HOUSE BILL No. 4173 February 9, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Bogardus, Minore, Neumann, Gieleghem, Rivet, Martinez, Spade, Brater, Schauer, Quarles, Hale, Basham, Bovin and Thomas and referred to the Committee on Education. A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled "The revised school code," by amending section 1525 (MCL 380.1525), as amended by 1995 PA 289. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1525. (1) Funds appropriated by the legislature to 2 support professional development and education shall be allocated 3 substantially as follows: 4 (a) Twenty percent to the department. 5 (b) Fifteen percent to intermediate school districts on an 6 equal amount per pupil basis based on the memberships of constit- 7 uent districts. 8 (c) Sixty-five percent to school districts on an equal 9 amount per pupil basis. 00734'99 TAV 2 1 (2) The funds described in subsection (1) may be used for 2 the following: 3 (a) Professional development programs for administrators and 4 teachers. These programs shall emphasize the improvement of 5 teaching and pupils' learning of academic core curriculum 6objectivesCONTENT STANDARDS, as measured by Michigan educa- 7 tional assessment program and othercriterion - reference8 assessments; collaborative decision making; site-based manage- 9 ment; the process of school improvement; instructional leader- 10 ship; and the use of data and assessment instruments, INCLUDING 11 MEAP TESTS AND THE ASSESSMENTS USED FOR STATE ENDORSEMENT UNDER 12 SECTION 1279, TO IDENTIFY PUPILS WHO NEED ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE 13 AND to improve teaching and learning for all pupils. 14 (b) A biennial education policy leadership institute. The 15 state board shall organize and convene a biennial education 16 policy leadership institute for the governor, the lieutenant gov- 17 ernor, the state board, the state superintendent, the legisla- 18 ture, and the presidents of the state board approved teacher edu- 19 cation institutions, and the staff of each as may be considered 20 appropriate, to examine the most current public education policy 21 issues and initiatives and the appropriate role of policy 22 leaders. 23 (c) A statewide academy for school leadership established by 24 the state board. 25 (d) Community leadership development. The state board, in 26 conjunction with intermediate school districts, shall conduct a 00734'99 3 1 leadership development training program in each school district 2 for members of the community. 3 (e) Promotion of high educational standards. The state 4 board, in collaboration with the business community and educa- 5 tors, shall coordinate and assist in the promotion of a statewide 6 public education and information program concerning the need to 7 achieve world class educational standards in the public schools 8 of this state. 9 (f) Sabbatical leaves. School districts shall provide sab- 10 batical leaves for up to 1 academic year for selected master 11 teachers who aid in professional development. 12 (g) Any other purpose authorized in the appropriation for 13 professional development in the state school aid act of 1979. 14 (3) BEGINNING IN THE 1999-2000 STATE FISCAL YEAR, THE LEGIS- 15 LATURE SHALL APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVEL- 16 OPMENT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING FOR TEACHERS CONCERNING ALL OF THE 17 FOLLOWING: 18 (A) TEACHING PUPILS THE LOCALLY ADOPTED CORE CURRICULUM, AS 19 DESCRIBED UNDER SECTION 1278, BASED UPON MICHIGAN CONTENT 20 STANDARDS. 21 (B) THE ASSESSMENTS USED FOR STATE ENDORSEMENT UNDER 22 SECTION 1279 AND PROVIDING PUPILS WITH THE SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE 23 REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE STATE ENDORSEMENT UNDER SECTION 1279. 24 (4)(3)In order to receive professional development fund- 25 ing described insubsection (1)THIS SECTION, each school dis- 26 trict and intermediate school district shall prepare and submit 00734'99 4 1 to the state board for approval an annual professional 2 development plan. 3 (5)(4)The state board may disapprove for state funding 4 proposed professional development that the state board finds to 5 be 1 or more of the following: 6 (a) Not in furtherance of core academic curriculum needs. 7 (b) Not constituting serious, informed innovation. 8 (c) Of generally inferior overall quality or depth regard- 9 less of who sponsors or conducts the education or training. 10 (d) Not complying with the requirements of section 1526. 00734'99 Final page. TAV