SENATE BILL NO. 174 January 28, 1999, Introduced by Senator STILLE and referred to the Committee on Local, Urban and State Affairs. A bill to amend 1921 PA 207, entitled "City and village zoning act," by amending the title and section 3 (MCL 125.583), the title as amended by 1996 PA 571. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 TITLE 2 AN ACT to provide for the establishment in cities and vil- 3 lages of districts or zones within which the use of land and 4 structures and the height, area, size, and location of buildings 5 may be regulated by ordinance, and for which districts regula- 6 tions shall be established for the light and ventilation of those 7 buildings, and for which districts or zones the density of popu- 8 lation AND THE SIZE AND DENSITY OF LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND may 9 be regulated by ordinance; to designate the use of certain state 10 licensed residential facilities; to provide by ordinance for the 01482'99 TMV 2 1 acquisition by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise of private 2 property that does not conform to the regulations and restric- 3 tions of the various zones or districts provided; to provide for 4 the administering of this act; to provide for amendments, supple- 5 ments, or changes in zoning ordinances, zones, or districts; to 6 provide for conflict with the state housing code or other acts, 7 ordinances, or regulations;to provide sanctions for the viola-8tion of this act;to authorize the purchase of development 9 rights; to authorize the issuance of bonds and notes;andto 10 provide for special assessments; AND TO PROVIDE FOR PENALTIES, 11 CIVIL SANCTIONS, AND REMEDIES. 12 Sec. 3. (1) To further carry out the objectives of this 13 act, the legislative body of a city or village maylimit and14restrictDO EITHER OR BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING: 15 (A) LIMIT the maximum number of families which may be housed 16 in dwellings,erected or alteredand for those purposes divide 17 the city or village into districts of the number, shape, and area 18 considered best suited to carry out the purposes of this 19 section. 20 (B) REGULATE THE SIZE OF LOTS AND PARCELS AND THE DENSITY OF 21 LOTS AND PARCELS. 22 (2) The regulations shall be uniform throughout a specified 23 district, but may differ from the regulations adopted for other 24 districts. 25 (3)(2)The legislative body of a city or village may use 26 this act to adopt land development regulations and districts 27whichTHAT apply only to land areas and activitieswhichTHAT 01482'99 3 1 are involved in a special program to achieve specific land 2 management objectives and avert or solve specific land use prob- 3 lems, including the establishment of land development regulations 4 and districts in areas subject to damage from flooding or beach 5 erosion., and for that purposeTHE REGULATIONS may divide the 6 city or village into districts of the number, shape, and area 7 best suited to accomplish those objectives. 01482'99 Final page. TMV