HOUSE BILL No. 5000 October 14, 1999, Introduced by Rep. Callahan and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform. A bill to amend 1945 PA 109, entitled "An act to protect and promote the public health and welfare and to enable boards of supervisors of certain counties to acquire, own, construct, establish, maintain and operate hospitals, county general hospitals, sanatoria and other institutions for the treatment of persons suffering from contagious and infectious diseases and for the treatment of indigent persons suffering from any physical ailment or impairment, and for temporary detention of mentally ill patients, both non-indigent and indigent, to authorize emergency treatment for emergency cases, to levy a tax therefor, appoint hospital trustees, authorize operation of hos- pitals by boards of county institutions, provide suitable means for the care of such afflicted persons, to limit the liability of counties maintaining such hospitals in respect to such cases, and to repeal acts inconsistent herewith," by amending section 12a (MCL 331.212a). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 12a. (1)It shall be competent and lawful for the2board of supervisors of any county in this state now or hereafter3havingTHE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR A COUNTY WITH a 4 population of more than 1,000,000 as determined by the latestof04079'99 LTB 2 1each succeedingfederal decennial censustoMAY acquire, own, 2 construct, establish, maintain, and operate,in the same manner3and by the same meansasisprovidedbyIN this act forthe4acquisition, construction, establishment, maintenance and opera-5tion ofother hospitals authorized by this act, a county general 6 hospital for the treatment of persons suffering from contagious 7 and infectious diseases,andfor the treatment of indigent per- 8 sons suffering fromanyA physical ailment or impairment, and 9 for the emergency treatment ofanyA person who,in10emergency,through accident or illness, would ordinarily be in 11 danger of loss of life or serious bodily impairment., includ-12ing persons hospitalized under the provisions of Act No. 267 of13the Public Acts of 1915, as amended, being sections 404.101 to14404.112, inclusive, of the Compiled Laws of 1948.15 (2)The board of supervisors, in the case of construction16of suchIF CONSTRUCTING A county general hospital, THE COUNTY 17 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS shall designate the siteon which such18 WHERE THE county general hospitalshall beIS placed. The 19 COUNTY board ofsupervisorsCOMMISSIONERS shall also determine 20 the sumor sumsof money to be appropriatedfor the acquisi-21tion, ownership, construction, establishment and maintenance of22saidTO ACQUIRE, OWN, CONSTRUCT, ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN, AND OPER- 23 ATE THE county general hospital,and foroperational and24 equipment purposes.In any25 (3) EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS SUBSECTION, IF A 26 countyhavingWITH a population of more than 1,000,000, as 27 determined by the latestof each succeedingfederal decennial 04079'99 3 1 census, maintainingor which shall hereafter maintain a county2infirmary,A county hospital or institution operated by a board 3 of county institutions appointed pursuant to the provisions of 4 section 55 ofAct No. 280 of the Public Acts of 1939, as5amended, being section 400.55 of the Compiled Laws of 1948THE 6 SOCIAL WELFARE ACT, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.55, thesaidboard of 7 county institutionsshall have and exerciseHAS direction, con- 8 trol, and supervision oversuchTHE county general hospital or 9 institution, subject toanydirection, ordinance, or resolution 10 of the COUNTY board ofsupervisors: Provided, That in counties11havingCOMMISSIONERS. IN A COUNTY WITH a population of more 12 than 1,000,000, as determined by the latestof each succeeding13 federal decennial census,where Act No. 370 of the Public Acts14of 1941, as amended, being sections 38.401 to 38.427, inclusive,15of the Compiled Laws of 1948,IN WHICH 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.401 16 TO 38.428, is in force,suchTHE medical superintendent, physi- 17 cians, nurses, and other employees shall be employed pursuant to 18 the provisions ofsaid act1941 PA 370, MCL 38.401 TO 38.428. 19There may also be maintained by said20 (4) A county general hospital, under the direction and con- 21 trol of the COUNTY board ofsupervisors, out-patient22 COMMISSIONERS, MAY ALSO MAINTAIN OUTPATIENT facilities for the 23 treatment of indigent persons suffering from contagious and 24 infectious diseases and other types of illness,upon suchUNDER 25 THE terms and conditionsas shall be fixedESTABLISHED by the 26saidmedical superintendent, with the approval of the board of 27 county institutions. 04079'99 4 1 (5)All claimsA CLAIM againsttheA hospital 2 ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS SECTION shall be submitted to the board of 3 county institutions, and, if approved,shall beIS subject to 4 audit by the COUNTY board ofsupervisorsCOMMISSIONERS, or by 5 the board of county auditors incounties havingA COUNTY WITH a 6 board of county auditors.SaidTHE board of county institu- 7 tions shall present to the COUNTY board ofsupervisors8 COMMISSIONERS, orin counties having a board of county9auditors,to the board of county auditors, an estimate of the 10 funds necessary to be raised insuchTHE county for the ensuing 11 year. 12 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 13 effect unless all of the following bills of the 90th Legislature 14 are enacted into law: 15 (a) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 5001(request 16 no. 04079'99 a). 17 (b) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 5002(request 18 no. 04079'99 b). 19 (c) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 5003(request 20 no. 04079'99 c). 21 (d) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 5004(request 22 no. 04079'99 d). 04079'99 Final page. LTB