HOUSE BILL No. 5943 September 26, 2000, Introduced by Rep. Jamnick and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy. A bill to amend 1943 PA 184, entitled "Township zoning act," by amending sections 9 and 14 (MCL 125.279 and 125.284). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 9. (1) Before submitting its recommendations of a ten- 2 tative zoning ordinance to the township BOARD, the township 3 zoning board shall holdnot less thanAT LEAST 1 public hearing 4, notice of whichON THE TENTATIVE ZONING ORDINANCE. THE TOWN- 5 SHIP ZONING BOARD SHALL GIVE NOTICE OF THE hearingshall be6givenby 2 publications in a newspaper of general circulation in 7 the township., the first to be printedTHE FIRST PUBLICATION 8 SHALL BE not more than3040 daysnorAND NOT less than209 30 days and the second not more than 8 days before the date of 10 the hearing. 06775'00 TMV 2 1 (2)NotTHE TOWNSHIP ZONING BOARD SHALL ALSO GIVE NOT less 2 than 20 days' notice of the time and place of the hearingshall3also be givenby mail to each electric, gas, pipeline, and tele- 4 phone public utility company,and to each railroad operating 5 within the district or zone affected, that registers its name and 6 mailing address with the township zoningcommissionBOARD for 7 the purpose of receiving the notice. 8 (3)An affidavit of mailing shall be maintained.The 9 notices UNDER THIS SECTION shall include the places and times at 10 which the tentative text and any maps of the zoning ordinance may 11 be examined. 12 (4) THE TOWNSHIP ZONING BOARD SHALL MAKE AN AFFIDAVIT OF 13 MAILING FOR EACH MAILING UNDER THIS SECTION. 14 Sec. 14. (1) Amendments or supplements totheA zoning 15 ordinancemay be madeSHALL BE ADOPTED in the same manner as 16provided in this act for the enactment ofthe original ZONING 17 ordinance.IfHOWEVER, IF an individual property or several 18 adjacent properties are proposed for rezoning, the township 19 zoning board shall give a notice of the proposed rezoning to the 20 owner of the property in question, to all persons to whom any 21 real property within 300 feet of thepremisesPROPERTY in ques- 22 tion is assessed, and to the occupants of all single and 2-family 23 dwellings within 300 feet. 24 (2) The notice shall be deliveredpersonally or by mailto 25 the respective owners and tenants at the address given in the 26 last assessment roll. If the tenant's name is not known, the 27term "occupant" may be usedNOTICE MAY BE ADDRESSED TO THE 06775'00 3 1 "OCCUPANT". If the notice is delivered by mail, an affidavit of 2 mailing shall be filed with the zoning board before the hearing. 3 The notice shall bemadeMAILED OR PERSONALLY DELIVERED not 4 less than815 days before the hearing provided by section 9 5statingAND SHALL STATE the time, place, date, and purpose of 6 the hearing. 7 (3) An amendmentfor the purpose of conformingTO MAKE a 8 provision of the zoning ordinance CONFORM to the decree of a 9 courtof competent jurisdictionas to any specific lands may be 10 adopted by the township board and the notice of the adopted 11 amendment published without referring the amendment to any other 12 board or agency provided for in this act. 06775'00 Final page. TMV