April 20, 1999, Introduced by Reps. DeVuyst, Vear, Green, Spade, Woronchak and Caul and referred to the Committee on Transportation. A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled "Michigan vehicle code," by amending section 629e (MCL 257.629e), as amended by 1991 PA 163. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 629e. (1) In addition to any fine or cost ordered to 2 be paid under this act, and in addition to any assessment levied 3 under section 907, the judge, district or municipal court refer- 4 ee, or district or municipal court magistrate shall levy a high- 5 way safety assessment of $5.00 and a secondary road patrol and 6 training assessment of $5.00 $10.00 for each civil infraction 7 determination for a moving violation. Upon payment of the 8 assessments, the clerk of the court shall transmit the 9 assessments levied to the department of treasury. The state 10 treasurer shall deposit the revenue received pursuant to UNDER 02650'99 TJS 2 1 this subsection in the highway safety fund and in the secondary 2 road patrol and training fund, and shall report annually to the 3 legislature all revenues received and disbursed under this 4 section. An assessment levied under this subsection shall not be 5 considered a civil fine for purposes of section 909. 6 (2) A highway safety fund and a secondary road patrol and 7 training fund are created in the department of treasury. The 8 funds shall be administered by the department of state police. 9 Money collected under subsection (1) shall be deposited in the 10 respective funds as provided in subsection (1). The money depos- 11 ited in the highway safety fund shall serve as a supplement to, 12 and not as a replacement for, the funds budgeted for the depart- 13 ment of state police. on the effective date of the amendatory 14 act that added this section. The money in the highway safety 15 fund shall be used by the department of state police for the 16 employment of additional state police enlisted personnel to 17 enforce the traffic laws on the highways and freeways of this 18 state. The money in the secondary road patrol and training fund 19 shall be used for secondary road patrol and traffic accident 20 grants pursuant to section 77 of chapter 14 of the revised stat- 21 utes of 1846, being section 51.77 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 22 1846 RS 14, MCL 51.77, and for grants under section 14 of the 23 Michigan law enforcement officers training council act of 1965, 24 Act No. 203 of the Public Acts of 1965, being section 28.614 of 25 the Michigan Compiled Laws COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STAN- 26 DARDS ACT, 1965 PA 203, MCL 28.614. The department of state 02650'99 3 1 police shall report annually to the legislature all revenues 2 received and disbursed under this section. 02650'99 Final page. TJS