September 26, 2000, Introduced by Rep. Scranton and referred to the Committee on Transportation. A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled "Michigan vehicle code," by amending section 684 (MCL 257.684). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 684. (1) (a) Every EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 694 2 WITH RESPECT TO PARKED VEHICLES, A vehicle upon a highway within 3 this state at any time from a half hour after sunset to a half 4 hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not suf- 5 ficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles 6 on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead shall display 7 lighted lamps and illuminating devices as hereinafter 8 respectively required IN THIS ACT for different classes of vehi- 9 cles , subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles as 10 hereinafter stated. AT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING TIMES: 06951'00 JJG 2 1 (A) FROM 1/2 HOUR AFTER SUNSET TO 1/2 HOUR BEFORE SUNRISE. 2 (B) WHEN THERE IS NOT SUFFICIENT LIGHT TO RENDER CLEARLY 3 DISCERNIBLE PERSONS AND VEHICLES ON THE HIGHWAY AT A DISTANCE OF 4 500 FEET AHEAD. 5 (C) WHEN WEATHER CONDITIONS REQUIRE THE OPERATION OF THE 6 WINDSHIELD WIPERS. 7 (2) When lighted lamps and illuminated devices are required 8 by law, no A vehicle shall NOT be operated upon any highway of 9 this state with only the parking lights illuminated on the front 10 of the vehicle. 11 (3) (b) Whenever IF A requirement is hereinafter 12 declared PROVIDED IN THIS ACT as to the distance from which cer- 13 tain lamps and devices shall render objects visible or within 14 which such lamps or devices shall be visible, said provisions 15 shall apply THE REQUIREMENT APPLIES during the times stated in 16 paragraph (a) of this section SUBSECTION (1) upon a straight, 17 level, unlighted highway under normal atmospheric conditions 18 unless a different time or condition is expressly stated. 19 (4) (c) Whenever IF A requirement is hereinafter 20 declared PROVIDED IN THIS ACT as to the mounted height of lamps 21 or devices, it shall mean THE REQUIREMENT SHALL BE CALCULATED 22 BY MEASURING from the center of such THE lamp or device to the 23 level ground upon which the vehicle stands when such THE vehi- 24 cle is without a load. 06951'00 Final page. JJG