November 9, 2000, Introduced by Reps. Birkholz, Jellema, Lockwood, Scranton, Godchaux, LaForge, Richner, Byl, Rivet, Hart and LaSata and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy. A bill to amend 1943 PA 184, entitled "Township zoning act," by amending section 3 (MCL 125.273). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 3. (1) The zoning ordinance shall be based upon a plan 2 designed to promote the public health, safety, and general wel- 3 fare; to encourage the use of lands in accordance with their 4 character and adaptability, and to limit the improper use of 5 land; to conserve natural resources and energy; to meet the needs 6 of the state's residents for food, fiber, and other natural 7 resources, places of residence, recreation, industry, trade, 8 service, and other uses of land; to insure ENSURE that uses of 9 the land shall be ARE situated in appropriate locations and 10 relationships; to avoid the overcrowding of population; to 11 provide adequate light and air; to lessen congestion on the 06472'00 b TMV 2 1 public roads and streets; to reduce hazards to life and property; 2 to facilitate adequate provision for a system of transportation, 3 sewage disposal, safe and adequate water supply, education, rec- 4 reation, and other public requirements; and to conserve the 5 expenditure of funds for public improvements and services to con- 6 form with the most advantageous uses of land, resources, and 7 properties. 8 (2) THE PLAN UPON WHICH THE ZONING ORDINANCE IS BASED SHALL 9 BE 1 OF THE FOLLOWING: 10 (A) A MUNICIPAL PLAN OR JOINT MUNICIPAL PLAN THAT HAS BEEN 11 CONSENTED TO BY ALL REVIEWING ENTITIES AND ADOPTED UNDER THE 12 COORDINATED PLANNING ACT. 13 (B) UNTIL 7 YEARS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE COORDI- 14 NATED PLANNING ACT, A PLAN ADOPTED UNDER 1931 PA 285, MCL 125.31 15 TO 125.45, OR 1959 PA 168, MCL 125.321 TO 125.333. 16 (C) UNTIL 7 YEARS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE COORDI- 17 NATED PLANNING ACT, ANY OTHER PLAN ADOPTED TO PROMOTE AND ACCOM- 18 PLISH THE PURPOSES OF THIS ACT. 19 (3) IF A ZONING ORDINANCE DOES NOT SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS 20 OF SUBSECTION (2), THE ZONING ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE PRESUMED TO 21 BE VALID. 22 (4) The zoning ordinance shall be made with reasonable con- 23 sideration, among other things, to the character of each 24 district, ; its peculiar suitability for particular uses, ; 25 the conservation of property values and natural resources, ; 26 and the general and appropriate trend and character of land, 27 building, and population development. 06472'00 b 3 1 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 2 effect unless Senate Bill No. ______ or House Bill No. 6124 3 (request no. 06472'00) of the 90th Legislature is enacted into 4 law. 06472'00 b Final page. TMV