HOUSE BILL No. 5896 June 20, 2000, Introduced by Rep. DeWeese amd referred to the Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety. A bill to amend 1978 PA 90, entitled "Youth employment standards act," by amending section 19 (MCL 409.119). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 19. (1) This act shall not apply to or prohibit a 2 minor from engaging in ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: 3 (a) Domestic work or chores in connection with A private 4residencesRESIDENCE. 5 (b) Soliciting, distributing, selling, or offering for sale 6 newspapers, magazines, periodicals, political, or advertising 7 matter. 8 (c) Shoe shining. 9 (d) Services performed asmembersA MEMBER of A recognized 10 youth orientedorganizationsORGANIZATION thatareIS engaged 11 in citizenship training and character building, if the services 06464'00 FDD 2 1 are not intended to replace employees in occupations for which 2 workers are ordinarily paid. 3 (e) Employment in a business owned and operated by the 4 parent or guardian of the minor. For the purposes of this subdi- 5 vision, a businessshall beIS considered to be owned by the 6 parent or guardian OF THE MINOR if the parent or guardian is 7 either the sole owner, partner, or stockholder in the business 8 andshall beA BUSINESS IS considered to be operated by the 9 parent or guardian OF THE MINOR if he or she devotes substan- 10 tially all of his or her working hours to the operation of the 11 business. 12 (f) Farm work if the employment is not in violation of a 13 standard established by the department of labor. Farm work means 14 the work activity designated inmajor groups 01 and 02 of the15standard industrial classification manual, United States bureau16of the budget, 1972 editionSECTOR 11 - AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, 17 FISHING, AND HUNTING, OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICA- 18 TION SYSTEM - UNITED STATES, 1997, PUBLISHED BY THE OFFICE OF 19 MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. Farm work includes any practices per- 20 formed on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction withsuch21 farming operations, including preparation for market AND delivery 22 to storage,ormarket, ortocarriers fortransportation23 TRANSPORT to market. 24 (g) Employment by a school, academy, or college in which the 25studentminor14 years of age or olderis enrolled IF THE 26 MINOR IS 14 YEARS OLD OR OLDER. 06464'00 3 1 (H) CONSTRUCTION WORK OR OPERATIONS PERFORMED AS AN UNPAID 2 VOLUNTEER, IF THE CONSTRUCTION WORK OR OPERATIONS ARE PERFORMED 3 UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION FOR A CHARITABLE HOUSING ORGANIZATION. 4 AS USED IN THIS SUBDIVISION: 5 (i) "CONSTRUCTION WORK OR OPERATIONS" MEANS THOSE ACTIVITIES 6 INCLUDED IN SECTOR 23 - CONSTRUCTION, OF THE NORTH AMERICAN 7 INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, UNITED STATES, 1997, PUBLISHED BY 8 THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. CONSTRUCTION WORK OR OPERA- 9 TIONS INCLUDE THE REPAIR OR CLEANUP OF A CONSTRUCTION SITE. 10 (ii) "CHARITABLE HOUSING ORGANIZATION" MEANS A NONPROFIT 11 CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF WHICH IS THE CON- 12 STRUCTION OR RENOVATION OF RESIDENTIAL HOUSING FOR CONVEYANCE TO 13 A LOW-INCOME PERSON. 14 (iii) "FAMILY INCOME" AND "STATEWIDE MEDIAN GROSS INCOME" 15 MEAN THOSE TERMS AS DEFINED IN SECTION 11 OF THE STATE HOUSING 16 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT OF 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1411. 17 (iv) "LOW-INCOME PERSON" MEANS A PERSON WITH A FAMILY INCOME 18 OF NOT MORE THAN 60% OF THE STATEWIDE MEDIAN GROSS INCOME. 19 (2) If a minor is required by law to attend school, the work 20 may only be performed outside of school hours, unless the minor 21 IS enrolled and employed under a work-related educational 22 program. 06464'00 Final page. FDD