September 27, 2000, Introduced by Reps. Birkholz, Stamas, Jelinek, Jellema, Geiger, Jansen, Rick Johnson, Howell, Caul, Scranton, LaForge, Kelly, Pestka, Byl and Godchaux and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. A bill to amend 1966 PA 331, entitled "Community college act of 1966," by amending sections 54, 57, 61, 62, and 63 (MCL 389.54, 389.57, 389.61, 389.62, and 389.63). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 54. (1) The A community college district shall be 2 IS directed and governed by a board of trustees, consisting of 3 7 members EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SUBSECTION (5), elected at large 4 in the proposed community college area TERRITORY OF THE DIS- 5 TRICT OR PROPOSED DISTRICT on a nonpartisan basis. At the orga- 6 nizational election, there shall be elected THE ELECTORS SHALL 7 ELECT 3 members for 6-year terms, 2 for 4-year terms, and 2 for 8 2-year terms. Thereafter, their successors shall be elected to 9 serve AFTER THE INITIAL TERMS, THE ELECTORS SHALL ELECT MEMBERS 10 for 6-year terms. 07092'00 * DAM 2 1 (2) When the IF AN organizational election is held at the 2 same time as the AN annual school election, the term of office 3 of each member elected shall commence on July 1 following the 4 organizational election. 5 (3) When the AN organizational election is held on a date 6 other than the date of the AN annual school election, each 7 board member shall take office on the fifteenth day following the 8 date of the organizational election. Regular terms of office 9 shall commence on July 1 following the next annual school 10 election. When IF the organizational election is held on a 11 date other than the annual election date of the component school 12 districts, the first year of the term of office of each of the 13 members elected to the first board of trustees shall extend for 14 the period of time remaining until July 1 following the date of 15 the annual election of the component districts held not less than 16 1 year nor more than 2 years from the date of the organizational 17 election. 18 (4) The term of office of the members of the board of 19 trustees of a community college district organized in the manner 20 provided in this chapter before April 22, 1965 shall be until 21 July 1 following the first regular community college election at 22 which there shall be elected 2 members for 2 years, 2 for 4 years 23 and 3 for 6 years; thereafter, their successors shall be elected 24 to serve for 6-year terms. In a community college district orga- 25 nized in the manner provided in this chapter before the effective 26 date of this act, and having 6 members on the board of trustees, 07092'00 * 3 1 an additional member shall be elected at the next regular 2 community college election for a term of 6 years. 3 (4) IF A CONTIGUOUS COUNTY IS ANNEXED TO A COMMUNITY COLLEGE 4 DISTRICT UNDER THIS CHAPTER, THE ELECTORS OF THE ANNEXED COUNTY 5 SHALL ELECT 2 ADDITIONAL MEMBERS TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 6 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, ELECTED AT LARGE IN THE ANNEXED 7 COUNTY ON A NONPARTISAN BASIS FOR A TERM OF 6 YEARS. THE TERM OF 8 OFFICE OF AN ADDITIONAL MEMBER SHALL COMMENCE 15 DAYS AFTER THE 9 DATE OF HIS OR HER ELECTION, AT EITHER A GENERAL ELECTION OR A 10 SPECIAL ELECTION OF THE ANNEXED COUNTY HELD WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF 11 THE ELECTION APPROVING OF THE ANNEXATION. EACH ADDITIONAL 12 MEMBER, AND HIS OR HER REPLACEMENT IF A VACANCY OCCURS DURING THE 13 6-YEAR TERM, SHALL BE AN ELECTOR OF THE ANNEXED COUNTY. AFTER 14 THE INITIAL 6-YEAR TERM, THE 2 ADDITIONAL BOARD POSITIONS ARE 15 ABOLISHED, AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SHALL CONSIST OF 7 MEMBERS, 16 ELECTED AS PROVIDED IN SUBSECTION (1). 17 Sec. 57. The results of any election from the several 18 school districts shall be canvassed THE BOARDS OF CANVASSERS OF 19 THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS WHOSE ELECTORS ARE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IN AN 20 ELECTION SHALL CONDUCT A CANVASS OF THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION 21 within 3 days of the election. by the boards of canvassers of 22 the districts. The final canvass of the results of the FOR AN 23 organizational election, shall be made by the board of canvass- 24 ers of the intermediate school district having the highest valua- 25 tion within the proposed community college district SHALL CONDUCT 26 THE FINAL CANVASS. The final canvass of the results of any FOR 27 A community college district election except the OTHER THAN AN 07092'00 * 4 1 organizational election, shall be made by EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE 2 PROVIDED IN THIS CHAPTER, the board of canvassers appointed by 3 the board of trustees of the community college SHALL CONDUCT THE 4 FINAL CANVASS. 5 Sec. 61. (1) The board of trustees by resolution may annex 6 to the A community college district any contiguous intermediate 7 school district, or contiguous local school district, OR CONTI- 8 GUOUS COUNTY not already included within a community college 9 district. area. 10 (2) The board of trustees shall obtain the approval of the 11 proposed annexation from the state board of education 12 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Upon receipt of the 13 approval, the secretary of the board of trustees shall file cer- 14 tified copies of the annexation resolution and the approval with 15 the secretary of the INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL board of education of 16 the intermediate school district to be annexed, or with the 17 secretary of the board of education of the local school district 18 to be annexed, OR WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY TO BE 19 ANNEXED, AS APPLICABLE. 20 Sec. 62. (1) In the annexation of a local school district, 21 if the resolution and approval are filed with the secretary more 22 than 90 days before the date of the annual election of the dis- 23 trict to be annexed, the board of education of the district shall 24 call a special election for voting on the propositions of 25 annexation. If the resolution and approval are filed more than 26 20 days but less than 90 days prior to the date of the annual 27 election of the district to be annexed, the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF 07092'00 * 5 1 THE DISTRICT SHALL SUBMIT annexation propositions shall be 2 submitted to the electors at the annual election. 3 (2) In the annexation of an intermediate school district, 4 the secretary of the INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL board of education of 5 the INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL district in writing shall direct the 6 board of education of each component school district to provide 7 for the submission of SUBMIT the annexation propositions to the 8 electors of the school district. The A SCHOOL DISTRICT SHALL 9 HOLD THE election shall be held at the time of the annual 10 school elections if notification is given more than 20 but less 11 than 90 days prior to BEFORE the annual election date. , oth- 12 erwise, each OTHERWISE, A board of education shall call a spe- 13 cial election, for this purpose TO CONSIDER THE ANNEXATION 14 PROPOSITIONS, on a date specified by the secretary of the inter- 15 mediate SCHOOL board. of education. 16 (3) IN THE ANNEXATION OF A COUNTY, IF THE RESOLUTION AND 17 APPROVAL ARE FILED 90 DAYS OR MORE, OR 20 DAYS OR LESS, BEFORE 18 THE DATE OF THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION, THEN THE COUNTY BOARD OF 19 COMMISSIONERS SHALL CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION WITHIN THE COUNTY TO 20 CONSIDER THE ANNEXATION PROPOSITIONS. IF THE RESOLUTION AND 21 APPROVAL ARE FILED LESS THAN 90 DAYS BUT MORE THAN 20 DAYS BEFORE 22 THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION, THEN THE ANNEXATION PROPOSITIONS SHALL 23 BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY AT THAT ELECTION. 24 Sec. 63. (1) At the AN annexation election, the electors 25 shall vote on the propositions of annexation to the community 26 college district and the adoption of the maximum annual tax rate 27 of the community college district. Annexation is effective on 07092'00 * 6 1 the date of the election if both propositions receive majority 2 approval of the electors voting thereon ON THE PROPOSITIONS. 3 By virtue of annexation, a school district heretofore or hereaf- 4 ter annexed shall be UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THE APPROVED 5 ANNEXATION PROPOSITIONS, A SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 6 DISTRICT, OR COUNTY ANNEXED IS subject to taxes levied for prin- 7 cipal and interest of outstanding bonded indebtedness of the com- 8 munity college district. 9 (2) If any portion of an intermediate school district, or 10 of a local school district, OR COUNTY to be annexed lies within 11 a community college district at the time of the annexation elec- 12 tion, the electors residing in such THAT territory shall be 13 ARE excluded from voting on the propositions and such THE ter- 14 ritory shall DOES not become a part of the community college 15 district. 16 (3) Final IN AN ANNEXATION OF A SCHOOL DISTRICT OR INTER- 17 MEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT, THE results of the annexation election 18 shall be canvassed as provided in section 57. IN AN ANNEXATION 19 OF A COUNTY, THE FINAL RESULTS OF THE ANNEXATION ELECTION SHALL 20 BE CANVASSED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS FOR THAT COUNTY. 07092'00 * Final page. DAM