
sans-serif">Senate Bill 361 (Substitute S-1)

Sponsor: Senator Jim Barcia

Committee: Appropriations

Date Completed: 5-16-03


The bill would amend Public Act 287 of 1969, which regulates pet shops, animal control shelters, and animal protection shelters, to increase the license application fee and to create a license renewal fee for pet shops

Under current law, a person operating a pet shop is required to obtain a license from the Michigan Department of Agriculture. “Pet shop” means a place where animals are sold or offered for sale, exchange, or transfer. Currently, a one-time license application fee of $150 is charged for a pet shop license.

The bill would increase the initial license application fee from $150 to $200 for a pet shop license and create a license renewal fee of $100. Beginning January 1, 2004, a pet shop license would be renewable by submitting an application and paying the proposed fee to the Department. A license issued before the effective date of the bill would not expire until December 31, 2003; however, a license issued less than 12 months prior to January 1, 2004, would be valid through December 31, 2004.

MCL 287.334 -


The bill would increase State revenues by an estimated $17,900 associated with the fee increases, according to the Department.

The Governor’s proposed fiscal year (FY) 2003-04 budget for the Department included an additional $23,100 in revenue associated with the fee increase for pet shops and proposed fee increases for animal control/protection shelters. This revenue replaced an equal amount of General Fund/General Purpose revenue appropriated to the Department’s Animal Health Program. The Senate did not concur with the Governor’s proposal in its entirety. Instead, the Senate recommendation (Senate Bill 288 (S-1)) assumed that the increases for pet shops would be enacted, but did not assume enactment of license fees for animal control shelters and animal protection shelters. The Senate version of the fee increases amounted to $17,900, or $5,200 less than the Governor’s proposal. The Senate did, however, remove the entire amount of General Fund/General Purpose appropriation for the Animal Health Program as recommended by the Governor.

 - Fiscal Analyst: Craig ThielSAS\S0304\s361sa

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.