HOUSE BILL No. 5922 April 16, 2002, Introduced by Rep. Allen and referred to the Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety. A bill to repeal 1919 PA 149, entitled "An act to accept the requirements and benefits of an act of the sixty-fourth congress of the United States, approved February 23, 1917, known as the Smith-Hughes act, or Public Act No. 347, relating to appropriations to be made by the federal government to the several states for the support and control of instruction in agriculture, the trades, industries, and home economics, and for the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects; to desig- nate a state board of control for vocational education; to pro- vide for the proper custody and administration of funds received by the state from such appropriations; and to provide for appro- priations by the state and by local school authorities to meet the conditions of said act of congress," (MCL 395.1 to 395.10). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Enacting section 1. 1919 PA 149, MCL 395.1 to 395.10, is 2 repealed. 05314'01 Final page. FDD