House Bill 4780 (Substitute H-3 as reported without amendment)
Sponsor: Representative Paul DeWeese
House Committee: Health Policy
Senate Committee: Health Policy
The bill would amend the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act to require the Department of Consumer and Industry Services (DCIS) and the Department of Community Health (DCH) jointly to conduct a study of practices and procedures in the health care workplace related to needle safety. The DCIS would have to provide needle safety training opportunities to employers on needle safety in the health care workplace, through the Department's safety education training program.
Under the bill, a "health care workplace" would be a licensed health care facility or any other facility in which health care services were provided.
The bill would be repealed two years after its enactment. The bill is tie-barred to House Bill 4621, which would amend the Act to prohibit certain employers from permitting an employee to use a needle that was not a needleless system, or that was not engineered with sharps injury protection.
Proposed MCL 408.1024b - Legislative Analyst: G. Towne
The Departments of Community Health and Consumer and Industry Services would incur the costs of conducting a study of practices and procedures in the health care workplace related to needle safety. The cost of this bill would be influenced by the scope and extensiveness of the study. As the bill provides no guidelines regarding how the study would have to be conducted, the fiscal impact is indeterminate.
The bill also would require the DCIS to offer training on needle safety. The training would be funded through the grant process by which all training through the Safety Education Training (SET) Program is done. These grants would be awarded from the SET Fund.
The bill should have no fiscal impact on local government.
Date Completed: 9-21-00 - Fiscal Analyst: D. Patterson
- M. TyszkiewiczFloor\hb4780 - Bill Analysis @
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.