House Bill 5051
Sponsor: Rep. Paul Gieleghem
Committee: Conservation and Outdoor Recreation
Complete to 11-8-01
The 1998 Clean Michigan Initiative bond proposal authorized the state to borrow up to $675 million and issue general obligation bonds to finance environmental and natural resources protection programs. The bill would add a new section (MCL 324.19615a) to the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) to require that the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) submit a plan for reporting on the expenditure of the proceeds of the bonds.
Required Actions. Under the bill the DEQ would have to submit a plan by March 1, 2002, for reporting on the expenditure of the bond proceeds. The plan would have to be submitted to the Senate and House appropriations committees and the Senate and House standing committees with jurisdiction over issues primarily related to natural resources and the environment. It would have to contain a proposal for the preparation and distribution of reports on the expenditures, and would be issued beginning in 2003 and every five years thereafter, until all bond proceeds had been expended. The plan would also have to provide for a final report, which would be issued within one year after all bond proceeds had been expended.
Reports. The required reports would have to be issued to the appropriate committees, and would include at least all of the following:
· A cumulative update on the progress and accomplishments attributable to the expenditure of bond proceeds.
· The amount of bonds sold.
· The amount of bond proceeds expended.
· The number of, and locations of, sites in which bond proceeds had been expended.
· The number of, and locations of, sites that had been redeveloped with bond proceeds.
· A summary of the data collected by the department, or collected from recipients, of grants or loans for projects funded with bond proceeds.
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.