HOUSE BILL No. 4712 May 3, 2001, Introduced by Rep. Dennis and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy. A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled "The general property tax act," by amending section 124 (MCL 211.124); and to repeal acts and parts of acts. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 124. (1)From and after the passage of this act the2auditor generalSUBJECT TO SUBSECTION (5), THE DEPARTMENT OF 3 TREASURY shall perform all the duties in relation to taxes 4 levied, assessed, collected,andreturned AS delinquent, AND 5 sold or to be sold as requiredby this act: Provided,UNDER 6 SECTION 60. 7 (2) ItshallIS notbenecessary forhimTHE DEPART- 8 MENT OF TREASURY to sell or order resold, advertise or 9 re-advertise,andOR revise or renew any act done by any 10 officer or court underand by virtue of the said act heretofore02737'01 FDD 2 1mentioned in the preceding section, but allTHIS ACT. ALL such 2 proceedings and acts shall be recognized and held to be legal and 3 valid under this act, subject, however,tothe provisions of4 section 98.of this act.5 (3) In all caseswhereIN WHICH deeds have been issued by 6 county treasurers, anysuchdeeds ISSUED shall be valid,and7of suchWITH THE SAME force and effect as if issued by the 8auditor general, but the auditor generalDEPARTMENT OF 9 TREASURY. THE DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY may cancel any deedso10madeISSUED by any county treasurer,on the request of the 11 holderthereof,OF THE DEED and issue a new deed signed by the 12auditor general or his deputy asDEPARTMENT OF TREASURY AS 13 PROVIDED in this act.provided. And for14 (4) FOR alllandsPROPERTY advertised and sold by any 15 county treasurer underthe authority granted in said act before16mentioned, suchSECTION 60, THE advertisement and sale shall be 17 held legal and valid., but all such proceedings and allALL 18 SUBSEQUENT proceedingsnecessary to be had hereafter in relation19to such lands and taxesshall behad under the provisions of20 SUBJECT TO this act. 21 (5) THIS SECTION ONLY APPLIES TO TAXES LEVIED PRIOR TO 22 JANUARY 1, 1999 AND PROPERTY OFFERED FOR SALE PURSUANT TO SECTION 23 60. 24 Enacting section 1. Sections 88, 95, 104, 106, 115, 124, 25 130, 139, and 140 of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, 26 MCL 211.88, 211.95, 211.104, 211.106, 211.115, 211.124, 211.130, 27 211.139, and 211.140, are repealed effective December 31, 2003. 02737'01 Final page.