Act No. 674
Public Acts of 2002
Approved by the Governor
December 25, 2002
Filed with the Secretary of State
December 26, 2002
EFFECTIVE DATE: March 31, 2003
Introduced by Reps. Tabor, Woronchak, Garza, Bob Brown, Toy, Anderson, Vander Veen, Lipsey, Neumann, Sheltrown, Zelenko, Kowall, George, Spade, DeRossett, Meyer, Gieleghem, Richardville, Patterson, Bovin, Hager, Gilbert, Caul and Hart
AN ACT to amend 1973 PA 116, entitled "An act to provide for the protection of children through the licensing and regulation of child care organizations; to provide for the establishment of standards of care for child care organizations; to prescribe powers and duties of certain departments of this state and adoption facilitators; to provide penalties; and to repeal acts and parts of acts," (MCL 722.111 to 722.128) by adding section 9.
The People of the State of Michigan enact:
Sec. 9. (1) A staff member shall not be present in a child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency if he or she has been convicted of either of the following:
(a) Child abuse or child neglect.
(b) A felony involving harm or threatened harm to an individual within the 10 years immediately preceding the date of hire.
(2) A volunteer shall not have unsupervised contact with children who are in the care of a child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency if he or she has been convicted of either of the following:
(a) Child abuse or child neglect.
(b) A felony involving harm or threatened harm to an individual within the 10 years immediately preceding the date of offering to volunteer at the child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency.
(3) Before a staff member or unsupervised volunteer may have contact with a child who is in the care of a child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency, the staff member or volunteer shall provide the child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency with documentation from the family independence agency that he or she has not been named in a central registry case as the perpetrator of child abuse or child neglect. For individuals who are employed by or volunteer at a child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency, the child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency shall comply with this subsection not later than the date on which that child care center's, child caring institution's, or child placing agency's license is issued or first renewed after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section. As used in this subsection, "child abuse" and "child neglect" mean those terms as defined in section 2 of the child protection law, 1975 PA 238, MCL 722.622.
(4) Each child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency shall establish and maintain a policy regarding supervision of volunteers including volunteers who are parents of a child receiving care at the child care center, child caring institution, or child placing agency.
Clerk of the House of Representatives.
Secretary of the Senate.