House Bill 6202

Sponsor: Rep. Sue Tabor

Committee: Family and Children Services

Complete to 6-13-02


The bill would amend the child care licensing act (Public Act 116 of 1973). Specifically, the bill would prohibit a staff member of a child care organization from being present in a child care facility if that person has been convicted of child abuse or neglect, or a felony involving the harm or threatened harm to another individual. The bill would also prohibit a volunteer from having contact with children in the care of a child care organization if he or she has been convicted of child abuse or neglect, or a felony involving harm or threatened harm to an individual.

Under the bill, a staff member or volunteer to have contact with a child in the care of a child care center only if the staff member or volunteer provided the child care organization with documentation from the Family Independence Agency (FIA) that he or she has not been placed on the Central Registry for child abuse or neglect. A volunteer who has been convicted of the above offenses, and who is a parent, could be permitted to have contact with a child in the care of the organization, if that organization has a written plan to supervise such parents.

MCL 722.119


Analyst: M. Wolf


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.