Senate Bill 960 (as introduced 2-3-00)
Sponsor: Senator Bill Bullard, Jr.
Committee: Transportation and Tourism
Date Completed: 3-14-00
The bill would amend the Pupil Transportation Act to provide that each school bus manufactured for use in this State after January 1, 2001, would have to be equipped with an automatic fire suppression system.
"Automatic fire suppression system" would mean a system for fighting fires on a school bus that was capable of being activated whether or not the engine was running, and would include the following:
-- An engine compartment protected by a vehicle thematic fire extinguisher with NAF S-III liquid clean agent.
-- A system activated by a quartzoid thermal release bulb spray nozzle preset at 286 degrees Fahrenheit that was mounted downwind from potential ignition points and connected to a steel canister capable of holding a sufficient amount of liquid vaporizing suppressant to protect the fire hazard area of the bus.
-- A noncorrosive fire suppressant that did not leave any residue after discharge.
-- A fire suppressant canister equipped with a pressure gauge that monitored the status of the canister's charge.
Proposed MCL 257.1826 - Legislative Analyst: S. Lowe
The bill would have no fiscal impact on the State.
The extra cost that would be built into the cost of all new buses would have to be paid by local school districts from unrestricted funds. Currently, the purchase of school buses is paid for primarily from the revenues received by school districts via their foundation allowance grants.
- Fiscal Analyst: J. CarrascoS9900\s960sa
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.