September 17, 2002, Introduced by Rep. Wojno and referred to the Committee on Family and Children Services. A bill to amend 1939 PA 280, entitled "The social welfare act," by amending sections 18a and 55a (MCL 400.18a and 400.55a), section 18a as amended by 1996 PA 12 and section 55a as amended by 1980 PA 251. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 18a. (1) A friend of the court CHILD incentive pay- 2 ment program is established in the state department. Except as 3 provided in subsection (2), the THE program shall consist of the 4 following activities: 5 (a) An annual determination of the gross amount of child 6 support payments collected by each office of the friend of the 7 court CHILD for families receiving aid to families with 8 dependent children, which amount is collected under the friend of 9 the court CHILD act, Act No. 294 of the Public Acts of 1982, 07684'02 f GWH 2 1 being sections 552.501 to 552.535 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 2 1982 PA 294, MCL 552.501 TO 552.535, or the support and parenting 3 time enforcement act, Act No. 295 of the Public Acts of 1982, 4 being sections 552.601 to 552.650 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 5 1982 PA 295, MCL 552.601 TO 552.650. 6 (b) The remitting of 3% of the amount determined under sub- 7 division (a) for an office, to the county treasurer for the 8 appropriate county or counties for deposit in the friend of the 9 court CHILD fund created in section 2530 of the revised judica- 10 ture act of 1961, Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, being 11 section 600.2530 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 1961 PA 236, 12 MCL 600.2530, if the county board of commissioners makes appro- 13 priations in accordance with that section. 14 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to any judicial circuit 15 in which the employees serving in the circuit court are employees 16 of the state judicial council. 17 (2) (3) The legislature annually shall appropriate to the 18 state department an amount equal to the amount required to be 19 remitted under subsection (1)(b). 20 Sec. 55a. (1) In determining the eligibility of an appli- 21 cant for general assistance, and before granting the assistance, 22 except temporary assistance pending disposition of the case, the 23 county and district departments of social services shall conform 24 to the following: 25 (a) Require each applicant entitled to alimony or separate 26 maintenance to seek the assistance of the friend of the court 27 CHILD. 07684'02 f 3 1 (b) Clear with the proper legal authorities the case of an 2 applicant who is deserted by his or her spouse to determine the 3 advisability of legal action to obtain support. 4 (c) If it is indicated that eligibility for benefits from 5 other programs such as unemployment compensation, old-age and 6 survivors insurance benefits, federal veterans' benefits, aid to 7 families with dependent children, or supplemental security income 8 exists, secure a clearance in writing with each appropriate 9 agency. 10 (d) Require an employable person to work on a work relief or 11 work training project, or other departmental-approved activity, 12 if available, in return for assistance given. A person partici- 13 pating in a work relief or work training project shall be enti- 14 tled to the benefits provided by Act No. 317 of the Public Acts 15 of 1969, as amended, being sections 418.101 to 418.941 of the 16 Michigan Compiled Laws THE WORKER'S DISABILITY COMPENSATION ACT 17 OF 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.101 TO 418.941. All work relief or 18 work training projects or other departmental-approved activities 19 authorized by this section shall be ARE subject to all of the 20 following conditions: 21 (i) Any A person required to work on an approved project 22 or activity, upon claiming to be physically incapable to work 23 when so assigned, shall be given a thorough medical examination 24 by competent medical authorities to ascertain his or her ability 25 to participate in the required project or activity. 26 (ii) Each person assigned to an approved project or activity 27 may be required to register for employment with the Michigan 07684'02 f 4 1 employment security commission, if the service is available, and 2 to investigate all bona fide employment opportunities. 3 (e) Determine that each employable applicant, mentally and 4 physically able to work, is not currently refusing to accept 5 available employment for which wages not less than the usual rate 6 paid by that employer for the particular kind of employment are 7 being offered. 8 (2) Any AN employable person who, without good cause, 9 fails to participate in an approved project or activity or to 10 accept available lawful employment for which wages, not less than 11 the usual rate paid by that employer for that particular kind of 12 employment are being offered, shall have his or her needs removed 13 from the general assistance grant and shall IS not be eligi- 14 ble for general assistance for 3 months. 15 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 16 effect unless Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 6317 17 (request no. 07684'02) of the 91st Legislature is enacted into 18 law. 07684'02 f Final page. GWH