HOUSE BILL No. 5907 April 16, 2002, Introduced by Rep. Ruth Johnson and referred to the Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety. A bill to amend 1964 PA 232, entitled "Rehabilitation act of 1964," by amending the title and sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (MCL 395.82, 395.83, 395.84, 395.85, 395.86, 395.87, 395.88, and 395.89), section 2 as amended by 1998 PA 43 and section 4 as amended by 1985 PA 194. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 TITLE 2 An act to provide for educational and other needed services 3 through a vocational rehabilitation program for disabled persons; 4 to authorize an annual appropriation of funds for vocational 5 rehabilitation; to authorize thestate board of education6 DEPARTMENT OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT to administer such a program; to 7 provide for the proper custody and administration of funds 05295'01 FDD 2 1 received by the state from federal and other sources; and to 2 repealcertainacts and parts of acts. 3 Sec. 2. As used in this act: 4 (a)"State board""DEPARTMENT" means thestate board of5educationDEPARTMENT OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT. 6 (B) "DISABLED INDIVIDUAL" MEANS ANY PERSON, OTHER THAN A 7 PERSON WHO IS BLIND, WHO HAS A VOCATIONAL DISABILITY. 8 (C)(b)"Vocational disability" means any disability 9 except blindnesswhichTHAT constitutes, contributes to, or if 10 not corrected will probably result in an obstruction to occupa- 11 tional performance. 12(c) "Disabled individual" means any person, other than a13person who is blind, who has a vocational disability.14 (d) "Vocational rehabilitation" and "vocational rehabilita- 15 tion services" mean any educational or other needed services 16 including, but not limited to, determination of extent of dis- 17 ability, vocational diagnosis, vocational guidance, rehabilita- 18 tion training, medical services, transportation, maintenance, and 19 training books and materials, found to be necessary to compensate 20 a disabled individual for his or her vocational disability, and 21 to enable him or her to engage in a suitable occupation or to be 22 assisted into independent living. 23 Sec. 3. Thestate boardDEPARTMENT shall be the agency 24 responsible for the administration of the vocational rehabilita- 25 tion program under the provisions of this act,and shall make 26 all rules, regulations, and standards necessary.therefor, in27accordance with Act No. 88 of the Public Acts of 1943, as05295'01 3 1amended, being sections 24.71 to 24.82 of the Compiled Laws of21948, and subject to Act No. 197 of the Public Acts of 1952, as3amended, being sections 24.101 to 24.110 of the Compiled Laws of41948.TheboardDEPARTMENT shall employ the professional and 5 clerical staff itdeemsCONSIDERS necessary to carry out the 6 provisions of this act within the appropriations available for 7 this purpose. 8 Sec. 4. (1) Thestate boardDEPARTMENT shall provide 9 vocational rehabilitation services to disabled individuals deter- 10 mined eligible pursuant to rules promulgated by thestate board11 DEPARTMENT. TheboardDEPARTMENT may cooperate with other 12 public and private departments, agencies, and institutions to 13 provide for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled individu- 14 als, to study the problems involvedthereinIN THEIR VOCATIONAL 15 REHABILITATION, and may establish, develop, and provide any pro- 16 grams, facilities, and servicesas may benecessary. 17 (2) If an employer or carrier is responsible under applica- 18 ble state or federal worker's compensation law for the provision 19 of vocational rehabilitation services to an employee, and the 20 services are provided by thestate boardDEPARTMENT, thestate21boardDEPARTMENT shall collect fees from the responsible 22 employer or carrier in an amount equal to the full costs of pro- 23 viding the vocational rehabilitation services. 24 (3) If an insurer or self-insurer is responsible under 25 applicable state or federal auto insurance law for the provision 26 of vocational rehabilitation services to an injured person, and 27 the services are provided by thestate boardDEPARTMENT, the 05295'01 4 1state boardDEPARTMENT shall collect fees from the responsible 2 insurer or self-insurer in an amount equal to the full costs of 3 providing the vocational rehabilitation services. 4 (4) Thestate boardDEPARTMENT shall collect fees in an 5 amount equal to the full cost of providing vocational rehabilita- 6 tion services under any other state or federal law that estab- 7 lishes responsibility for the provision of vocational rehabilita- 8 tion services on a party other than the injured person unless 9 otherwise prohibited by an applicable statute. 10 (5) If thestate boardDEPARTMENT is requested to provide 11 vocational rehabilitation services to individuals not eligible 12 for services under the federal rehabilitation act, and the serv- 13 ices are provided by thestate boardDEPARTMENT, thestate14boardDEPARTMENT shall collect fees from the individual, agency, 15 or organization requesting the services in an amount equal to the 16 full costs of providing the vocational rehabilitation services. 17 (6) Thestate boardDEPARTMENT shall submit a report to 18 the senatelabor committeeandthehouselabor committee19 COMMITTEES THAT DEAL WITH EMPLOYMENT ISSUES by May 1, of each 20 odd-numbered year for the preceding 2 calendar years, which 21 REPORT shall indicate the extent of vocational rehabilitation 22 services provided, the amount of fees collected, and the source 23 of those fees. 24 Sec. 5. Thestate boardDEPARTMENT shall recommend annu- 25 ally the amount required to be appropriated bytheTHIS state 26 and reportthe sameTHAT AMOUNT to the governor and budget 05295'01 5 1 director. The legislature shall make an appropriation each year 2for carryingTO CARRY out the purposes of this act. 3 Sec. 6. Thestate boardDEPARTMENT, pursuant to 4 state-federal agreements, may cooperate with the federal govern- 5 ment in carrying out the purposes of any federal statutes per- 6 taining to vocational rehabilitation, and may adoptsuchANY 7 methods of administrationas are found to benecessary for the 8 proper and efficient operation of the agreements or plans for 9 vocational rehabilitation and to comply with ANY conditionsas10may benecessary to secure the full benefits of the federal 11 statutes. 12 Sec. 7. The state treasurer shall be the custodian of all 13 vocational rehabilitation funds received from the federal govern- 14 ment or other sources. The state treasurer shall make disburse- 15 ments from the funds and from all state funds available for voca- 16 tional rehabilitation purposes upon certification of thestate17boardDEPARTMENT in accordance with the accounting laws ofthe18 THIS state. 19 Sec. 8. Thestate boardDEPARTMENT may accept and use 20 gifts made by bequest or otherwise for carrying out the purposes 21 of this act. Gifts made under such conditions as in the judgment 22 of thestate boardDEPARTMENT are proper and consistent with 23 the provisions of this act may besoaccepted and shall be 24 held, invested, reinvested, and used in accordance with the con- 25 ditions of the gifts. 26 Sec. 9. Thestate boardDEPARTMENT shall make at the 27 close of each biennium a biennial report to the governor and to 05295'01 6 1 the legislature in regard to the administration of this act. The 2 report shall contain a statement of the expenditures of all 3moneysMONEY, both federal and state, for the purposes men- 4 tioned in this act. 05295'01 Final page. FDD