HOUSE BILL No. 4396 March 1, 2001, Introduced by Rep. Hart and referred to the Committee on Education. A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled "The revised school code," by amending section 1263 (MCL 380.1263), as amended by 1990 PA 159. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1263. (1) The board of a school district shall not 2 build a school upon a site without having prior title in fee to 3 the site, a lease for not less than 99 years, or a lease for not 4 less than 50 years from the United States government, or this 5 state, or a political subdivision of this state. 6 (2) The board of a school district shall not build a frame 7 school on a site for which it does not have a title in fee or a 8 lease for 50 years without securing the privilege of removing the 9 school. 00450'01 TAV 2 1 (3) The board of a school district shall not design or build 2 a school building to be used for instructional or 3 noninstructional school purposes or design and implement the 4 design for a school site unless the design or construction is in 5 compliance withAct No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1937, being6sections 388.851 to 388.855a of the Michigan Compiled Laws1937 7 PA 306, MCL 388.851 TO 388.855A. The superintendent of public 8 instruction has sole and exclusive jurisdiction over the review 9 and approval of plans and specifications for the construction, 10 reconstruction, or remodeling of school buildings used for 11 instructional or noninstructional school purposes and of site 12 plans for those school buildings. THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES 13 WHETHER OR NOT A SCHOOL BUILDING IS ALSO USED FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 00450'01 Final page. TAV