state.                                                                      


27      (f) Procure insurance against loss in connection with the                   


1   property, assets, or activities of the authority.                           


2       (g) Invest money of the authority, at the discretion of the                 


3   board of directors of the authority, in instruments, obligations,           


4   securities, or property determined proper by the board of                   


5   directors of the authority, and name and use depositories for its           


6   money.                                                                      


7       (h) Employ legal and technical experts, other officers,                     


8   agents, or employees, permanent or temporary, paid from the funds           


9   of the authority.  The authority shall determine the                        


10  qualifications, duties, and compensation of those it employs.               


11  The board of directors of an authority may delegate to 1 or more            


12  members, officers, agents, or employees any powers or duties it             


13  considers proper.  Members of the board of directors of an                  


14  authority shall serve without compensation but shall be                     


15  reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses subject to available           


16  appropriations.                                                             


17      (i) Contract for goods and services and engage personnel as                 


18  necessary and engage the services of private consultants,                   


19  managers, legal counsel, engineers, accountants, and auditors for           


20  rendering professional financial assistance and advice payable              


21  out of any money of the authority.                                          


22      (j) Study, develop, and prepare the reports or plans the                    


23  authority considers necessary to assist it in the exercise of its           


24  powers under this act and to monitor and evaluate progress under            


25  this act.                                                                   


26      (k) Enter into contracts for the management of, the                         


27  collection of rent from, or the sale of real property held by an            


1   authority.                                                                  


2                                                                                (l) Do all other things necessary or convenient to achieve                          


3   the objectives and purposes of the authority or other laws that             


4   relate to the purposes and responsibility of the authority.                 


5       (2) The enumeration of a power in this act shall not be                     


6   construed as a limitation upon the general powers of an                     


7   authority.  The powers granted under this act are in addition to            


8   those powers granted by any other statute or charter.                       


9       (3) An authority, in its discretion, may contract with                      


10  others, public or private, for the provision of all or a portion            


11  of the services necessary for the management and operation of the           


12  authority.                                                                  


13      (4) If an authority holds a tax deed to abandoned property,                 


14  the authority may quiet title to the property under section 79a             


15  of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.79a.                  


16      (5) The property of an authority and its income and                         


17  operations are exempt from all taxation by this state or any of             


18  its political subdivisions.                                                 


19      (6) An authority shall not assist or expend any funds for, or               


20  related to, the development of a casino.                                    


21      (7) An authority shall not levy any tax or special                          


22  assessment.                                                                 


23      (8) An authority shall not exercise the power of eminent                    


24  domain or condemn property.                                                 


25      (9) An authority shall adopt a code of ethics for its                       


26  directors, officers, and employees.                                         


27      (10) An authority shall establish policies and procedures                   


1   requiring the disclosure of relationships that may give rise to a           


2   conflict of interest.  The governing body of an authority shall             


3   require that any member of the governing body with a direct or              


4   indirect interest in any matter before the authority disclose the           


5   member's interest to the governing body before the board takes              


6   any action on the matter.                                                   


7       Sec. 5.  (1) Except as provided in section 4(8), an                         


8   authority may acquire by gift, devise, transfer, exchange,                  


9   foreclosure, purchase, or otherwise on terms and conditions and             


10  in a manner the authority considers proper, real or personal                


11  property, or rights or interests in real or personal property.              


12      (2) Real property acquired by an authority by purchase may be               


13  by purchase contract, lease purchase agreement, installment sales           


14  contract, land contract, or otherwise, except as provided in                


15  section 4(8).  The authority may acquire real property or rights            


16  or interests in real property for any purpose the authority                 


17  considers necessary to carry out the purposes of this act,                  


18  including, but not limited to, 1 or more of the following                   


19  purposes:                                                                   


20      (a) The use or development of property the authority has                    


21  otherwise acquired.                                                         


22      (b) To facilitate the assembly of property for sale or lease                


23  to any other public or private person, including, but not limited           


24  to, a nonprofit or for profit corporation.                                  


25      (c) To protect or prevent the extinguishing of any lien,                    


26  including a tax lien, held by the authority or imposed upon                 


27  property held by the authority.                                             


1       (3) An authority may also acquire by purchase, on terms and                 


2   conditions and in a manner the authority considers proper,                  


3   property or rights or interest in property from 1 or more of the            


4   following sources:                                                          


5       (a) The department of natural resources under section 2101 or               


6   2102 of the natural resources and environmental protection act,             


7   1994 PA 451, MCL 324.2101 and 324.2102.                                     


8       (b) A foreclosing governmental unit under the general                       


9   property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157.                        


10      (c) The Michigan state housing development authority under                  


11  the state housing development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346,           


12  MCL 125.1401 to 125.1499c.                                                  


13      (4) An authority may hold and own in its name any property                  


14  acquired by it or conveyed to it by this state, a foreclosing               


15  governmental unit, a local unit of government, an                           


16  intergovernmental entity created under the laws of this state, or           


17  any other public or private person, including, but not limited              


18  to, tax reverted property and property with or without clear                


19  title.                                                                      


20      (5) All deeds, mortgages, contracts, leases, purchases, or                  


21  other agreements regarding property of an authority, including              


22  agreements to acquire or dispose of real property, may be                   


23  approved by and executed in the name of the authority.                      


24      (6) A foreclosing governmental unit may not transfer property               


25  subject to forfeiture, foreclosure, and sale under sections 78 to           


26  78p of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78 to             


27  211.78p, until after the property has been offered for sale or              


1   other transfer under section 78m of the general property tax act,           


2   1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78m, and the foreclosing governmental unit             


3   has retained possession of the property under section 78m(7) of             


4   the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78m.                     


5       Sec. 6.  (1) An authority may, without the approval of a                    


6   local unit of government in which property held by the authority            


7   is located, control, hold, manage, maintain, operate, repair,               


8   lease as lessor, secure, prevent the waste or deterioration of,             


9   demolish, and take all other actions necessary to preserve the              


10  value of the property it holds or owns.  An authority may take or           


11  perform the following with respect to property held or owned by             


12  the authority:                                                              


13      (a) Grant or acquire a license, easement, or option with                    


14  respect to property as the authority determines is reasonably               


15  necessary to achieve the purposes of this act.                              


16      (b) Fix, charge, and collect rents, fees, and charges for use               


17  of property under the control of the authority or for services              


18  provided by the authority.                                                  


19      (c) Pay any tax or special assessment due on property                       


20  acquired or owned by the authority.                                         


21      (d) Take any action, provide any notice, or institute any                   


22  proceeding required to clear or quiet title to property held by             


23  the authority in order to establish ownership by and vest title             


24  to property in the authority, including, but not limited to, an             


25  expedited quiet title and foreclosure action under section 9.               


26      (e) Remediate environmental contamination on any property                   


27  held by the authority.                                                      


1       (2) An authority shall be made a party to and shall defend                  


2   any action or proceeding concerning title claims against property           


3   held by the authority.                                                      


4       (3) Subject to subsection (4), an authority may accept from a               


5   person with an interest in a parcel of tax delinquent property or           


6   tax reverted property a deed conveying that person's interest in            


7   the property in lieu of the foreclosure or sale of the property             


8   for delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest levied under the              


9   general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157, or             


10  delinquent specific taxes levied under another law of this state            


11  against the property by a local unit of government or other                 


12  taxing jurisdiction.                                                        


13      (4) An authority may not accept under subsection (3) a deed                 


14  in lieu of foreclosure or sale of the tax lien attributable to              


15  taxes levied by a local unit of government or other taxing                  


16  jurisdiction without the written approval of all taxing                     


17  jurisdictions and the foreclosing governmental unit that would be           


18  affected.  Upon approval of the affected taxing jurisdictions and           


19  the foreclosing governmental unit, all of the unpaid general ad             


20  valorem taxes and specific taxes levied on the property, whether            


21  recorded or not, shall be extinguished.  The authority shall                


22  record proof of the acceptance by the affected taxing                       


23  jurisdictions under this subsection and the deed in lieu of                 


24  foreclosure with the register of deeds for the county in which              


25  the property is located.                                                    


26      (5) Except as provided in subsection (4), conveyance of                     


27  property by deed in lieu of foreclosure under this section shall            


1   not affect or impair any other lien against that property or any            


2   existing recorded or unrecorded interest in that property,                  


3   including, but not limited to, future installments of special               


4   assessments, liens recorded by this state, or restrictions                  


5   imposed under the natural resources and environmental protection            


6   act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106, easements or                    


7   rights-of-way, private deed restrictions, security interests and            


8   mortgages, or tax liens of other taxing jurisdictions or a                  


9   foreclosing governmental unit that does not consent to a release            


10  of their liens.                                                             


11      (6) A tax lien against property held by or under the control                


12  of an authority may be released at any time by 1 or more of the             


13  following:                                                                  


14      (a) The governing body of a local unit of government with                   


15  respect to a lien held by the local unit of government.                     


16      (b) The governing body of any other taxing jurisdiction other               


17  than this state with respect to a lien held by the taxing                   


18  jurisdiction.                                                               


19      (c) A foreclosing governmental unit with respect to a tax                   


20  lien or right to collect a tax held by the foreclosing                      


21  governmental unit.                                                          


22      (d) The state treasurer with respect to a tax lien securing                 


23  the state education tax under the state education tax act, 1993             


24  PA 331, MCL 211.901 to 211.906.                                             


25      Sec. 7.  (1) Except as an authority otherwise agrees by                     


26  intergovernmental agreement or otherwise, on terms and                      


27  conditions, and in a manner and for an amount of consideration an           


1   authority considers proper, fair, and valuable, including for no            


2   monetary consideration, the authority may convey, sell, transfer,           


3   exchange, lease as lessor, or otherwise dispose of property or              


4   rights or interests in property in which the authority holds a              


5   legal interest to any public or private person for value                    


6   determined by the authority.  If the department of environmental            


7   quality determines that conditions on a property transferred to             


8   an authority under section 78m(15) of the general property tax              


9   act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78m, represent an acute threat to                 


10  public health, safety, and welfare, or to the environment, the              


11  authority shall not convey, sell, transfer, exchange, lease, or             


12  otherwise dispose of the property until after a determination by            


13  the department of environmental quality that the acute threat has           


14  been eliminated and that conveyance, sale, transfer, exchange,              


15  lease, or other disposal of the property by the authority will              


16  not interfere with any response activities by the department.               


17  The transfer and use of property under this section and the                 


18  exercise by the authority of powers and duties under this act               


19  shall be considered a necessary public purpose and for the                  


20  benefit of the public.                                                      


21      (2) All property held by an authority shall be inventoried                  


22  and classified by the authority according to title status and               


23  suitability for use.                                                        


24      (3) A document, including, but not limited to, a deed,                      


25  evidencing the transfer under this act of 1 or more parcels of              


26  property to an authority by this state or a political subdivision           


27  of this state may be recorded with the register of deeds office             


1   in the county in which the property is located without the                  


2   payment of a fee.                                                           


3       Sec. 8.  (1) Money received by an authority as payment of                   


4   taxes, penalties, or interest, or from the redemption or sale of            


5   property subject to a tax lien of any taxing unit shall be                  


6   returned to the local tax collecting unit in which the property             


7   is located for distribution on a pro rata basis to the                      


8   appropriate taxing units in an amount equal to delinquent taxes,            


9   penalties, and interest owed on the property, if any.                       


10      (2) Except as otherwise provided in this act, as required by                


11  other law, as required under the provisions of a deed, or as an             


12  authority otherwise agrees, any proceeds received by the                    


13  authority may be retained by the authority for the purposes of              


14  this act.                                                                   


15      Sec. 9.  (1) An authority may initiate an expedited quiet                   


16  title and foreclosure action under this section to quiet title to           


17  real property held by the authority or interests in tax reverted            


18  property held by the authority by recording with the register of            


19  deeds in the county in which the property subject to expedited              


20  quiet title and foreclosure is located a notice of pending                  


21  expedited quiet title and foreclosure action in a form prescribed           


22  by the department of treasury.  The notice shall include a legal            


23  description of the property, the street address of the property             


24  if available, the name, address, and telephone number of the                


25  authority, a statement that the property is subject to expedited            


26  quiet title proceedings and foreclosure under this act, and a               


27  statement that any legal interests in the property may be                   


1   extinguished by a circuit court order vesting title to the                  


2   property in the authority.  If a notice is recorded in error, the           


3   authority may correct the error by recording a certificate of               


4   correction with the register of deeds.  A notice or certificate             


5   under this subsection need not be notarized and may be                      


6   authenticated by a digital signature or other electronic means.             


7   Property is not subject to an expedited quiet title and                     


8   foreclosure action under this section if the property was                   


9   forfeited under section 78g of the general property tax act, 1893           


10  PA 206, MCL 211.78g, and remains subject to foreclosure under               


11  section 78k of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206,                   


12  MCL 211.78k.  If an authority has reason to believe that a                  


13  property subject to an expedited quiet title and foreclosure                


14  action under this section may be the site of environmental                  


15  contamination, the authority shall provide the department of                


16  environmental quality with any information in the possession of             


17  the authority that suggests the property may be the site of                 


18  environmental contamination.                                                


19      (2) After recording the notice under subsection (1), an                     


20  authority shall initiate a search of records identified in this             


21  subsection to identify the owners of a property interest in the             


22  property who are entitled to notice of the quiet title and                  


23  foreclosure hearing under this section.  The authority may enter            


24  into a contract with or may request from 1 or more authorized               


25  representatives a title search or other title product to identify           


26  the owners of a property interest in the property as required               


27  under this subsection or to perform the other functions set forth           


1   in this section required for the quieting of title to property              


2   under this act.  The owner of a property interest is entitled to            


3   notice under this section if that owner's interest was                      


4   identifiable by reference to any of the following sources before            


5   the date that the authority records the notice under                        


6   subsection (1):                                                             


7       (a) Land title records in the office of the county register                 


8   of deeds.                                                                   


9       (b) Tax records in the office of the county treasurer.                      


10      (c) Tax records in the office of the local assessor.                        


11      (d) Tax records in the office of the local treasurer.                       


12      (3) An authority may file a single petition with the clerk of               


13  the circuit court in which property subject to expedited                    


14  foreclosure under this section is located listing all property              


15  subject to expedited foreclosure by the authority and for which             


16  the authority seeks to quiet title.  If available to the                    


17  authority, the list of properties shall include a legal                     


18  description of, a tax parcel identification number for, and the             


19  street address of each parcel of property.  The petition shall              


20  seek a judgment in favor of the authority against each property             


21  listed and shall include a date, within 90 days, on which the               


22  authority requests a hearing on the petition.  The petition shall           


23  request that a judgment be entered vesting absolute title in the            


24  authority, without right of redemption for each parcel of                   


25  property listed, as provided in this section.  Prior to the entry           


26  of judgment under this section, the authority may request the               


27  court to remove property erroneously included in the petition, or           

    House Bill No. 4483 as amended December 11, 2003                            

1   any tax delinquent properties redeemed prior to the hearing.                


2       (4) The clerk of the circuit court in which a petition is                   


3   filed under subsection (3) shall immediately set the date, time,            


4   and place for a hearing on the petition for foreclosure.  The               


5   date shall be set by the clerk and shall not be more than 10 days           


6   after the date requested by the authority in the petition.  In no           


7   event may the clerk schedule the hearing later than 90 days after           


8   the filing of a petition by the authority under subsection (3).             


9       (5) After completing the records search under subsection (2),               


10  an authority shall determine the address or addresses reasonably            


11  calculated to inform those owners of a property interest in                 


12  property subject to expedited foreclosure under this section of             


13  the pendency of the quiet title and foreclosure hearing under               


14  subsection (11).  If, after conducting the title search, the                


15  authority is unable to determine an address reasonably calculated           


16  to inform persons with a property interest in property subject to           


17  expedited tax foreclosure, <<or if the authority discovers a deficiency in notice under subsection (10),>> the following shall be considered               

18  reasonable steps by the authority to ascertain the addresses of             


19  persons with a property interest in the property subject to                 


20  expedited foreclosure <<or to ascertain an address necessary to correct a deficiency in notice under subsection (10)>>:                                   

21      (a) For an individual, a search of records of the county                    


22  probate court for the county in which the property is located.              


23      (b) For an individual, a search of the qualified voter file                 


24  established under section 509o of the Michigan election law, 1954           


25  PA 116, MCL 168.509o, which is authorized by this subdivision.              


26      (c) For a partnership, a search of partnership records filed                


27  with the county clerk.                                                      


1       (d) For a business entity other than a partnership, a search                


2   of business entity records filed with the corporation division of           


3   the department.                                                             


4       (6) Not less than 30 days before the quiet title and                        


5   foreclosure hearing under subsection (11), the authority shall              


6   send notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the             


7   hearing to the persons identified under subsection (5) with a               


8   property interest in property subject to expedited foreclosure.             


9   The authority shall also send a notice via regular mail addressed           


10  to the "Occupant" for each property subject to expedited                    


11  foreclosure if an address for the property is ascertainable.                


12      (7) Not less than 30 days before the quiet title and                        


13  foreclosure hearing under subsection (11), the authority or its             


14  authorized representative or authorized agent shall visit each              


15  parcel of property subject to expedited foreclosure and post                


16  conspicuously on the property notice of the hearing.  In addition           


17  to the requirements of subsection (8), the notice shall also                


18  include the following statement:  "THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN                   


19  TRANSFERRED TO THE ____________________ LAND BANK FAST TRACK                








23  TRACK AUTHORITY AT _________________________.".                             


24      (8) The notice required under subsections (6) and (7) shall                 


25  include:                                                                    


26      (a) The date on which the authority recorded under subsection               


27  (1) notice of the pending expedited quiet title and foreclosure             


1   action.                                                                     


2       (b) A statement that a person with a property interest in the               


3   property may lose his or her interest, if any, as a result of the           


4   quiet title and foreclosure hearing under subsection (11).                  


5       (c) A legal description, parcel number of the property, and                 


6   the street address of the property, if available.                           


7       (d) The person to whom the notice is addressed.                             


8       (e) The date and time of the hearing on the petition for                    


9   foreclosure under subsection (11) and a statement that the                  


10  judgment of the court may result in title to the property vesting           


11  in the authority.                                                           


12      (f) An explanation of any rights of redemption and notice                   


13  that the judgment of the court may extinguish any ownership                 


14  interest in or right to redeem the property.                                


15      (g) The name, address, and telephone number of the                          


16  authority.                                                                  


17      (h) A statement that persons with information regarding the                 


18  owner or prior owner of any of the properties are requested to              


19  contact the authority.                                                      


20      (9) If the authority is unable to ascertain the address                     


21  reasonably calculated to inform the owners of a property interest           


22  entitled to notice under this section, or is unable to provide              


23  notice under subsection (6) or (7), the authority shall provide             


24  notice by publication.  Prior to the hearing, a notice shall be             


25  published for 3 successive weeks, once each week, in a newspaper            


26  published and circulated in the county in which the property is             


27  located.  If no paper is published in that county, publication              


1   shall be made in a newspaper published and circulated in an                 


2   adjoining county.  This publication shall substitute for notice             


3   under subsection (6) or (7).  The published notice shall include            


4   all of the following:                                                       


5       (a) A legal description, parcel number of the property, and                 


6   the street address of the property, if available.                           


7       (b) The name of any person not notified under subsection (6)                


8   or (7) that the authority reasonably believes may be entitled to            


9   notice under this section of the quiet title and foreclosure                


10  hearing under subsection (11).                                              


11      (c) A statement that a person with a property interest in the               


12  property may lose his or her interest, if any, as a result of the           


13  foreclosure proceeding under subsection (11).                               


14      (d) The date and time of the hearing on the petition for                    


15  foreclosure under subsection (11).                                          


16      (e) A statement that the judgment of the court may result in                


17  title to the property vesting in the authority.                             


18      (f) An explanation of any rights of redemption and notice                   


19  that judgment of the court may extinguish any ownership interest            


20  in or right to redeem the property.                                         


21      (g) The name, address, and telephone number of the                          


22  authority.                                                                  


23      (h) A statement that persons with information regarding the                 


24  owner or prior owner of any of the properties are requested to              


25  contact the authority.                                                      


26      (10) If prior to the quiet title and foreclosure hearing                    


27  under subsection (11) the authority discovers any deficiency in             


1   the provision of notice under this section, the authority shall             


2   take reasonable steps in good faith to correct the deficiency               


3   before the hearing.  The provisions of this section relating to             


4   notice of the quiet title and foreclosure hearing are exclusive             


5   and exhaustive.  Other requirements relating to notice and proof            


6   of service under other law, rule, or other legal requirement are            


7   not applicable to notice or proof of service under this section.            


8       (11) If a petition for expedited quiet title and foreclosure                


9   is filed under subsection (3), before the hearing, the authority            


10  shall file with the clerk of the circuit court proof of notice by           


11  certified mail under subsection (6), proof of notice by posting             


12  on the property under subsection (7), and proof of notice by                


13  publication, if applicable.  A person claiming an interest in a             


14  parcel of property set forth in the petition for foreclosure who            


15  desires to contest that petition shall file written objections              


16  with the clerk of the circuit court and serve those objections on           


17  the authority before the date of the hearing.  The circuit court            


18  may appoint and utilize as the court considers necessary a                  


19  special master for assistance with the resolution of any                    


20  objections to the foreclosure or questions regarding the title to           


21  property subject to foreclosure.  If the court withholds property           


22  from foreclosure, an authority's ability to include the property            


23  in a subsequent petition for expedited quiet title and                      


24  foreclosure is not prejudiced.  No injunction shall issue to stay           


25  an expedited quiet title and foreclosure action under this                  


26  section.  The circuit court shall enter judgment on a petition to           


27  quiet title and foreclosure filed under subsection (3) not more             


1   than 10 days after the conclusion of the hearing or contested               


2   case, and the judgment shall be effective 10 days after the                 


3   conclusion of the hearing or contested case.  The circuit court's           


4   judgment shall specify all of the following:                                


5       (a) The legal description and, if known, the street address                 


6   of the property foreclosed.                                                 


7       (b) That fee simple title to property foreclosed by the                     


8   judgment is vested absolutely in the authority, except as                   


9   otherwise provided in subdivisions (c) and (e), without any                 


10  further rights of redemption.                                               


11      (c) That all liens against the property, including any lien                 


12  for unpaid taxes or special assessments, except future                      


13  installments of special assessments and liens recorded by this              


14  state or the authority under the natural resources and                      


15  environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to                   


16  324.90106, are extinguished.                                                


17      (d) That, except as otherwise provided in subdivisions (c)                  


18  and (e), the authority has good and marketable fee simple title             


19  to the property.                                                            


20      (e) That all existing recorded and unrecorded interests in                  


21  that property are extinguished, except a visible or recorded                


22  easement or right-of-way, private deed restrictions, plat                   


23  restrictions, or restrictions or other governmental interests               


24  imposed under the natural resources and environmental protection            


25  act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106.                                 


26      (f) A finding that all persons entitled to notice and an                    


27  opportunity to be heard have been provided that notice and                  


1   opportunity.  A person shall be deemed to have been provided                


2   notice and an opportunity to be heard if the authority followed             


3   the procedures for provision of notice by mail, for visits to               


4   property subject to expedited quiet title and foreclosure, and              


5   for publication under this section, or if 1 or more of the                  


6   following apply:                                                            


7                                                                                (i) The person had constructive notice of the hearing by                            


8   acquiring an interest in the property after the date of the                 


9   recording under subsection (1) of the notice of pending expedited           


10  quiet title and foreclosure action.                                         


11      (ii) The person appeared at the hearing under this subsection                


12  or submitted written objections to the clerk of the circuit court           


13  under this subsection prior to the hearing.                                 


14      (iii) Prior to the hearing under this subsection, the person                 


15  had actual notice of the hearing.                                           


16      (12) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (11)(c) and                 


17  (e), fee simple title to property set forth in a petition for               


18  foreclosure filed under subsection (3) shall vest absolutely in             


19  the authority upon the effective date of the judgment by the                


20  circuit court and the authority shall have absolute title to the            


21  property.  The authority's title is not subject to any recorded             


22  or unrecorded lien, except as provided in subsection (11) and               


23  shall not be stayed or held invalid except as provided in                   


24  subsection (13).  A judgment entered under this section is a                


25  final order with respect to the property affected by the judgment           


26  and shall not be modified, stayed, or held invalid after the                


27  effective date of the judgment, except as provided in subsection            


1   (14).                                                                       


2       (13) An authority or a person claiming to have a property                   


3   interest under subsection (2) in property foreclosed under this             


4   section may within 21 days of the effective date of the judgment            


5   under subsection (12) appeal the circuit court's order or the               


6   circuit court's judgment foreclosing property to the court of               


7   appeals.  An appeal under this subsection is limited to the                 


8   record of the proceedings in the circuit court under this                   


9   section.  The circuit court's judgment foreclosing property shall           


10  be stayed until the court of appeals has reversed, modified, or             


11  affirmed that judgment.  If an appeal under this subsection stays           


12  the circuit court's judgment foreclosing property, the circuit              


13  court's judgment is stayed only as to the property that is the              


14  subject of that appeal and the circuit court's judgment                     


15  foreclosing other property that is not the subject of that appeal           


16  is not stayed.  To appeal the circuit court's judgment                      


17  foreclosing property, a person appealing the judgment shall pay             


18  to the authority any taxes, interest, penalties, and fees due on            


19  the property and provide notice of the appeal to the authority              


20  within 21 days after the circuit court's judgment is effective.             


21  If the circuit court's judgment foreclosing the property is                 


22  affirmed on appeal, the amount determined to be due shall be                


23  refunded to the person who appealed the judgment.  If the circuit           


24  court's judgment foreclosing the property is reversed or modified           


25  on appeal, the authority shall refund the amount determined to be           


26  due to the person who appealed the judgment, if any, and forward            


27  the balance to the appropriate taxing jurisdictions in accordance           


1   with the order of the court of appeals.                                     


2       (14) The authority shall record a notice of judgment for each               


3   parcel of foreclosed property in the office of the register of              


4   deeds for the county in which the foreclosed property is located            


5   in a form prescribed by the department of treasury.  If an                  


6   authority records a notice of judgment in error, the authority              


7   may subsequently record a certificate of correction.  A notice or           


8   certificate under this subsection need not be notarized and may             


9   be authenticated by a digital signature or other electronic                 


10  means.  After the entry of a judgment foreclosing the property              


11  under this section, if the property has not been transferred by             


12  the authority, the authority may cancel the foreclosure by                  


13  recording with the register of deeds of the county in which the             


14  property is located a certificate of error in a form prescribed             


15  by the department of treasury, if the authority discovers any of            


16  the following:                                                              


17      (a) The description of the property used in the expedited                   


18  quiet title and foreclosure proceeding was so indefinite or                 


19  erroneous that the foreclosure of the property was void.                    


20      (b) An owner of an interest in the property entitled to                     


21  notice of the expedited quiet title and proceedings against the             


22  property under this section was not provided notice sufficient to           


23  satisfy the minimum due process requirements of the constitution            


24  of this state and the constitution of the United States.                    


25      (c) A judgment of foreclosure was entered under this section                


26  in violation of an order issued by a United States bankruptcy               


27  court.                                                                      

    House Bill No. 4483 as amended December 11, 2003                            

1       (15) If a judgment of foreclosure is entered under subsection               


2   (12), and all existing recorded and unrecorded interests in a               


3   parcel of property are extinguished as provided in subsection               


4   (12), the owner of any extinguished recorded or unrecorded                  


5   interest in that property who claims that he or she did not                 


6   receive notice of the expedited quiet title and foreclosure                 


7   action shall not bring an action for possession of the property             


8   against any subsequent owner, but may only bring an action to               


9   recover monetary damages as provided in this subsection.  The               


10  court of claims has original and exclusive jurisdiction in any              


11  action to recover monetary damages under this subsection.  An               


12  action to recover monetary damages under this subsection shall              


13  not be brought more than 2 years after a judgment for foreclosure           


14  is entered under subsection (12).  Any monetary damages                     


15  recoverable under this subsection shall be determined as of the             


16  date a judgment for foreclosure is entered under subsection (12)            


17  and shall not exceed the fair market value of the interest in the           


18  property held by the person bringing the action under this                  


19  section on that date, less any taxes, interest, penalties, and              


20  fees owed <<             >> on the property as of that date.  The           


21  right to sue for monetary damages under this subsection shall not           


22  be transferable except by testate or intestate succession.                  


23      (16) The owner of a property interest with notice of the                    


24  quiet title and foreclosure hearing under subsection (11) may not           


25  assert any of the following:                                                


26      (a) That notice to the owner was insufficient or inadequate                 


27  in any way because some other owner of a property interest in the           


1   property was not notified.                                                  


2       (b) That any right to redeem tax reverted property was                      


3   extended in any way because some other person was not notified.             


4       (17) A person holding or formerly holding an interest in tax                


5   reverted property subject to expedited foreclosure under this               


6   section is barred from questioning the validity of the expedited            


7   foreclosure under this section if 1 or more of the following                


8   apply:                                                                      


9       (a) Prior to the transfer of the property to the authority,                 


10  the property was deeded to this state under section 67a of the              


11  general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.67a, and the                 


12  person or the person's predecessor in title was notified of a               


13  hearing regarding the deeding of the property as required by                


14  section 131e of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206,                  


15  MCL 211.131e.                                                               


16      (b) Prior to the transfer of the property to the authority,                 


17  title to the property vested in a foreclosing governmental unit             


18  following a circuit court hearing under section 78k of the                  


19  general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78k, and the                 


20  person or the person's predecessor in title was notified of the             


21  hearing under section 78i of the general property tax act, 1893             


22  PA 206, MCL 211.78i.                                                        


23      (18) The failure of an authority to comply with any provision               


24  of this section shall not invalidate any proceeding under this              


25  section if a person with a property interest in property subject            


26  to foreclosure was accorded the minimum due process required                


27  under the state constitution of 1963 and the constitution of the            


1   United States.                                                              


2       (19) It is the intent of the legislature that the provisions                


3   of this section relating to the expedited quiet title and                   


4   foreclosure of property by an authority satisfy the minimum                 


5   requirements of due process required under the constitution of              


6   this state and the constitution of the United States but that the           


7   provisions do not create new rights beyond those required under             


8   the state constitution of 1963 or the constitution of the United            


9   States.  The failure of an authority, this state, a political               


10  subdivision of this state, or a local unit of government to                 


11  follow a requirement of this section relating to the expedited              


12  quiet title and foreclosure of property held by an authority                


13  shall not be construed to create a claim or cause of action                 


14  against an authority, this state, a political subdivision of this           


15  state, or a local unit of government unless the minimum                     


16  requirements of due process accorded under the state constitution           


17  of 1963 or the constitution of the United States are violated.              


18      (20) As used in this section, "authorized representative"                   


19  includes 1 or more of the following:                                        


20      (a) A title insurance company or agent licensed to conduct                  


21  business in this state.                                                     


22      (b) An attorney licensed to practice law in this state.                     


23      (c) A person accredited in land title search procedures by a                


24  nationally recognized organization in the field of land title               


25  searching.                                                                  


26      (d) A person with demonstrated experience in the field of                   


27  searching land title records, as determined by the authority.               

    House Bill No. 4483 as amended December 11, 2003                            

1       Sec. 10.  (1) If an authority has reason to believe that                    


2   property held by the authority may be the site of environmental             


3   contamination, the authority shall provide the department of                


4   environmental quality with any information in the possession of             


5   the authority that suggests that the property may be the site of            


6   environmental contamination.                                                


7       (2) If property held by an authority is a facility as defined               


8   under section 20101(1)(o) of the natural resources and                      


9   environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101, prior             


10  to the sale or transfer of the property under this section, the             


11  property is subject to all of the following:                                


12      (a) Upon reasonable written notice from the department of                   


13  environmental quality, the authority shall provide access to the            


14  department of environmental quality, its employees, its                     


15  contractors, and any other person expressly authorized by the               


16  department of environmental quality to conduct response                     


17  activities at the property.  Reasonable written notice under this           


18  subdivision may include, but is not limited to, notice by                   


19  electronic mail or facsimile, if the authority <<    >> consents to         


20  notice by electronic mail or facsimile prior to provision of                


21  notice by the department of environmental quality.                          


22      (b) If requested by the department of environmental quality                 


23  to protect public health, safety, and welfare or the environment,           


24  the authority shall grant an easement for access to conduct                 


25  response activities on the property as authorized under chapter 7           


26  of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994             


27  PA 451, MCL 324.20101 to 324.20302.                                         

    House Bill No. 4483 as amended December 11, 2003                            

1       (c) If requested by the department of environmental quality                 


2   to protect public health, safety, and welfare or the environment,           


3   the authority shall place and record deed restrictions on the               


4   property as authorized under chapter 7 of the natural resources             


5   and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101 to             


6   324.20302.                                                                  


7       (d) The department of environmental quality may place an                    


8   environmental lien on the property as authorized under section              


9   20138 of the natural resources and environmental protection act,            


10  1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20138.                                                 


11      (3) For purposes of part 201 of the natural resources and                   


12  environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20101 to                 


13  324.20142, an authority shall be considered a local unit of                 


14  government.  <<Except as provided under parts 111, 115, and 315 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11101 to 324.11153, 324.11501 to 324.11550, and 324.31501 to 324.31529,>> the acquisition or control of property                                                             

15  through tax delinquent forfeiture, foreclosure, or sale,                    


16  abandonment, court order, circumstances in which the authority              


17  has acquired title or control of the property under this act, or            


18  by a transfer of the property to the authority by this state, an            


19  agency or department of this state, or any local unit of                    


20  government of this state shall not subject the authority to                 


21  liability under the natural resources and environmental                     


22  protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106, unless the           


23  authority is responsible for an activity causing a release on the           


24  property <<or other activity giving rise to liability under the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106>>.  This subsection shall not be considered to restrict or            

25  diminish any protection from liability that is otherwise                    


26  available to the authority under the natural resources and                  


27  environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to                   


1   324.90106.                                                                  


2       Sec. 11.  (1) An authority may institute a civil action to                  


3   prevent, restrain, or enjoin the waste of or unlawful removal of            


4   any property from tax reverted property or other real property              


5   held by the authority.                                                      


6       (2) A circuit court may, on application, order the purchaser                


7   of any real property sold by an authority under this act in                 


8   possession of the property.                                                 


9       Sec. 12.  An authority shall be made a party to any action                  


10  or proceeding instituted for the purpose of setting aside title             


11  to property held by the authority, the sale of property by the              


12  authority, or an expedited foreclosure under section 9.  A                  


13  hearing in any such proceeding shall not be held until the                  


14  authority is served with process and proper proof of service is             


15  filed.                                                                      


16      Sec. 13.  Property of an authority is public property                       


17  devoted to an essential public and governmental function and                


18  purpose.  Income of the authority is considered to be for a                 


19  public and governmental purpose.  The property of the authority             


20  and its income and operation are exempt from all taxes and                  


21  special assessments of this state or a local unit of government             


22  of this state.  Bonds or notes issued by the authority, and the             


23  interest on and income from those bonds and notes, are exempt               


24  from all taxation of this state or a local unit of government.              


25      Sec. 14.  (1) This act shall be construed liberally to                      


26  effectuate the legislative intent and the purposes as complete              


27  and independent authorization for the performance of each and               


1   every act and thing authorized by this act, and all powers                  


2   granted shall be broadly interpreted to effectuate the intent and           


3   purposes and not as a limitation of powers.  In the exercise of             


4   its powers and duties under this act and its powers relating to             


5   property held by the authority, the authority shall have complete           


6   control as fully and completely as if it represented a private              


7   property owner and shall not be subject to restrictions imposed             


8   on the authority by the charter, ordinances, or resolutions of a            


9   local unit of government.                                                   


10      (2) Unless permitted by this act or approved by an authority,               


11  any restrictions, standards, conditions, or prerequisites of a              


12  city, village, township, or county otherwise applicable to an               


13  authority and enacted after the effective date of this act shall            


14  not apply to an authority.  This subsection is intended to                  


15  prohibit special local legislation or ordinances applicable                 


16  exclusively or primarily to an authority and not to exempt an               


17  authority from laws generally applicable to other persons or                


18  entities.                                                                   


19      (3) The provisions of this act apply notwithstanding any                    


20  resolution, ordinance, or charter provision to the contrary.                


21  This section is not intended to exempt an authority from local              


22  zoning or land use controls, including, but not limited to, those           


23  controls authorized under the city and village zoning act, 1921             


24  PA 207, MCL 125.581 to 125.600, the local historic districts act,           


25  1970 PA 169, MCL 399.201 to 399.215, or 1945 PA 344, MCL 125.71             


26  to 125.84.                                                                  


27      (4) The transfer to an authority of tax reverted property,                  


1   the title to which involuntarily vested in this state under                 


2   section 67a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL               


3   211.67a, in a foreclosing governmental unit under section 78m(7)            


4   of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.78m, or in            


5   a qualified city pursuant to procedures established under the               


6   charter or ordinances of the qualified city, shall be construed             


7   as an involuntary transfer of property to the authority.  After a           


8   transfer described in this subsection, the authority shall be               


9   deemed to have assumed any governmental immunity or other legal             


10  defenses of this state, the foreclosing governmental unit, or the           


11  local unit of government related to the property and the manner             


12  in which title to the property was held by this state or the                


13  local unit of government.                                                   


14      Sec. 15.  (1) The land bank fast track authority is created                 


15  as a public body corporate and politic within the department.               


16      (2) The state authority shall exercise its powers, duties,                  


17  functions, and responsibilities independently of the director of            


18  the department.  The budgeting, procurement, and related                    


19  administrative or management functions of the state authority               


20  shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the               


21  director of the department.  The state authority may contract               


22  with the department for the purpose of maintaining the rights and           


23  interests of the state authority.                                           


24      (3) Subject to available appropriations, if requested by the                


25  state authority, the department shall provide staff and other               


26  support to the state authority sufficient to carry out its                  


27  duties, powers, and responsibilities.                                       


1       (4) All departments and agencies of state government shall                  


2   provide full cooperation to the state authority in the                      


3   performance of its duties, powers, and responsibilities.                    


4       Sec. 16.  (1) The purposes, powers, and duties of the state                 


5   authority are vested in and shall be exercised by a board of                


6   directors.  The authority board shall consist of 7 members.  The            


7   governor shall appoint 4 residents of this state as members of              


8   the authority board.  The members of the authority board shall              


9   serve terms of 4 years.  In appointing the initial members of the           


10  authority board, the governor shall designate 2 to serve for 4              


11  years, 1 to serve for 3 years, and 1 to serve for 2 years.  All             


12  of the following shall also serve as members of the authority               


13  board:                                                                      


14      (a) The director of the department or his or her designee.                  


15      (b) The chief executive officer of the Michigan economic                    


16  development corporation or his or her designee.                             


17      (c) The executive director of the Michigan state housing                    


18  development authority or his or her designee.                               


19      (2) Upon appointment to the authority board under subsection                


20  (1) and upon the taking and filing of the constitutional oath of            


21  office prescribed in section 1 of article XI of the state                   


22  constitution of 1963, a member of the authority board shall enter           


23  the office and exercise the duties of the office.  A member of              


24  the authority board may be removed by the governor as provided in           


25  section 10 of article V of the state constitution of 1963.                  


26      (3) Regardless of the cause of a vacancy on the authority                   


27  board, the governor shall fill a vacancy in the office by                   


1   appointment in the same manner as an appointment under subsection           


2   (1).  A vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired            


3   term of the office.  A member of the authority board shall hold             


4   office until a successor has been appointed and qualified.                  


5       (4) The authority board shall elect a chairperson and a                     


6   vice-chairperson from among its members.  Members of the                    


7   authority board shall serve without compensation, but shall be              


8   reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses.                               


9       (5) A state officer or director who is a member of the                      


10  authority board may designate a representative from his or her              


11  department or agency as a voting member of the authority board              


12  for 1 or more meetings.                                                     


13      (6) A member of the authority board, officer, employee, or                  


14  agent of the state authority shall discharge the duties of his or           


15  her position in a nonpartisan manner, with good faith, and with             


16  that degree of diligence, care, and skill that an ordinarily                


17  prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances in a              


18  like position.  In discharging the duties of his or her position,           


19  a member of the authority board or an officer, employee, or                 


20  agent, when acting in good faith, may rely upon the opinion of              


21  counsel for the state authority, upon the report of an                      


22  independent appraiser selected with reasonable care by the board,           


23  or upon financial statements of the authority represented to the            


24  member of the authority board or officer, employee, or agent of             


25  the state authority to be correct by the president or the officer           


26  of the state authority having charge of its books or account, or            


27  stated in a written report by a certified public accountant or              


1   firm of certified public accountants fairly to reflect the                  


2   financial condition of the state authority.                                 


3       Sec. 17.  The governor shall appoint a person to serve as                   


4   the executive director of the state authority.  A member of the             


5   authority board is not eligible to hold the position of executive           


6   director.  Before entering upon the duties of his or her office,            


7   the executive director shall take and file the constitutional               


8   oath of office provided in section 1 of article XI of the state             


9   constitution of 1963.  Subject to the approval of the authority             


10  board, the executive director shall supervise, and be responsible           


11  for, the performance of the functions of the state authority                


12  under this act.  The executive director shall attend the meetings           


13  of the authority board and shall provide the authority board and            


14  the governing body of the state authority a regular report                  


15  describing the activities and financial condition of the state              


16  authority.  The executive director shall furnish the authority              


17  board with information or reports governing the operation of the            


18  state authority as the authority board requires.                            


19      Sec. 18.  (1) The land bank fast track fund is created under                


20  the jurisdiction and control of the state authority and may be              


21  administered to secure any notes and bonds of the state                     


22  authority.                                                                  


23      (2) The state authority may receive money or other assets                   


24  from any source for deposit into the fund.  The state authority             


25  shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund                    


26  investments.                                                                


27      (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


1   remain in the fund and shall not lapse to any other fund.                   


2       (4) The state authority shall expend money from the fund only               


3   for 1 or more of the following:                                             


4       (a) Costs to clear or quiet title to property held by the                   


5   state authority.                                                            


6       (b) To repay a loan made to the state authority under section               


7   2f of 1855 PA 105, MCL 21.142f.                                             


8       (c) Any other purposes provided in this act.                                


9       (5) The state authority shall deposit into the fund all money               


10  it receives from the sale or transfer of property under this act,           


11  subject to section 8.  The state authority shall credit to the              


12  fund the proceeds of the sale of notes or bonds to the extent               


13  provided for in the authorizing resolution of the state                     


14  authority, and any other money made available to the state                  


15  authority for the purposes of the fund.                                     


16      Sec. 19.  (1) The state authority may borrow money and issue                


17  bonds or notes for the following purposes:                                  


18      (a) To provide sufficient funds for achieving the state                     


19  authority's purposes and objectives or incident to and necessary            


20  or convenient to carry out the state authority's purposes and               


21  objectives, including necessary administrative costs.                       


22      (b) To refund bonds or notes of the state authority issued                  


23  under this act, by the issuance of new bonds, whether or not the            


24  bonds or notes to be refunded have matured or are subject to                


25  prior redemption or are to be paid, redeemed, or surrendered at             


26  the time of the issuance of the refunding bonds or notes; and to            


27  issue bonds or notes partly to refund the bonds or notes and                


1   partly for any other purpose provided for by this section.                  


2       (c) To pay the costs of issuance of bonds or notes under this               


3   act; to pay interest on bonds or notes becoming payable before              


4   the receipt of the first revenues available for payment of that             


5   interest as determined by the authority board; and to establish,            


6   in full or in part, a reserve for the payment of the principal              


7   and interest on the bonds or notes in the amount determined by              


8   the authority board.                                                        


9       (2) The bonds and notes, including, but not limited to,                     


10  commercial paper, shall be authorized by resolution adopted by              


11  the authority board, shall bear the date or dates, and shall                


12  mature at the time or times not exceeding 50 years from the date            


13  of issuance, as the resolution may provide.  The bonds and notes            


14  shall bear interest at the rate or rates as may be set, reset, or           


15  calculated from time to time, or may bear no interest, as                   


16  provided in the resolution.  The bonds and notes shall be in the            


17  denominations, be in the form, either coupon or registered, carry           


18  the registration privileges, be transferable, be executed in the            


19  manner, be payable in the medium of payment, at the place or                


20  places, and be subject to the terms of prior redemption at the              


21  option of the state authority or the holders of the bonds and               


22  notes as the resolution or resolutions may provide.  The bonds              


23  and notes of the state authority may be sold at public or private           


24  sale at the price or prices determined by the state authority.              


25  Bonds and notes may be sold at a discount.                                  


26      (3) Bonds or notes may be 1 or more of the following:                       


27      (a) Made the subject of a put or agreement to repurchase by                 


1   the state authority or others.                                              


2       (b) Secured by a letter of credit or by any other collateral                


3   that the resolution may authorize.                                          


4       (c) Reissued by the state authority once reacquired by the                  


5   state authority pursuant to any put or repurchase agreement.                


6       (4) The state authority may authorize by resolution any                     


7   member of the board to do 1 or more of the following:                       


8       (a) Sell and deliver, and receive payment for notes or                      


9   bonds.                                                                      


10      (b) Refund notes or bonds by the delivery of new notes or                   


11  bonds whether or not the notes or bonds to be refunded have                 


12  matured, are subject to prior redemption, or are to be paid,                


13  redeemed, or surrendered at the time of the issuance of refunding           


14  bonds or notes.                                                             


15      (c) Deliver notes or bonds, partly to refund notes or bonds                 


16  and partly for any other authorized purposes.                               


17      (d) Buy notes or bonds issued at not more than the face value               


18  of the notes or bonds.                                                      


19      (e) Approve interest rates or methods for fixing interest                   


20  rates, prices, discounts, maturities, principal amounts,                    


21  denominations, dates of issuance, interest payment dates,                   


22  redemption rights at the option of the state authority or the               


23  holder, the place of delivery and payment, and other matters and            


24  procedures necessary to complete the transactions authorized.               


25      (5) Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the                    


26  state authority, every issue of its notes or bonds shall be                 


27  general obligations of the state authority payable out of                   


1   revenues, properties, or money of the state authority, subject              


2   only to agreements with the holders of particular notes or bonds            


3   pledging particular receipts, revenues, properties, or money as             


4   security for the notes or bonds.                                            


5       (6) The notes or bonds of the state authority are negotiable                


6   instruments within the meaning of and for all the purposes of the           


7   uniform commercial code, 1962 PA 174, MCL 440.1101 to 440.11102,            


8   subject only to the provisions of the notes or bonds for                    


9   registration.                                                               


10      (7) Bonds or notes issued by the state authority are not                    


11  subject to the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL               


12  141.2101 to 141.2821.  The issuance of bonds and notes under this           


13  act is subject to the agency financing reporting act, 2002 PA               


14  470, MCL 129.171 to 129.177.  The bonds or notes issued by the              


15  state authority are not required to be registered.  A filing of a           


16  bond or note of the state authority is not required under the               


17  uniform securities act, 1964 PA 265, MCL 451.501 to 451.818.                


18      (8) A bond or note issued by the state authority shall                      


19  contain on its face a statement to the effect that the state                


20  authority is obligated to pay the principal of and the interest             


21  on the bond or note only from revenue or funds of the state                 


22  authority pledged for the payment of principal and interest and             


23  that this state is not obligated to pay that principal and                  


24  interest and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing               


25  power of this state is pledged to the payment of the principal of           


26  or the interest on the bond or note.                                        


27      Sec. 20.  (1) The state administrative board may transfer to                

    House Bill No. 4483 as amended December 11, 2003                            

1   the state authority tax reverted property owned or under control            


2   of this state, on terms and conditions the state administrative             


3   board considers appropriate and consistent with the provisions of           


4   this act.  <<A transfer of property by the state administrative board under this section is subject only to the terms and conditions imposed by the state administrative board and is not subject to section 2101 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.2101.>>                  

5       (2) The state administrative board shall transfer and convey                


6   to the state authority, subject to the conditions and                       


7   restrictions of this section, the surplus state real property               


8   described in this section, including all options, easements,                


9   rights-of-way, and all improvements to the property except as               


10  noted in this section.  All of the following described state                


11  surplus real property shall be transferred to the state authority           


12  under this section:                                                         


13      (a) Land in the City of Southgate, Wayne County, Michigan,                  


14  described as:  That part of the southwest 1/4 and of the                    


15  southeast 1/4 of section 35, town 3 south, range 10 east, City of           


16  Southgate, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as:                


17  Beginning at the south 1/4 corner of section 35, town 3 south,              


18  range 10 east; thence north 89 degrees 29 minutes 52 seconds west           


19  377.03 feet along the south line of said section 35; thence north           


20  00 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds east 1950.98 feet to centerline            


21  of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 63 degrees 23 minutes 08              


22  seconds east 15.60 feet along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain;           


23  thence south 37 degrees 03 minutes 54 seconds east 61.06 feet               


24  along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 54 degrees           


25  43 minutes 11 seconds east 78.36 feet along centerline of Frank             


26  and Poet Drain; thence south 50 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds               


27  east 47.65 feet along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence            


1   south 35 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds east 67.52 feet along                


2   centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 63 degrees 46              


3   minutes 49 seconds east 32.66 feet along centerline of Frank and            


4   Poet Drain; thence south 45 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds east              


5   71.96 feet along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south           


6   61 degrees 13 minutes 05 seconds east 61.73 feet along centerline           


7   of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 50 degrees 50 minutes 08              


8   seconds east 41.80 feet along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain;           


9   thence south 44 degrees 20 minutes 22 seconds east 33.12 feet               


10  along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 29 degrees           


11  37 minutes 15 seconds east 34.98 feet along centerline of Frank             


12  and Poet Drain; thence south 05 degrees 34 minutes 10 seconds               


13  east 49.66 feet along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence            


14  south 28 degrees 00 minutes 22 seconds west 36.63 feet along                


15  centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 33 degrees 24              


16  minutes 36 seconds east 119.14 feet along centerline of Frank and           


17  Poet Drain; thence north 67 degrees 59 minutes 35 seconds east              


18  50.70 feet along centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence north           


19  88 degrees 16 minutes 46 seconds east 484.63 feet along                     


20  centerline of Frank and Poet Drain; thence south 80 degrees 13              


21  minutes 42 seconds east 53.20 feet along centerline of Frank and            


22  Poet Drain to east line of west 1/2 of west 1/2 of southeast 1/4            


23  of section 35; thence north 00 degrees 07 minutes 12 seconds east           


24  106.82 feet along above noted east line; thence south 57 degrees            


25  15 minutes 29 seconds east 449.51 feet to south 1/16 line of                


26  section 35; thence north 89 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds west              


27  50.00 feet along south 1/16 line of section 35; thence south 00             


1   degrees 04 minutes 09 seconds west 1311.05 feet to south line of            


2   section 35; thence north 89 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds west              


3   989.22 feet along south line of section 35 to point of                      


4   beginning.                                                                  


5       (3) Proceeds from the sale of property transferred to the                   


6   state authority under this section shall be deposited in the fund           


7   and expended for purposes of this act.                                      


8       (4) The governor may direct a department or agency of this                  


9   state to prepare or record any documents necessary to evidence              


10  the transfer of property to the state authority under this                  


11  section.                                                                    


12      Sec. 21.  If the state authority has completed the purposes                 


13  for which it was organized, the authority board, by vote of at              


14  least 5 directors and with the written consent of the governor,             


15  may provide for the dissolution of the state authority and may              


16  provide for the transfer of any property held by the state                  


17  authority to another authority or state agency.  Upon the                   


18  dissolution of the state authority, any remaining balance in the            


19  fund shall be transferred to the general fund of this state.                


20      Sec. 22.  The state authority shall report biennially to the                


21  legislature on the activities of the state authority.                       


22      Sec. 23.  (1) An authority may enter into an                                


23  intergovernmental agreement with the Michigan economic                      


24  development corporation for the joint exercise of powers and                


25  duties under this act, of the powers and duties of the authority            


26  and the Michigan economic development corporation, and for the              


27  provision of economic development services related to the                   


1   activities of the authority.                                                


2       (2) An authority may enter into an intergovernmental                        


3   agreement with the Michigan state housing development authority             


4   for the joint exercise of powers and duties under this act, of              


5   the powers and duties of the authority and the Michigan state               


6   housing development authority, and for the provision of                     


7   redevelopment services related to the activities of the                     


8   authority.                                                                  


9       (3) A county, city, qualified city, township, or village may                


10  enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the state                    


11  authority providing for the transfer to the authority of tax                


12  reverted property held by the county, city, township, or village,           


13  for title clearance, for the disposition of the proceeds from the           


14  sale of the property, and for other activities authorized under             


15  this act, including the return or transfer of property under the            


16  control of the authority to the county, city, township, or                  


17  village.  An intergovernmental agreement under this subsection              


18  may not provide for a separate legal or administrative entity to            


19  administer or execute the agreement under section 7 of the urban            


20  cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.507.                  


21      (4) A county foreclosing governmental unit may, with the                    


22  approval of the board of commissioners for that county and, if              


23  that county has an elected county executive, with the concurrence           


24  of the elected county executive, enter into an intergovernmental            


25  agreement with the state authority providing for the exercise of            


26  the powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of an                   


27  authority under this act and for the creation of a county                   


1   authority to exercise those functions.  If a county authority is            


2   created under this subsection, the treasurer of the county shall            


3   be a member of the authority board.                                         


4       (5) A qualified city may enter into an intergovernmental                    


5   agreement with the state authority providing for the exercise of            


6   the powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of an                   


7   authority under this act and for the creation of a local                    


8   authority to exercise those functions.                                      


9       (6) An intergovernmental agreement under subsection (4) or                  


10  (5) shall provide for all of the following:                                 


11      (a) The incorporation of a county or local authority as a                   


12  public body corporate.                                                      


13      (b) The name of the authority.                                              


14      (c) The size of the initial governing body of the county or                 


15  local authority, which shall be composed of an odd number of                


16  members.                                                                    


17      (d) The qualifications, method of selection, and terms of                   


18  office of the initial board members.                                        


19      (e) A method for the adoption of articles of incorporation by               


20  the governing body of the county or local authority.                        


21      (f) A method for the distribution of proceeds from the                      


22  activities of the county or local authority.                                


23      (g) A method for the dissolution of the local or county                     


24  authority and for the withdrawal from the authority of any                  


25  governmental agencies involved.                                             


26      (h) Any other matters considered advisable by the                           


27  participating governmental agencies, consistent with this act.              


1       (7) If under the charter of a qualified city the qualified                  


2   city collects delinquent city real property taxes and does not              


3   return the delinquent taxes to the treasurer of the county in               


4   which the qualified city is located under the general property              


5   tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157, any of the following            


6   property held by the qualified city may be transferred to a local           


7   authority:                                                                  


8       (a) Tax delinquent real property for which a lien has been                  


9   deemed sold to a city department director under the charter or              


10  ordinances of the qualified city, except for property that was              


11  deeded to a department director less than 2 years before the                


12  proposed transfer to the local authority.                                   


13      (b) Tax delinquent real property held by the city that has                  


14  been foreclosed by the qualified city and for which title has               


15  vested in the city pursuant to procedures established under the             


16  charter or ordinances of the qualified city.                                


17      (c) Any tax reverted property owned or under the control of                 


18  the qualified city.                                                         


19      (8) A qualified city may authorize the transfer with or                     


20  without consideration of any real property or interest in real              


21  property to a local authority including, but not limited to, tax            


22  reverted property or interests in tax reverted property held or             


23  acquired after the creation of the local authority by the                   


24  qualified city, with the consent of the local authority.                    


25      (9) A qualified city and any agency or department of a                      


26  qualified city, or any other official public body, may do 1 or              


27  more of the following:                                                      


1       (a) Anything necessary or convenient to aid a local authority               


2   in fulfilling its purposes under this act.                                  


3       (b) Lend, grant, transfer, appropriate, or contribute funds                 


4   to a local authority in furtherance of its purposes.                        


5       (c) Lend, grant, transfer, or convey funds to a local                       


6   authority that are received from the federal government or this             


7   state or from any nongovernmental entity in aid of the purposes             


8   of this act.                                                                


9       (10) A local authority may reimburse advances made by a                     


10  qualified city under subsection (9) or by any other person for              


11  costs eligible to be incurred by the local authority with any               


12  source of revenue available for use of the local authority under            


13  this act and enter into agreements related to these                         


14  reimbursements.  A reimbursement agreement under this subsection            


15  is not subject to section 305 of the revised municipal finance              


16  act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2305.                                              


17      (11) A local authority may enter into agreements with the                   


18  county treasurer of the county in which the qualified city is               


19  located for the collection of property taxes or the enforcement             


20  and consolidation of tax liens within that qualified city for any           


21  property or interest in property transferred to the local                   


22  authority.                                                                  


23      (12) Unless specifically reserved or conditioned upon the                   


24  approval of the governing body of a qualified city, all powers              


25  granted under this act to a local authority may be exercised by             


26  the local authority without the approval of the governing body of           


27  the qualified city, notwithstanding any charter, ordinance, or              


1   resolution to the contrary.                                                 


2       (13) Prior to its effectiveness, an intergovernmental                       


3   agreement under this section shall be filed with the county clerk           


4   of each county where a party to the agreement is located and with           


5   the secretary of state.                                                     


6       Sec. 24.  (1) By resolution of its board, an authority                      


7   created under section 23 may borrow money and issue bonds and               


8   notes, subject to limitations set forth in this section, for the            


9   purpose of achieving the purposes of and objectives incident to             


10  and necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and                   


11  objectives of the authority, including, but not limited to,                 


12  necessary administrative and operational costs.  The bonds or               


13  notes shall mature in not more than 30 years and shall bear                 


14  interest and be sold and be payable in the manner and upon the              


15  terms and conditions determined, or within the parameters                   


16  specified, by the authority in the resolution authorizing                   


17  issuance of the bonds or notes.  The bonds or notes may include             


18  capitalized interest, an amount sufficient to fund costs of the             


19  issuance of the bonds or notes, and a sum to provide a reasonable           


20  reserve for payment of principal and interest on the bonds or               


21  notes.  Bonds or notes issued under this section are not subject            


22  to the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to           


23  141.2821.  The resolution authorizing the obligations shall                 


24  create a lien on revenues pledged by the resolution that shall be           


25  a statutory lien and shall be a first lien subject only to liens            


26  previously created.  The resolution may provide the terms upon              


27  which additional bonds or notes may be issued of equal standing             


1   and parity of lien as to revenues pledged under the resolution.             


2       (2) The qualified city or county which authorized the                       


3   formation of an authority under section 23 may by a majority vote           


4   of its governing body make a limited tax pledge to support the              


5   authority's bonds or notes, or if authorized by the voters of the           


6   qualified city or county, may pledge its unlimited tax full faith           


7   and credit for the payment of principal of and interest on the              


8   authority's bonds or notes.                                                 


9       (3) The bonds or notes issued under this section shall be                   


10  secured by 1 or more sources of revenue available to the                    


11  authority, as provided by resolution of the authority, including            


12  revenues available to the authority under the tax reverted                  


13  property clean title act.                                                   


14      (4) The bonds and notes of the authority may be invested in                 


15  by the state treasurer and all other public officers, state                 


16  agencies, and political subdivisions, insurance companies, banks,           


17  savings and loan associations, investment companies, and                    


18  fiduciaries and trustees, and may be deposited with and received            


19  by the state treasurer and all other public officers and the                


20  agencies and political subdivisions of this state for 1 or more             


21  of the purposes for which the deposit of bonds or notes is                  


22  authorized.  The authorization granted by this section is                   


23  supplemental and in addition to all other authority granted by              


24  law.                                                                        


25      (5) The net present value of the principal and interest to be               


26  paid on an obligation issued by or incurred by the authority to             


27  refund an obligation incurred under this section, including the             


1   cost of issuance, shall be less than the net present value of the           


2   principal and interest to be paid on the obligation being                   


3   refunded as calculated using a method approved by the department            


4   of treasury.                                                                


5       (6) An obligation issued by an authority under this section                 


6   shall not appreciate in principal amount or be sold at a discount           


7   of more than 10% unless the obligation of the authority is issued           


8   to this state, an agency of this state, the county, or the                  


9   qualifying city.                                                            


10      (7) Bonds and notes issued by an authority under this section               


11  and the interest on and income from the bonds and notes are                 


12  exempt from taxation by this state or a political subdivision of            


13  this state.                                                                 


14      (8) This section does not apply to a loan under section 2f of               


15  1855 PA 105, MCL 21.142f.                                                   


16      Enacting section 1.  The tax reverted property emergency                    


17  disposal act, 1999 PA 134, MCL 211.971 to 211.976, is repealed.             


18      Enacting section 2.  This act does not take effect unless                   


19  all of the following bills of the 92nd Legislature are enacted              


20  into law:                                                                   


21      (a) House Bill No. 4480.                                                    


22      (b) House Bill No. 4481.                                                    


23      (c) House Bill No. 4482.                                                    


24      (d) House Bill No. 4484.                                                    


25      (e) House Bill No. 4488.