House Bill 6012
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce Patterson
House Bill 6013
Sponsor: Rep. Paul DeWeese
House Bill 6014
Sponsor: Rep. Sandra Caul
House Bill 6015
Sponsor: Rep. Sue Tabor
House Bill 6016
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Vear
House Bill 6017
Sponsor: Rep. Jason Allen
House Bill 6018
Sponsor: Rep. David Mead
House Bill 6019
Sponsor: Jerry O. Kooiman
House Bill 6021
Sponsor: Rep. Scott Hummel
House Bill 6022
Sponsor: Rep. Brian Palmer
House Bill 6023
Sponsor: Rep. Gene DeRossett
House Bill 6024
Sponsor: Rep. LaMar Lemmons III
House Bill 6025
Sponsor: Rep. Gary A. Newell
House Bill 6026
Sponsor: Rep. Ruth Johnson
House Bill 6027
Sponsor: Rep. Jerry Vander Roest
Committee: Family and Children Services
Complete to 5-8-02
The bills would amend various acts to replace references to the Friend of the Court, inserting instead references to the "Court Family Services Office", as that entity would be renamed under a package of legislation (also including House Bills 6004-6011, and 6020) that would also make various substantive changes concerning the collection of child support. The bills are tie-barred to House Bill 6011.
House Bill 6012 would amend the Support and Parenting Time Enforcement Act (MCL 552.602). In addition to the name references, the bill would add certain definitions and other provisions to conform to the changes proposed in House Bills 6004, 6006, and 6007.
House Bill 6013 would amend the L.E.I.N. Policy Council Act (MCL 28.214).
House Bill 6014 would amend Public Act 261 of 1947 (MCL 45.454), which concerns certain county officer salaries.
House Bill 6015 would amend Public Act 122 of 1941, the revenue act (MCL 205.28).
House Bill 6016 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MCL 257.221).
House Bill 6017 would amend the Social Welfare Act (MCL 400.18a and 400.55a).
House Bill 6018 would amend the McCauley-Traxler-Law-Bowman-McNeely Lottery Act (MCL 432.32).
House Bill 6019 would amend the Insurance Code (MCL 500.3406h).
House Bill 6021 would amend the Interstate Income Withholding Act (MCL 552.673 et al.).
House Bill 6022 would amend the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (MCL 552.1312).
House Bill 6023 would amend the Child Custody Act (MCL 722.27 et al.).
House Bill 6024 would amend the Paternity Act (MCL 722.714 et al.).
House Bill 6025 would amend the Michigan Penal Code (MCL 750.165).
House Bill 6026 would amend the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (MCL 780.153a et al.).
House Bill 6027 would amend the emancipation of minors act, Public Act 293 of 1968 (MCL 722.3).
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.