HOUSE BILL No. 5908 April 16, 2002, Introduced by Rep. Stewart and referred to the Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety. A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled "The state school aid act of 1979," by amending section 61a (MCL 388.1661a), as amended by 2001 PA 121. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 61a. (1) From the appropriation in section 11, there 2 is allocated an amount not to exceed $31,027,600.00 each fiscal 3 year for 2000-2001, for 2001-2002, to reimburse on an added cost 4 basis districts, except for a district that served as the fiscal 5 agent for a vocational education consortium in the 1993-94 school 6 year, and secondary area vocational-technical education centers 7 for secondary-level vocational-technical education programs, 8 including parenthood education programs, according to rules 9 approved by the superintendent. Applications for participation 10 in the programs shall be submitted in the form prescribed by the 05294'01 * FDD 2 1 department OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT. The department OF CAREER 2 DEVELOPMENT shall determine the added cost for each 3 vocational-technical program area. The allocation of added cost 4 funds shall be based on the type of vocational-technical programs 5 provided, the number of pupils enrolled, and the length of the 6 training period provided, and shall not exceed 75% of the added 7 cost of any program. With the approval of the department OF 8 CAREER DEVELOPMENT, the board of a district maintaining a second- 9 ary vocational-technical education program may offer the program 10 for the period from the close of the school year until September 11 1. The program shall use existing facilities and shall be oper- 12 ated as prescribed by rules promulgated by the superintendent. 13 (2) Except for a district that served as the fiscal agent 14 for a vocational education consortium in the 1993-94 school year, 15 districts and intermediate districts shall be reimbursed for 16 local vocational administration, shared time vocational adminis- 17 tration, and career education planning district 18 vocational-technical administration. The definition of what con- 19 stitutes administration and reimbursement shall be pursuant to 20 guidelines adopted by the superintendent. Not more than 21 $800,000.00 of the allocation in subsection (1) shall be distrib- 22 uted under this subsection. 23 (3) From the allocation in subsection (1), there is allo- 24 cated an amount not to exceed $388,700.00 each fiscal year to 25 intermediate districts with constituent districts that had com- 26 bined state and local revenue per membership pupil in the 1994-95 27 state fiscal year of $6,500.00 or more, served as a fiscal agent 05294'01 * 3 1 for a state board designated area vocational education center in 2 the 1993-94 school year, and had an adjustment made to their 3 1994-95 combined state and local revenue per membership pupil 4 pursuant to section 20d. The payment under this subsection to 5 the intermediate district shall equal the amount of the alloca- 6 tion to the intermediate district for 1996-97 under this 7 subsection. 05294'01 * Final page. FDD