HOUSE BILL No. 4026 January 26, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Shackleton, Richner, Allen, Bradstreet and Cameron Brown and referred to the Committee on Constitutional Law and Ethics. A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled "Michigan campaign finance act," by amending section 16 (MCL 169.216), as amended by 1992 PA 188. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 16. (1) A filing official shall make a statement or 2 report required to be filed under this act available for public 3 inspection and reproduction, commencing as soon as practicable, 4 but not later than the third business day following the day on 5 which it is received, during regular business hours of the filing 6 official. 7 (2) A copy of a statement or part of a statement shall be 8 provided by a filing official at a reasonable charge. 9 (3) A statement open to the public under this act shall not 10 be used for any commercial purpose. 00092'99 KKR 2 1 (4)A statement of organization filed under this act shall2be preserved by the filing official for 5 years from the official3date of the committee's dissolution. A statement or report filed4under this act by a candidate for an office with a term exceeding54 years shall be preserved by the filing official for 1 year6beyond that candidate's term of office. Any other statement or7report filed under this act shall be preserved by the filing8official for 5 years from the date the filing occurred.A FILING 9 OFFICIAL SHALL PRESERVE ALL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS FILED WITH 10 THAT FILING OFFICIAL UNDER THIS ACT. Statements and reports filed 11 under this act may be reproduced pursuant to the records media 12 act, 1992 PA 116, MCL 24.401 TO 24.403.After the required pre-13servation period, the statements and reports, or the reproduc-14tions of the statements and reports, shall be destroyed.15 (5) A charge shall not be collected by a filing official for 16 the filing of a required statement or report or for a form upon 17 which the statement or report is to be prepared, except a late 18 filing fee required by this act. 19 (6) A filing official shall determine whether a statement or 20 report filed under this act complies, on its face, with the 21 requirements of this act and the rules promulgated under this 22 act. The filing official shall determine whether a statement or 23 report that is required to be filed under this act is in fact 24 filed. Within 4 business days after the deadline for filing a 25 statement or report under this act, the filing official shall 26 give notice to the filer by registered mail of an error or 27 omission in the statement or report and give notice to a person 00092'99 3 1 the filing official has reason to believe is a person required to 2 and who failed to file a statement or report. A failure to give 3 notice by the filing official under this subsection is not a 4 defense to a criminal action against the person required to 5 file. 6 (7) Within 9 business days after the report or statement is 7 required to be filed, the filer shall make any corrections in the 8 statement or report filed with the appropriate filing official. 9 If the report or statement was not filed, then it shall be late 10 filed within 9 business days after the time it was required to be 11 filed and shall be subject to late filing fees. 12 (8) After 9 business days and before 12 business days have 13 expired after the deadline for filing the statement or report, 14 the filing official shall report errors or omissions that were 15 not corrected and failures to file to the attorney general. 16 (9) A statement or report required to be filed under this 17 act shall be filed not later than 5 p.m. of the day in which it 18 is required to be filed. A preelection statement or report due 19 on July 25 or October 25 under section 33 that is postmarked by 20 registered or certified mail, or sent by express mail or other 21 overnight delivery service, at least 2 days before the deadline 22 for filing is filed within the prescribed time regardless of when 23 it is actually delivered. Any other statement or report required 24 to be filed under this act that is postmarked by registered or 25 certified mail or sent by express mail or other overnight deliv- 26 ery service on or before the deadline for filing is filed within 27 the prescribed time regardless of when it is actually delivered. 00092'99