May 7, 2002, Introduced by Reps. Caul, Tabor, DeRossett, Newell, Vander Veen, Raczkowski, George, Bisbee and Vear and referred to the Committee on Family and Children Services. A bill to amend 1947 PA 261, entitled "An act to authorize the board of supervisors in each of the counties of this state, now or hereafter having a population of 1,000,000 or more, to provide for and fix the compensation and prescribe the powers and duties of certain officers and employees of such county; and to provide for the deposit of funds by all county officers and officials with the county treasurer," by amending section 4 (MCL 45.454). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 4. The board of auditors of said county shall prepare 2 and provide said county treasurer, county clerk, register of 3 deeds, circuit court commissioners, prosecuting attorney, friend 4 of the court COURT FAMILY SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR, clerk of the 5 common pleas court, sheriff, and every other officer or official 6 whose salary in whole or in part is paid by the county and who, 7 in the course of his OR HER official duties, receives any funds 8 either public or private, with the proper books, blanks, and 04605'01 b * DGB 2 1 forms for the regular and systematic accounting of all moneys 2 MONEY received by them from whatever source, in order that every 3 officer and official shall maintain a system of accounting as 4 nearly uniform as may be practicable. Said board shall provide 5 each of said officers with blanks, each having a stub attached, 6 bound in book form and consecutively numbered, for all certifi- 7 cates or certified copies of records on which a fee is 8 collectible. Said blanks shall have entered on their face the 9 amount of the fee collected and for what purpose paid, and shall 10 be a record of the amounts collected by the officer issuing the 11 same. Said board of county auditors shall also have the power 12 and they are hereby authorized at least once each year or more 13 frequently if necessary to examine the books and accounts of the 14 county treasurer and other county officers, and they shall on 15 demand be exhibited to them by said officers. And as often as 16 said board may require, the accounts and vouchers of the said 17 county officers shall be audited and allowed by them, and after 18 the same shall have been audited by said board it shall not be 19 requisite that such accounts and vouchers be again audited by the 20 board of supervisors. 21 The board of auditors may, by resolution, provide rules and 22 regulations for: (1) the regular deposit of funds with the 23 county treasurer or other recognized depositories approved by the 24 board of auditors; and (2) for the method of disbursing or dis- 25 tributing private funds, by every officer or official whose 26 salary in whole or in part is paid by the county and who, in the 27 course of his OR HER official duties, receives any funds either 04605'01 b * 3 1 public or private. Whenever any moneys are MONEY IS paid to 2 the county treasurer by any officer or agent of said county, such 3 officer or agent shall take a duplicate receipt therefor, which 4 shall be filed in the office of said board. Said treasurer shall 5 on each day report to said board the moneys MONEY received by 6 him OR HER on that day, and after making his OR HER last report. 7 They shall keep an account of all moneys MONEY which may be 8 chargeable against the county treasurer and any other officer who 9 may receive any moneys MONEY belonging to the county, and shall 10 keep an account with said officers showing the amounts with which 11 they should be credited, and their accounts shall be so kept that 12 the financial affairs of the county may at any time be ascer- 13 tained by inspection of the books of said board. 14 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 15 effect unless Senate Bill No. ______ or House Bill No. 6011 16 (request no. 04605'01 *) of the 91st Legislature is enacted into 17 law. 04605'01 b * Final page. DGB